Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1604: True Spirit Fishing Rod

The last two treasures are not only because Fang Qingshan rejoices because they are all three-level peak treasures.

If that's the case, in the end I'm afraid I can't escape the end of the sword.

The real reason is that their grade is not only the top three peaks, but even in the top three peaks, they are not weak. At least they are not comparable to the magic sword of Fu Mo, even if they are not comparable to Babao Ruyi Umbrella. Such a treasure, but it is absolutely unusual.

The most important thing is that their efficacy is extraordinary, very suitable for integration into the eternal sky boat, and become the eternal furnace unit.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan said that counting the two pieces, the immortal eternal furnace unit, he had made up five.

The last two treasures are a fishing rod and a flying claw.

The fishing rod, called the true spirit fishing rod, is, as the name implies, a spiritual treasure aimed at the true spirit.

You must know that among the heavens and the world, there are not a few spiritual treasures that target mana, physical bodies, primitive gods, and even laws, but very few of them are against the true spirit.

Mana can be rebuilt, physical body can be reunited, Yuanshen can be reborn, law can be rebuilt, but the true spirit is gone, but there are really no traces, even reincarnation, even reversing time and space Are difficult to resurrect.

This object is crystal clear, like glass crystal, a natural work of art, just like precious porcelain in the eyes of mortals, but no one has expected that this seemingly beautiful fishing rod is a big killer.

His best-in-fact conversion, ignoring time and space, has the same effect as the cause and effect line that Fang Qingshan only reached. As long as he is focused on it, whether it is the end of the world, the fishing rod can be thrown, and it can completely penetrate all kinds of materials, even time and space. The true spirit of souls.

There is no defensive treasure of interest. Ordinary ones do not work. At least the same level must also be dedicated to red lotus, Taixu Jiajia, a special defense treasure.

Or the treasure of restraining the true spirit fishing rod, such as falling treasure money flow.

What's more, your own cultivation is far beyond the owner of the true spirit fishing rod. The true spirit is so stable that he cannot shake it.

Otherwise, in general, one aiming at one criterion is the supreme treasure of hunting the true spirit. There is terrible restraint for all life.

As for the other flying claws, they are called flying **** claws.

Don't look at this thing, it seems to be tacky both in name and appearance. It is exactly the same as the things used in the eaves of the knights in the lower world.

But in fact, it is a very good treasure, somewhat similar to the Wu Tomb World, Wu Tian's anchor in the hands of Wu Mu.

This object also has the ability of time and space nails, which can be used to hold the hull when the eternal sky boat is impacted, so as not to follow the current. Flat ground.

Of course, in fact, Chaos Clock can also be done, but in the end it is not professional. It is not as easy as him. In the end, there is a sequence of smells and a specialty in surgery.

In addition to being able to determine the turmoil in the void and stabilize the hull, he also spaced the effect of the cause and effect line.

However, the cause and effect line relies on a scent of breath and has nothing to hide, but he can directly lock the enemy ship, and then fly a claw, grab the opponent's warship directly, connect with himself, it is almost difficult to escape. Of course, the premise is that you must first catch the other party, and the other party ’s sky boat has not restrained the effect of this treasure, so his function does not coincide with the cause and effect line.

Fifteen treasures were appreciated by Fang Qingshan, and then the treasures that were previously traded with 13 other treasures including the sword of Fu Mo at the fair were displayed one by one.

These treasures, Fang Qingshan originally wanted to be used to trade useful for the eternal sky boat, to be precise, can be integrated into the eternal **** furnace unit spiritual treasure.

It's just that the plan hasn't changed quickly.

Who knows that he actually opened a new skill that lights up gambling stones, and also started fifteen void stones?

Who knows, when the last transaction started, those people took out one or two of the treasures but blinded their eyes.

Therefore, in the end, it is not necessarily all useful things for the Eternal Furnace Unit.

And because the barter is barter and the value is basically clear, it is not the same as the fifteen treasures opened from the void stone. The most powerful thing is only a third-class top quality spiritual root. The other things are all at the third level. Mid-level, even third-level substandard.

Among them, there are treasures useful for the world tree avatars, such as treasures containing the power of wood, such as unspoiled fruit tree seeds, or spiritual roots, or other wood properties, natural treasures, and treasures like natural jade. , Which contains the power of a lot of laws, anyway, it is not a road to the wood, or a useful treasure of the world.

There are also treasures useful to mosquitoes. Of course, because mosquitoes are not picky eaters, they do not refuse to come. As long as it is a resource, as long as it contains the power of origin, he can devour it. Therefore, it can be said that everything is useful to him. The degree of usefulness varies, large or small, depending on how much the power of the origin contains.

However, this refers to the aspect of practice, which is equivalent to reiki.

But in practice, the combat effectiveness includes not only the level of cultivation, the amount of mana, but also the gods, rules, and so on.

What is useful here is that it is of great help to the mosquitoes' origin road. Some of the reincarnation fragments similar to Fang Qingshan's are in the reincarnation mirror.

Mosquitoes were born into the sea of ​​blood, born with three basic principles, devour, blood and kill.

The thing that worked for him was a bloodstone, but it was not an ordinary bloodstone.

The object itself is an ordinary treasure of heaven and earth containing the laws of blood.

Such things are not uncommon in the blood of the year, but they are definitely not uncommon.

However, because of coincidence ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A war, a worldly war, and a war shaking the heavens took place in this place.

The fierceness of this war can be compared with the immeasurable calamities in the floods, such as dragons and phoenixes, witches, and gods.

The world is broken, the road is broken, and the dead souls are billions

Here, hundreds of thousands of **** emperors fought and killed, and even the emperor died here.

It is rumored that in the beginning wept, heavens and blood rained, and the wailing bursts continued for ten and a half months without stopping, sweeping a small half of the infinite void, and the number of Supreme Powers did not fall.

So fierce, the battlefield is naturally bleeding and bleaching, and blood flows into the river.

This blood stone was contaminated by the blood of countless gods and even emperors due to the law of natural blood, and a little luck, so it mutated. From an ordinary treasure of heaven and earth, it has transformed directly into a third-grade treasure.

Although it is only a treasure of the third-grade middle-class, it is somewhat similar to the Eye of the Last Dharma. It is humble and weighted, with low grade and extraordinary efficacy.

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