Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1583: it works


Fang Qingshan's bones shook all over, and a crackling sound followed, and then he heard a sound like the sound of water rolling in the river, which was the sound of bone marrow fluctuating.

Then, I saw that with the eternal heart light turning slowly, the bone marrow in the spine behind Fang Qingshan seemed to be twirled and faint, but the eternal essence condensed like crystal was pumped. come out.

For a while, Fang Qingshan was trembling for a whole person, and that kind of pain was not tolerated by ordinary people, and it was more painful to his children than a thousand swords.

Besides, this is the spinal cord, but also the eternal spirit.

Direct extraction, not only affects Fang Qingshan now, but also damages his origin.

Fortunately, a drop of eternal spirit can burn for a long time, and it will not take much eternal spirit to cast the eternal heart lamp once.

Of course, the most important thing is that every time the eternal Tianzhou is promoted, with the eternal blessing, Fang Qingshan can accumulate some eternal spirits.

Today, Fang Qingshan is covered with more than 200 bones with more or less eternal spirit.

The reason for extracting the spine is only because it is the purest and most abundant here. It is harmless to extract a little.

But I saw a ray of crystal clear, the holy light like the eternal blessing slowly gathered, condensed into cyan, full of spirituality, creation, and a kind of inscrutable spiritual beads, just like the wick lotus. Yes, Didi is rippling like glazed crystal.

With the lamp holder, the wick, and now the oil.

Fang Qingshan moved in his heart.

Bang Bang! !! !!

Heartbeats sounded like thunder.


For a moment, it seemed that the sky was falling down, an extreme qi and blood, true intention, bursting out of his heart, bursting out of his heart, instantly smashing the air, twisting the vacuum, and cracking the fine ripples.

Fortunately, it is operating in Fang Qingshan's body, and his physical strength is not under the third-level Lingbao, and he also has control over his own power, such as arm command, otherwise, the movement outside will be great.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

A little spark was ignited.

Once, twice, one, two ...

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

At a certain moment, all the sparks came together, and a bang, turned into a beam of fire.


The wick is lit, and the lamp is burned as a source of power.

A soft glow began to shine. The light is soft but not dazzling. Moreover, the brightness is very high, placed in the deep and dim and immense void, which can shine like the sky in the sky.

Among the lights, a supreme green lotus bloom can be seen faintly, all kinds of lotuses surrounding him are more than thirty varieties, and purple gas gathers into clouds, which is sacred and extraordinary.

The lights swayed, the blue light shone, and the place of coverage, the lights came together naturally, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge lotus character in the palm of Fang Qingshan.

As soon as this word came out, it was like the Supreme Avenue. No matter what time and space, fate, cause and effect, or reincarnation, all of them should stand aside and show him their surrender.

A dripping spin, blooming endless eternal light.

Passing this word is like seeing the eternal Qinglian deity, as if you had come to the place where Hongmeng originated.

Supreme, immortal.

Fang Qingshan controlled a lotus character. Whenever he touched the void stone, the lotus in the palm of his hand would light up a touch of blue light. ?

Obviously, Fang Qingshan wanted to use the power of eternity to test whether he could break the puppet of the law of infinite void, break the imprisonment of the void stone, and look directly into the interior.

Because of the fear of moving too much, it is noticeable. After all, the husband is innocent and guilty of guilt.

If Fang Qingshan can peek inside the Void Stone, once the news is leaked, it will be terrible. After all, the real Void Stone is the highest treasure, and it is also the highest treasure that the emperor's capital has cherished.

Once people know it, the best result is to be kept in captivity. Almost, don't say that Yi Men can't keep him, but Dao Men will probably suffer.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan was very cautious in his performance.

Fortunately, after the comparison of Taoism and Inner Doors, especially after the Battle of the Meteor Dragon, everyone now knows that he is the owner of the eternal sky boat, and although the eternal sky boat is only supreme, it is said to be mutated. Invincible existence.

Some eternal breath can't be more casual.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan's eternal mind lamp method, everyone just thinks that like other people's magical magical magical treasures, they are common methods of exploration, aimed at more clearly observing the void stone.

As for speaking, Fang Qingshan can peek into the void stone.

However, no one thinks in this direction, and even if Fang Qingshan bluntly spoke, no one believed it. Instead, he thought he was talking nonsense and arrogant.

After all, the Nether Stone cannot be seen, but this is the summary of the experience of countless emperors since the formation of the infinite void.

No one noticed, so Fang Qingshan also explored one by one more safely.

Whenever Fang Qingshan's hand touched the void stone, a blue flash passed, and once leaving the void stone, the blue light would melt into the invisible. Even those who are beside Fang Qingshan, none of them can see the mystery. ?

However, Fang Qingshan has done a full set of acting, although he is more using the power of the eternal heart lamp to explore the real situation in the void stone. However, he did not make such an easy judgment, but from time to time he picked up a rough stone and looked at it carefully, as if acting on the basis of experience. ?

With Fang Qingshan's hand on the void stone, as the eternal blue light swept, Fang Qingshan suddenly trembled, although it was very slight, so slight that no one noticed it except himself, and it disappeared in a moment, Fang Qingshan's heart seemed to be a calm sea setting off huge waves.

"Okay !!!!"

"It really can, it really can."

"So am I rich?"


For a while ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Qingshan flashed thousands of thoughts in his heart. If it were not for his good-mindedness, firm will, and restrained move, I am afraid that a flaw has been revealed at this moment.

Although, no one thought that he had the secret method of inquiry.

But as he got more and more treasures, paper could not cover the fire, and one day he would be found.

Moreover, even if it is only a hint, for some people, it is better to kill a thousand people by mistake than to let one person go.

Wasn't that the case with the last siege? It is seen that there is hope for the rise of the Taoist Gate, so they work together to suppress it and want to wipe out hope in the cradle.

Not to mention, this is really a pleasant surprise.

In fact, Fang Qingshan was not sure about the usefulness of the eternal heart lamp, but just holding the mentality of a dead horse as a living horse doctor and exhibiting this supernatural power, the best is naturally useful, and it is useless and harmless.

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