Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1594: seed

Winning or losing does not matter.

The woundless fruit tree, because of his talents, he has come to today. He has the emperor-level qualifications and has even triggered the emperor's calamity. If he breaks through, I am afraid that there will be another top emperor in the heavens and the world. .

Unfortunately, it is precisely because of his talents that he attracts jealousy from the sky, so he has a lot of robberies and infinite power, especially the spiritual roots, and the popularity of the holy beasts, which adds three points.

Emperor Respect, four levels, this is already countless void, the real pyramids of the heavens and worlds are at the tip, and there is only the origin road of the heavens and worlds, which may be half step five or five. But besides that, breaking through the emperor ’s supremacy is equivalent to reaching the peak of life, because nowadays, I do n’t know how many epochs and how many emperors ’honors have yet to be achieved.

Not to mention, if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

How much you want to get, naturally how much you have to pay.

If you want to break through this realm and understand the emperor-level rules, you must endure the test of the origin of heaven and earth.

"It's horrible."

Fang Qingshan looked at the thunderous thunder, and his heart was trembling. He couldn't raise any resistance. He couldn't describe how much power it contained. Even if he was going all out now, I'm afraid it would be a blow. It's enough to let yourself be wiped out, or even say no, when facing such calamities, don't say resistance, I'm afraid it's hard to move.

Then again, although the injury-free fruit tree is strong, it still has a bit of luck. When it hits the ground, it is Shan Jiuyu, it is a shortfall, and it falls to the last step.

The thunder hit, and it came, but it was really not something he could resist, even if he had a lot of knowledge, a lot of means, constant differentiation and disintegration, and shared most of the thunder force.

However, the remaining Thunder Power is still terrifying. Although it is not able to exterminate everything as it was just now, the rest of the Thunder Power will undoubtedly hit him, and it will be shocking and terrible. The powerful power is even in the Spirit root. The surface of the surface shone with dazzling black Shen Leiguang, polarizing, shocking, and the sound of collision with each other resounded through the sky.

Even though his recovery power was amazing, he was damaged and repaired madly, but the speed of repair was not as fast as the speed of destruction.

One thunder, two thunder, three thunder ...

One point, two points, one moment ...

Although Linggen has done his best, unfortunately, chess is a miss.

Under the thunder of the thunder, the leaves were falling, the backbone was cracked, the roots were broken, the yuans were broken, and the true spirit was sinking ...

In the end, hundreds of millions of years of hard work have all but disappeared.

At the last moment, I seemed to know that I was destined. The harmless tree was not crazy, but kept rational and divided itself into two.

Put all the power of one's own origin and the memory without any true spirits into a seed, the other true spirits, the rules are directly exploded.

The reason for this is for the front line.

Although even if he reappears, he who has only memory will no longer be him, but at least there is still a chance.

For a while, they saw the crowd rushing away.

This is almost all they witnessed a spiritual root, from the seed sprout, to growing to the peak of the third level, half step four, and even the last emperor to rob.

Although passing by, it was still dazzling.

At the same time, it was sad.

The so-called is that the rabbit is sorrowful and hurts others.

Although most of them have not yet reached the peak of the Emperor God, but with their talents, Emperor Zun is afraid to say that the Emperor God is a peak without accident but it is proper.

However, from the peak of Emperor God to Emperor Zun, from ancient times to now, I don't know how many people were blocked, how many people were trapped in this step, without any advancement, how many people were desperately fighting, and finally fell under the thunder.

For a moment, everyone seemed to be attentive. It took a long time for me to return.

As soon as they returned to God, the eyes of all the people brushed their eyes on the seed left by this woundless fruit tree.

Although the innocuous fruit tree failed to survive the calamity, only one seed was left in the end. Of course, it is not as good as a half-step four-level spiritual root, but it is still a treasure.

This thing has the same magic with Emperor Stone, but Emperor Stone is the real treasure after the fall of Emperor King, but this thing is a half step Emperor.

However, correspondingly, the effect is almost as if it were.

The emperor stone can help people break through the emperor's respect, and this object also has a bit of reference effect. Although it is not strong, after all, it does not hurt the fruit tree, it has failed, but it is still enough to make people rush.

Did not see the eyes of everyone at this moment is already hot? His eyes were as bright as the sun and the moon, and he saw the bullfight.

"My dear, I need this thing."

Not just the fiery others, the world tree avatar is so good that it didn't jump out directly.

Compared to others, the world tree avatar, which is also the root of spirits, coveted this.

If this thing is available, as long as the world tree avatar is refined, it is easy to break through the Emperor.

Not only will he break through the Emperor, he will not practice too slowly in the future.

After all, don't look at this as just a seed, but this seed is left by a half-step Emperor and a fourth-level spiritual root.

And at the last time, in order to rise again, the strong man broke his wrist and smashed out to destroy the true spirit. He also kept all the power of the source in this seed.

Therefore, getting this seed is equivalent to getting all the fruitless trees.

It is not just the power of the innocuous fruit tree that has cultivated his whole life, but also his life experience when he was weak and broke through the Emperor.

Naturally, before breaking through the Emperor's respect, everything went smoothly.

And even when breaking through the Emperor's Supreme ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, there is blessing. After all, the feeling of crossing the robbery in person has been deeply imprinted on the seeds.


Although it is not the eternal furnace unit that he urgently needs now, Fang Qingshan is also very happy that he can play such a big role in the world tree avatar.

After all, the reason for refining the avatar is that it has only two functions. One is to stay behind, so that after an unexpected event, there is a chance to come back and start again.

Another is to want him to help himself.

Fang Qingshan's purpose is naturally the latter.

It's just that his deity is progressing too fast.

Mosquitoes are okay. After all, as long as there are resources, you can continue to make progress. The World Tree avatar has been okay as a top spiritual root before, but with the continuous progress of the deity, it is gradually unable to keep up.

Had it not been for the last time in the Meteor Dragon's mystery, following the absorption of a lot of the power of destruction, I am afraid that now it can't keep up with the rhythm.

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