Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1562: exchange

Horses have no nightgrass and fat, and people have no wealth or wealth.

Although Fang Qingshan took a great risk this time, he could hardly return.

But the gains are also huge. It is also unprecedented. Of course, it is not counted to get three third-level top treasures in the Taoist secret library. Because that's just the martial reward.

Then again, if Fang Qingshan is willing to quickly upgrade the eternal Tianzhou grade, not to mention the promotion to the eternal level, but now the promotion to immortality, even the ancient class is not a big problem.

After all, in general, the eternal furnace unit below the supreme level only needs to be incorporated into the innate spiritual treasure, and the supreme level only needs to be incorporated into the innate treasure.

Good guy, when Fang Qingshan was below the supreme level, he had already incorporated the congenital treasure, even the broken chaotic Lingbao.

At the supreme level, even Chaos Lingbao, even the God Emperor's highest treasure.

If so, in order to keep improving, every piece of treasure that is integrated not only requires high grade, but also needs special effects.

For example, the money that was lost in the past is not only effective, but it is also the mother money of money. Karma fire lotus, defense unparalleled, karma fire attack, is even more strange, on some special occasions, it is even more disadvantageous.

It is because of this that it has led to the slow promotion of the eternal sky boat. Now Fang Qingshan is about to break through the emperor, and the eternal sky boat has not even reached the supreme peak.

However, if Fang Qingshan lowers the requirements, the speed of promotion will be faster, but the eternal sky boat will not be able to mutate, and the supreme level will compete with immortality, even the emperor.

One peck and one drink, one gain and one loss, has its own set.

And overall, although it is much slower and more difficult, it has not dragged Fang Qingshan's hind legs, and the final result is also good.

However, the promotion is difficult and the speed is slow. This time, it will be greatly improved.

After all, this time, Fang Qingshan got a lot of treasures. In addition to the eyes of the last Fa, the third-level treasure treasures obtained by Chang Liushui, Duan Wei, and the three leaders were as many as dozens.

Although the quality of these treasures is uneven, the high level has three levels of top and the low level has three levels of junior.

The most important thing is that there is no one. The quality of the treasure can be compared with the eye of the last law, even the third-level top sword in the hand of Chang Liushui.

But this does not mean that they are defective.

After all, it has been said for a long time, although the third level treasure is the standard configuration of the **** emperor level.

However, many God Emperors are not equipped with Level III Arcana at all, and they are still using Level II Arcana, although those are new to the Emperor.

But even the old-fashioned **** emperor, not many can be used at the third-grade top grade.

Therefore, it is self-evident that the supreme value of this third-level top-level, one third-level top-level, six third-level top-level, and five third-level lower-level top-of-the-line items is naturally high.

Of course, Fang Qingshan despises them, and will not be used to integrate into the eternal sky boat, but whether it is swallowed by mosquitoes or used for trading.

Not to mention that there are many good things in Yimenduobao Pavilion, and even the secret library, that is, there are many opportunities in the hands of many disciples.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan is confident that he can accumulate the eternal units needed.

After all, the supreme-level eternal skyboat has only seven eternal **** furnace units, and now it has been integrated into the dormant beads, and the eye of the last law has already reserved a position, and the remaining only have five vacancies.

Fang Qingshan now has one third-level top, one third-level top, six three-third top, and five three-level lower-ends, totaling thirteen top-level treasures, to redeem five special third-level top-level treasures. Not a big problem.

Moreover, because of the selection of three top-level top treasures in the Taoist secret library.

Therefore, after being promoted to immortality, the eternal sky boat can also move towards ancient times at the fastest speed.

As for the eternal level after that, that is not what Fang Qingshan can now reach.

After all, according to his integration, at the eternal level, he needs to integrate at least four treasures.

The fourth-level treasure is a first-class treasure no matter where it is placed. It suppresses one side's forces. Think of Taoism, there are only two on the bright side.

And the eternal sky boat, the magic furnace unit, even if it is not mutated, there are three vacancies.

Think of it and feel scalp tingling.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan is also open-minded or big-hearted. This kind of trouble is just thinking about in his head and leaving it behind, or wait until he is promoted forever.

Doble Court!

After finishing his own harvest, Fang Qingshan came here again without hesitation.

This time, I don't want to go to the secret library through Duobao Pavilion.

Although the secret library is also open, everyone is allowed to exchange.

But this time Fang Qingshan did not lock his target in the secret library.

After all, in the end the things in the secret library are too valuable, and it depends on luck.

Of course, the main thing is that this time he came to Duobao Pavilion, in fact, he was dealing with a batch of unused, and not too precious treasures. So you can exchange Taoist value, then go to the meritorious spirit, go to the Taoist list to practice.

It stands to reason that Fang Qingshan has eternal blessings, and there is no need for such martial arts.

However, this time, Fang Qingshan hurt the source and needed to consume eternal blessings to make up for the foundation.

Besides, in the Italian list, in addition to enlightenment, it contains all the Taoism that began in the Taoist Yimen School. If you can enlighten one or two, although it is not as comprehensive as that of the Emperor of God, but for Fang Qingshan The God Emperor's Articles of the Enlightenment Taoism is also very helpful.

Because Fang Qingshan was here to redeem Taoist value, he didn't bother with a lot of money.

But ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ because he has too many things to redeem, even though the 13 third-level treasures have been excluded, the value is still inestimable, so in the end, it still inevitably shocked the whole lot. Treasure Pavilion.

After all, what Fang Qingshan took out had three early **** emperors, one late **** emperor, and one half of his peak.

Ordinary deacons were frightened directly, mainly because there were too many people, one person couldn't get around, and they didn't have so much power to use so many ideological values. Therefore, in the end, it was a lot of money.

"Hey, who I said, it turned out to be your kid."

Qian Duoduo came out and saw Fang Qingshan at a glance. The tired look was relieved. After all, not to mention a lot of things recently, it was the pressure that made even a lot of money at the peak of God Emperor a little tired.

"Good guy, your boy is making a fortune."

Looking at what Fang Qingshan brought out, even a lot of money was taken aback.

It is his vision and net worth that are not indispensable.

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