Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1585: replace

Good things abound.

Although Fang Qingshan accidentally discovered the method of eternal heart lamp, it may be because of the breath of eternal green lotus that does not belong to the heavens and earth, and can indeed penetrate the void stone. It really gave him a huge surprise.

Unfortunately, the surprise came to an end. After experiencing the initial shock, ecstasy, and excitement, after returning to God, Fang Qingshan realized that things were not as simple as he thought.

I ca n’t immediately make a fortune by relying on the eternal heart lamp method.

Because I do n’t know if it ’s because the strong dragon does n’t press the ground snake, although the eternal green lotus is strong, but the law of infinite void occupies a geographical advantage, or because Fang Qingshan is too weak. Maybe it is because the eternal Qinglian is too far from time and space, or for other reasons.

Anyway, piercing is able to pierce, and he can indeed feel the internal conditions of some void stones, instead of being as obscured as others, only by the so-called summary of experience to luck.

However, his feelings were also specious, not real, and he could feel what was in the void stone.

You need to know that those fake void stones, whether they are blind-eye stones or artificial void stones, are not all empty, and some of them are there, but the wrapped things are not worth it.

And if you can't clearly understand the inside of the stone, the other side of Qingshan, although the probability of getting the real void stone is much greater than others, there is still a great risk.

After all, the cheapest price for this piece of Void Stone is a second-class top quality treasure.

Although everyone else is ten bets and nine losers, even if Fang Qingshan is ten bets and five losers, it is difficult to bear.

The key now is that other people see the void stone as the mountain or the mountain, the water as the water, and the void stone, which is one of the stones. Is it authentic? Is there anything in it or good things? Fang Qingshan is slightly better. Through the eternal heart light, looking at the mountains is not mountains, looking at the water is not water, and looking at the void stone, there is indeed a hint of it, but looking at the flowers in the mist and watching the moon in the water is not true at all.


Fang Qingshan cursed, and Bai was happy.

This feeling is like entering Baoshan and returning empty-handed, it is terrible.

You said, if you can't feel it at all, Fang Qingshan didn't have any hope at the beginning anyway.

However, it's different now, so that he saw a little hope, and that's it. The most important thing is that there is really only one point, paradoxical, dreamlike.

Although it does not give people hope, and then makes them desperate, but it is just an appetite. Good things are in front of you, but you can't eat them.

Of course, if Fang Qingshan's thought was known by others, he would spit his face.

Although he still can't see clearly, but at least he has improved a lot compared to others, hasn't he?

As long as it's not too bad luck, it's definitely a win-loss situation.

It can only be said that there is not enough people to swallow elephants, and one mountain is still looking high.

At the beginning, my eyes were obscured without any requirements. Now I can see a clue, but I want to be dissatisfied.

"It seems there is only one way."

Fang Qingshan's eyes narrowed into a seam.

Calm down, Fang Qingshan thought a lot.

Since the eternal mind lamp is useful, it means that the problem is not with this method, but with the person who casts it.

Just like Lingbao, the power is different in the hands of different people, even if it is a fourth-level treasure, the power in the hands of the Emperor and the Emperor is absolutely different.

Therefore, if you want to explore more clearly, then obviously you can only increase the power of the eternal heart lamp.

There are two ways to increase the power of the secret method. One of them is to improve his own cultivation. His cultivation is higher, and the power of the secret method naturally rises. But this is obviously not something that can be done in a short time.

Then the second way is to enhance the power of the secret law itself.

Of course, it is not to upgrade the level of the secret method, nor can this be done in a short time.

The only way Fang Qingshan can think of is to replace the wick with a real eternal lotus seed to enhance the eternal rhyme. Anyway, it is the essence of the eternal green lotus.

The stronger the wick, the stronger the heart light, the stronger the heart light, and the stronger the manifestation of the eternal green lotus. As mentioned earlier, they are actually mutually reinforcing.

"go with!"

When you think about it, Fang Qingshan's heart moves, and the eternal sky boat shakes.

In the eternal thunder pond as the core zone, a lotus seed rose.

In comparison, the wick in the eternal heart lamp is the difference between a buyer's show and a seller's show, and fake and genuine products.

As soon as this thing came out, it fell into the wick with a thunderbolt.

The next moment, the eternal heart lights up, and the shadow of the eternal Qinglian seems to be solidified. The lotus character condensed in Fang Qingshan's palm is also more solid and mysterious.

"So, it should be OK to think about it."

Seeing the change of the eternal heart light, Fang Qingshan felt a little relieved in his heart, but he tried it carefully, before the real dust settled, the stones hanging in his heart could not fall to the ground.

While Fang Qingshan continued his investigation with the new secrets of the eternal heart, others were still diligently exploring.

Don't look at the many void stones here, and according to Jin's words, they are carefully selected by him, and there are many authentic products. But in fact, everything is like the goods. If there are so many genuine products, there will not be such a big risk of losing ten bets and losing nine. If someone spends a lot of money to buy, they will definitely lose even the underwear . So almost everyone is choosing carefully, look at this, touch that, but they are not determined.

Of course, some people did not touch any void stone ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but instead stood in a good place and looked around. After half a ring, I started to search and select slowly.

In fact, this is the real experienced master.

As soon as they come up, they use a variety of secret methods, and then take and knock them, in fact, they are basically laymen or novices.

Plan and move.

This is an experienced veteran, it is already not a shot, all shots are observed in advance, and have more obvious pertinence.

It can be said that Fang Qingshan and others made it clear that they were fishing from the beginning, regardless of the big fish or small fish, caught up first and then said.

These people who previously sat firmly on the Diaoyutai are not the same. He first selects the boutique target, and then continues to select in it.

Of course, although their methods are quite different, it is not necessary to say which one is more reliable.

Because, anyway, whether it is Fang Qingshan's purposeless wide-spreading net, or the experience of the other group, which focuses on fishing, it is just luck.

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