Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1564: enter

The so-called is seeking for wealth insurance.

This sentence is considered to be a famous saying.

The more dangerous the place, the more good things are.

First of all, since it is dangerous, there must be something that can threaten it greatly, whether it is a beast or a natural disaster.

Regardless of whether it is a beast or a natural disaster, these things can be transformed into resources.

There are no useless resources, only resources that will not be used.

And the more dangerous the place, the fewer people go. The so-called monk has more meat and fewer people, and there are more people. Fewer people, more natural things.

However, time and space are somewhat different, not the degree of danger, but the resources. The resources here seem to be inexhaustible.

Although there are countless people going to collect resources at every moment, but day after day, year after year, the resources in time and space seem to have not decreased at all.

Then again, in the long river of time and space, the simplest point is here, to realize the way of time and space is like a fish.

Among the heavens and the world, those who cultivate the way of time and space, if they do n’t come to the long river of time and space, come to life.

Every year, no, almost every time, people who practice the way of time and space come here to pilgrimage.

Moreover, among the realms of heaven and earth, eight out of ten have preached by the Emperor in time and space.

In the same way, time and space is also a treasure land, rich in all kinds of time and space treasures, and even some non-time and space attributes.

If it is only the treasures of space-time attributes, the key lies in those treasures of non-space-time attributes.

The river of time and space is like a cornucopia.

And many treasures are not in the heavens and the world. How can this not be suspected?

Coupled with the original legend, along the rivers of time and space, we can reach the land of origin.

Although this last rumor, because of many emperor's blood lessons, people are discouraged. But no one has ever given up.

Therefore, for the development of time and space, as long as capable people will establish a stronghold here.

And in the long river of time and space, the disorder of time and space can no longer be hidden.

Here, even if you meet each other, one step away, and see it with your own eyes, once you step over, you may go to a different time and space.

Therefore, many powerful casual repairs will also establish Dongfu here.

Some of them have escaped here, some of them are here to stay closed, and some of them ... there are many.

Anyway, in the end sitting here, these caves became an opportunity for others.

Therefore, time and space is also a place for Taobao.

Because from the days of the heavens and the world, no one knows how many people have established secret bases here, and even how many people have fallen here.

Anyway, there are people who come here every moment, some people go in and out, some people go in, and they never come out again.

And these are treasures that cannot be spoken, because there is no lack of emperor, the weakest of which is the existence of the title God Emperor in the middle and late period.

Because people who are low in cultivation are not qualified to enter it.

Wherever they can get their legacy in it, it will be endless.

Time and space, Fang Qingshan apparently does not yet have that qualification to enter it.

Don't look at his maximum combat effectiveness now seems to have reached the late period of the Emperor God, but it is not lasting, and it is just just touching the door bar, if he dares to enter it, I am afraid that it will be grayed out in an instant.

So, at this moment, he is very curious about time and space, and he wants to look around.

"Boy, can't you come in?"

As Fang Qingshan looked around, a slightly immature, but old-fashioned, but a little impatiently sounded.

Then, I saw a boy appearing in front of Fang Qingshan without warning. If a child of eleven or twelve years old is wearing a goose-yellow short jacket and a golden ring under her, she is a pair of pink white feet, like a Guanyin Buddha The kind-hearted boy in front of the seat scared him back again and again, so he didn't smash it in the palm of his hand.

"you are?"

Fang Qingshan asked warily.

"What do you say?"

The boy asked dissatisfied.

"Last time, I gave you great benefits, and I forgot so quickly."

"It turned out to be an ancestor. I've seen an ancestor."

Fang Qingshan heard the words suddenly suddenly, quickly saluting.

"When will you enter the Taoist world?"

The boy asked, like the old man in front of the Xinglou Tower, he seemed to be resting, yawning, and didn't want to be polite with Fang Qingshan, and asked directly.

"right now."

Fang Qingshan's eyes flashed, and he responded without hesitation.

The Taoist world can be filled with the Taoist sentiments of all powerful giants since the establishment of the Taoist Gate.

Directly entering the center of the world to comprehend the origins of the Tao means to understand the mysteries of these powerful supernatural powers without any distance.

Unguarded exposure is in front of you and in your perception.

This insight efficiency is at least a thousand times.

Not to mention helping people to realize Dao cultivation, that Dao Dao is a god-level practice, after all, their Dao Dao is also cultivated through the book of Dao Gong. This alone is enough to make Fang Qingshan moved.

Therefore, it is absolutely unimaginable to enter the center of the world to understand the origin of Taoism.

This kind of opportunity can be described as a great opportunity, and it will be difficult for the idle **** emperor to have such an opportunity.

Once it was much more open, the damage to the Taoist list was a little big, and the consumption to get into it once was not too big, but the peak of the Emperor God was also a bit too much. This time, although Fang Qingshan entered Dafali City, he entered The consumption was so large that he had to vomit blood.

He did n’t use Chang Liushui and others himself ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Not all the most precious things were traded out, and the value of the morals he got, but he could only let himself learn here for ten and a half months. This is still The support of the Taoist Gate policy and the discounted results show this.

"In that case, let's go."

As soon as the voice fell, Fang Qingshan turned around for a while, and then disappeared.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan appeared in a place full of fantastic colors. The colors were constantly changing. Twelve colors, nine colors, seven colors, multicolors, and different colors, beyond the imagination of complexity and change.

Swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, flowers and trees, sun, moon, stars, rivers and lakes, wind and rain, lightning, heaven and earth, fierce beasts, everything, ever-changing.

It feels like a complete but psychedelic world full of unreal feelings.

At a glance, you can see the ever-changing colors, sometimes floating like clouds, sometimes meandering like ribbons, sometimes like running water, sometimes like a clear breeze.

Not only is the color changing, but also the shape is constantly changing, it is simply a myriad of things.

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