Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1592: 12 colors

From Fang Qingshan, they entered the iron basin and come out now, seemingly a long time ago, it is a long time. But the truth is not long.

At first, when I was choosing the Void Stone, I was so absorbed in it that it seemed to be fleeting, and I completely forgot the passing of time. Of course, this is for those who choose the Void Stone.

Then there are these three cornucopias, not only to hide the mustard, but also to change the time and space. The time flow rate is different from the outside world. Therefore, for the outside world, Fang Qingshan and others did not go in long.

After leaving the cornucopia, Fang Qingshan saw that no one continued to enter, but as they did before, everyone was waiting to see if they could buy the real product and what kind of baby to buy.

This is about whether the Feng Shui gas transportation is good here. If it is good, there is a genuine product, and if it is the same as before, they will be willing to buy it when they open a treasure, and even these people will swarm in.

If it's not good, then I'm sorry, and no one is willing to risk it by themselves. I'm afraid these people will leave immediately, and in a short while, there will be a Monaco bird.

In fact, this is also a psychological effect, it is a custom of gambling on stones.

If you really look at feng shui and luck, it ’s just about yourself. After all, the luck of others is even more prosperous, unless you have a close relationship with him. In this way, maybe you can get a little light. The so-called one who has the chicken and the dog rises to heaven is the reason. Otherwise, you can only use the tricks of the evil demon to steal the sky and steal the luck of others, otherwise, even if everyone has bought the real product and opened the treasure, you are out of luck and ca n’t buy it.

Not to mention, those who are waiting, except those who are waiting to buy, are also indifferent. Everyone is waiting for others to come to the first stone.

It is not easy to break open the void stone.

Although Duobao Clay has no effect on attack and defense, it does not know what chemical reaction occurred after it became a Void Stone. Anyway, the hardness has been qualitatively overflew, and no less than some defense treasures.

In fact, this is also normal. If he is not hard, how can he stop the Emperor and all kinds of magical secrets.

If it ’s not hard, when you watch it in your hands, it ’s not broken if you pinch it, and once it is broken, or even a gap is exposed, I am afraid you can detect the internal situation without any notice.

If it is genuine, buy it naturally, if it is fake, give up naturally.

If this is the case, how can there be ten bets and nine loses?

Then again, there are two ways to break the void stone, one of which is to cast your own attack method, like the magical power of the fire attribute, burn, this process, depending on your cultivation as strong or weak, fire attribute The more powerful the magical power is, the faster it can be broken, and vice versa.

Of course, you can soak in water, use lightning, split with a knife, and so on. It depends on your power and more handy.

Another way is to use a special stone cutter.

Heaven and earth are balanced.

The Void Stone is so hard that if the Emperor displays magical powers, it takes some time for Lingbao to break open.

But there is a metal that was born to restrain void stones.

His grade may not be very high, and the quality may not be very good. The stone cutter that he builds is of the level of ordinary treasure, but it is unique on the cut void stone. It is better than the top Lingbao and better than Emperor. He came to cut the void stone but complement each other.

Seeing everyone coming out, Jin has already prepared a stone cutter for them.

Everyone looked at each other, you look at me, I look at you, and want to go up a little bit.

When Fang Qingshan saw this, his eyes turned, but he was the first to step forward.

He was afraid that others would drive out of Arcana first, and then stimulate everyone who looked at him side by side, in case they bought the void stone they saw, it was really wanting to cry.

"Since everyone doesn't want to be the first to take the shot, then I'm going to give it a try and see if this newbie can make a start."

Fang Qingshan laughed, took the stone cutter from Jin not loser, divided it three times, divided it by five, seemed to be very reckless, and slaughtered directly on the void stone.

Although the action is crisp and continuous, the crushed stone is peeled off as if peeling, but everyone can see the eyebrows jumping, and there is a hint of tension in their eyes.

Good guy, the other person opened the stone, that one is not cautious and cautious. If there is a baby in it, he will feel distressed for three seconds even if he does not hurt the slightest. Therefore, Fang Qingshan was a novice at first sight.

However, they knew there that Fang Qingshan was well-informed. After all, he was able to see the real situation inside, so he didn't hesitate to take a shot.

Moreover, he just wants everyone to think that he is a novice, so that even if he drives an Arcana, even if he has some impulse, he will not doubt it.

Fang Qingshan's movement was fast, and the void stone was not large, so it quickly broke open.


At the next moment, a force that looks like the power of creation, like the power of the source tree, comes out. No matter whether it is the power of the source or the power of the source tree, it is full of strong vitality, so that everyone present is physically and mentally. The tremor, the pores are all open, the mind feels comfortable, nervous, tired, and even some minor injuries are gone. It seems that you can still feel the truth of countless roads flowing in the heart, and the laws of roads appear in front of you. Clear.


At this moment, everyone was awakened instantly, realizing that Fang Qingshan had bought the real product, and opened a treasure, brush it, all looked at the void stone in Fang Qingshan's hands, his eyes were full of fiery, like a hungry wolf Feasting, I didn't know I thought I was going to **** the next moment.

Then, the vision bloomed.

But I saw ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ a glorious glory that is more brilliant than a rainbow, and if you look closely, it is a puppet of spiritual land.

However, this spiritual soil is different from other soil properties and has 12 colors.

Twelve-colored spiritual soil.

Called the heavens and the world, in the infinite void, the topmost spiritual soil, the supreme in the soil, is second to none.

Earth Properties: In general, earth-colored treasures are earth-yellow, but one type of soil is gorgeous.

Among them, the most common is the five-colored soil, that is, the soil, the five-colored stone, that is, the celestial stone, which is similar to him.

The seven-color soil is a higher level than the interest soil. It is fertile soil for cultivating the spiritual roots of chaos. The hollow willow tree with raised brows grew on the seven-color soil.

As for the higher-level third-level spiritual roots, such as the level of bliss lotus obtained by Fang Qingshan, you need nine-colored soil to grow.

If you want to give birth to the fourth-level spiritual root, you must have twelve colors.

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