Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1570: Ancestor

In the infinite void, each emperor is a legend, and meeting the emperor is a great opportunity.

Regardless of what the emperor gives you, Lingbao, preaching, just observe the emperor and feel the momentum, you will benefit a lot.

The last time I met the Emperor, I will not say.

And this time, the ancestor of the sect was even encountered. Although he had fallen, not real, but still left Fang Qingshan excited, as if there was a feeling of winning a big prize.

After all, at this time, the ancestors of Emperor Zun came out, and it was obviously impossible to say that he simply wanted to see himself.

Coupled with the fact that I haven't done anything sorry to martial arts, the talent is pretty good.

Fang Qingshan can already predict what will happen next.

The chance, the great chance, is even greater than the preaching of the Storm Sword Emperor.

I am afraid that it is not weaker than eternal blessing.

The Storm Sword Emperor preached that although he was facing the true body of the Emperor, at one time he was not in the realm of Yuanyuan and had no sense of existence at all. The Storm Sword Emperor was just a routine talk.

It ’s a blessing to be able to listen to others if you ’re not close to one another, so you can ask others.

This time is different.

"It seems you have guessed my identity."

The virtual shadow looked a little excited at Fang Qingshan, and could not help but smile slightly, affirming Fang Qingshan's guess.

"For many years, everything seems to be yesterday, hey, I'm sorry for the reason."

The ancestor looked at Fang Qingshan, looked around, and seemed to be able to see the Taoist Mountain Gate, full of emotion in his tone.

Yes, he was the destiny of the Taoist Emperor who left the Taoist list.

There were two original ideas, one of which was naturally to build a Taoist world, add one point to the Taoist door, and cultivate a blissful world.

Another idea is to keep the three holes in the cunning rabbit, leaving a means of life-saving.

After all, the avenue is difficult, and the path of practice is too many accidents. A little carelessness is death and death, and the emperor is no exception.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters, maybe one day, they were hit by seedlings.

In order to make a comeback, he started from the beginning, so he left a copy of his destiny in the Taoist list.

Just like the second person of ordinary people, the second elementary god.

In this way, if he is robbed outside, he can still use this idea to come over again.

The idea is good, take precautions, but unfortunately, people are not as good as the sky.

He never thought that the dangerous place was so dangerous that he let himself fall. He didn't even give himself a chance to come again.

If this Taoism is not in the Taoism list, and the Taoism Gate's luck and virtue are isolated from the sea, I am afraid it will collapse immediately when he falls.

Now, although the Tao is still there, the true spirit of the Tao that belongs to him is diminishing with each passing day, and is being wiped out every moment.

If it weren't for the isolation of the Taoist list of merit, qi and luck, or the nourishment of the Taoist masses of Taoism, I am afraid it would have collapsed.

As for the previous emotion, it was because he knew that once he fell, the days of Taoism would never be better. That's why he manifested at this moment.

One of the reasons for this time was that he was about to persist.

Even if he has the meritocracy, the ideological isolation, and the ideological supply, it is still declining every minute and every second. If he had not been asleep, I would not have been able to hold on to this moment.

What's more, Fang Qingshan's talents impressed him, especially after communicating the Taoist list and Yidao Taoist, and finally decided to make a contribution to Taoist Gate.

In fact, logically, his chance should be given to Yi Daoxuan, Jiang Bawang, Pombo, who are all well-known, or Yiyi Tao, Zhu Gejin, Qian Duoduo and others.

But the former, some are retreating, and some people have good potential, but they are a bit worse than Fang Qingshan. After all, Fang Qingshan is not only a talent, but also an eternal Tianzhou bonus.

As for the latter, their avenue has been determined. Even if it is for them, it is only icing on the cake. Naturally, it is more important to send charcoal to Fang Qingshan in the snow.

Then again, if this consciousness of the ancestors continued to fall asleep, they might still be able to persist for a while, but since they were awakened and manifested, they would naturally only be short-spoken.

"You can enter this place at this time, and you can shock me, show that you are a destined person, and you are good at cultivation. I hope that one day you will become the second emperor of my Taoist gate and completely revive my Taoist gate."

After speaking, without waiting for Fang Qingshan's response, I saw the ancestor's body spread like a firework, spreading into a little mottled fluorescent light, spreading out and colorful, covering Fang Qingshan completely.

Just blinking, Fang Qingshan's whole person turned into a big cocoon again.

For a while, Fang Qingshan didn't have any other reaction at all, and the whole person seemed to be intoxicated and groggy, as if he had returned to his childhood, and the cocoon was like a placenta.

A feeling of comfort to the extreme instantly came to mind, Fang Qingshan was immersed in the whole person.

At this moment, where he didn't feel it, because of his self-detonation, he had no choice but to wait for the eternal blessing to repair the injury that was being repaired with the naked eye.

Compared to the various top-level natural and precious Bora consumed by the Taoist Gate, the effect of repairing the foundation for him is unknown, and it is not much more than the eternal blessing.

This is the power of the emperor, extraordinary and mysterious.

And not only repairing the foundation, but also helping Fang Qingshan to refine the mana, the physical body, the Yuanshen, the law, the true spirit, all aspects, which is equivalent to undergoing a full-scale transformation.

Although his cultivation has not broken through ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, the potential is even greater.

Originally, Fang Qingshan had already reached the time when he could not enter. If it were not for the eternal sky boat, the heavenly emperor's demon chapter, he would have broken through the emperor.

But at this moment, he still has room for improvement, with sufficient information, the limit is broken, and the container is expanded, which is naturally a new world.

However, this kind of thing is rare.

After all, not everyone can get Emperor's help.

And it is still a help to consume the power of the source.

With this opportunity, Fang Qingshan will break the Emperor's honor in the future, and the success rate will also increase by one point.

In addition to using the power of the source to repair and enhance Fang Qingshan's roots.

For a while, I saw that big cocoon turned into a black hole, like the previous Fang Qingshan acted, and continuously swallowed the essence of Taoism in all directions, then poured into Fang Qingshan's body, the light flowing, glowing with countless colors, changing. Full of incomparable mysteries.

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