Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1576: Big hand

In the end, the true grade of the eternal sky boat is only the supreme level. Generally speaking, the supreme level of the supreme sky boat is only at the level of innate arcade level.

It's just that the Fang Qingshan boat has been mutated for a long time. After all, it can counter the immortal peak with the supreme strength, and even the emperor has long surpassed the supreme, even many ordinary immortal class boats.

If at this time, the integration of the first level into the treasure, although you can also rely on the Tianzhou to upgrade the grade, but it will slow down the promotion speed of the Tianzhou. Not to mention, the most important thing is to weaken the background of the Tianzhou. Willing to see.

Ordinary sky boat, how can each eternal furnace unit of eternity have a few more vacancies, and how much energy will each eternal blessing ...

Therefore, when he was at the highest level, he integrated into the second and even third level.

Moreover, if it is not too late, Tianzhou cannot bear too strong a treasure.

The three top treasures that Fang Qingshan got in the secret library of Taoist Men might have been incorporated into him at this moment.

As for talking about integrating the top three top treasures now, what will happen in the future? In this regard, Fang Qingshan can only say that there must be a road to the front of the mountain, and the waterway bridge is naturally straight.

Then again, because of the variation of Tianzhou, it is obviously inappropriate to integrate into the first class treasure.

However, although Fang Qingshan has incorporated the Bliss Lotus and the Eye of the Last Dharma separately, this third-level spiritual root and third-level treasure.

But in fact, the sample-level treasure like the fu fuzhu is actually okay, and it will not lower the background and level of the sky boat.

However, the lower the grade, the higher the special attributes required for integration into the treasure. It must be a type that the eternal sky boat does not have, and it is not a chicken rib.

Of course, on the other hand, it must be so. If it is a three-level treasure, not to mention that there are not so many, after all, there are still five eternal furnace units.

Even if there are, I am afraid that few people will exchange it out.

After all, Fang Qingshan brought out the third-level treasures. Don't look at the number, but all are just ordinary treasures except the sword of Fu Mo.

Except for the Eternal Furnace Unit, there are no special requirements for Fang Qingshan, whether it is top spirit wine, supreme elixir, or various potions, elixir spirit fruits, heaven and earth spirits, Taoist secrets, As long as it is useful to him, to mosquitoes, and to the world tree clone, he will not refuse to come.


But he said that as Fang Qingshan hung out his thirteen third-class treasures and left a mark on the mirror, the air around him was suddenly quiet, and he felt so overwhelmed that he felt breathless, and then, Whether it was the same waiting list, or the person in charge of collecting, even the crowd watching around, all took a breath. Unconsciously issued a series of marvels. ?

"Thirteen pieces of third-class treasures, I'm afraid it's not because they have robbed a party or got some top-notch Dongfu."

"Yeah, those who are inferior to the third grade will not be said to be in the middle grade, and not even to be in the third grade. There are actually three top grades. This ..."

"Fuji Magic Sword, the third-level top treasure, the attack is unparalleled, even for many peak **** emperors, it is an encounter but not an option."


Although, before, there were many local tyrants who came up with three-level treasures, not even two pieces, but similar to Fang Qingshan, it was rare to take out more than ten pieces directly.

Not to mention the grades of these treasures. The highest one was only the third-grade middle-class, and it was still incomplete, and Fang Qingshan took out a full three-grade top-notch, and there were actually three-level top-level. Even some peak **** emperors can't do it, no wonder everyone is so shocked.

"A big handwriting, so amazing background, even the top three top-level treasures are offered for trading. Who is this person?"

"Fang Qingshan, the inner door of Daoyimen was better than the first one last time."

"It was him."

"I heard that it is because of this person that the top emperor of the Qianqiu Gate, God Emperor Changshui, has fallen into the hands of Zhuge Jin of the Taoist Gate."

"Really? In this way, this treasure should be the housekeeping magic of Chang Liushui and Qian Qiu Men."

"Fortunately, the people in Qianqiumen didn't come, otherwise I don't know what they feel now."

"What's it like? Killing people pays off, debts and money, that's all."


Returning from the original feelings of the top three top treasures, the crowd suddenly became full of strong interest in those who took out these treasures.

On the one hand, the other side was so shocked by Qingshan's great efforts, but on the other hand, he couldn't understand it. Why did he take such a precious transaction and didn't look down on it, or did he have more?

For a long time, everyone's hearts could not be calm for a long time.

Fang Qingshan is not a nameless person, not to mention that the last time he played with Bloomberg, this time the peak **** Emperor Liuliu, who fell because of him, is enough to make him famous.

So, someone quickly recognized it.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan did not care at all.

The so-called is that they can't bear the children and can't bear the wolf.

Fang Qingshan wants to get his favorite treasure, but he has to take a heavy hand, otherwise how can he set out the various treasures in the hands of others?

Moreover, like some people ’s guesses, these precious treasures are indeed good, but they are just good. They are not inconspicuous, but as far as the other side is concerned, they are just some resources. Since they are resources, they are naturally objects that can be traded. . It is not an indispensable thing like the Eye of the Last Dharma.

Although the money is not innocent, the husband is not guilty and cherishes his guilt.

But first of all, here is the Taoist door, and security is guaranteed. If something goes wrong here, this is the face of Taoist door. I am afraid that it is more serious than many disciples who had previously conspired.

Besides, even if someone wants to rob ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it is necessary to see if they can escape from Taoism after the robbery.

As for exposing wealth, going out and being robbed later is another matter.

Suffice it to say, Fang Qingshan was very willing to have this situation.

After all, at that time, it is unknown who robbed anyone.

Moreover, although Fu Mo's sword is in the eyes of these disciples participating in the exchange meeting, it is still true to those emperors who really have a threat to him, otherwise Zhuge Jin will not give up this treasure directly.

The most important thing is that he is not rootless now, but he has Emperor Zun ’s ideological cards, not Emperor ’s shot, or Yi Renren. Tan Lao ’s half-step Emperor ’s shot does not constitute him. Threat.

The most important thing is that after today, he got the treasure he wanted, he could immediately be promoted to Tianzhou, and then repaired to follow the breakthrough.

And once both break through, taking the emperor as the master, to control the immortal boat, in addition to the top emperor, I am afraid that it is really fearless.

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