Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1620: Feeling Qinglian

"Eternal green lotus, eternal blessing, chance, fortune."

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't suppress the excitement, envy, and jealousy in their hearts.

As long as you are a person with a good eye, you will know what is going on in front of you.

After all, have n’t you eaten pork, haven't you seen a pig run?

This situation occurs only when Tianzhou is promoted, and in general promotion, the eternal green lotus does not project, it just comes directly to the fortune.

If you want to have a projection, you must have a deep understanding of the sky boat to a certain level.

It's as if it's an extra reward.

Just like people, their qualifications are high or low, so is Tianzhou, and the details are deep and shallow.

Of course, if it was just a general projection, they would not have never seen it, or at least heard of it, but as Fang Qingshan faced, it seemed like the eternal Qinglian's arrival was unheard of, and it was the first time I saw it.

The reason this feeling is given to everyone is that they not only feel the supreme breath of eternal green lotus, the coercion, but also the glance of a gaze.

It's as if eternal Qinglian's gaze crossed the infinite space and time and bet into the chaotic world of Tao.

That's a little daunting.

Eternal Green Lotus!

The only conviction in the infinite void that has surpassed the four-level existence.

Others, even the dangerous places that can make Emperor Zun fall, can be traced back to the long river of time and space that originated from Hongmeng, which can make people fit.

Although there are legends that they can go beyond Level 4 and break through a larger realm.

But this is only a legend, no one has ever succeeded.

Although the dangerous place has the power to let Emperor Zun fall, but there is no opportunity for them to break through. Although the river of time and space may be the origin of upstream, but no one has succeeded. As for the union of the heavens, it is also a failed ending.

Only the eternal green lotus, which is a real existence, can make people perceive and transcend the imperial existence.

It is precisely because of his existence that many people believe that the avenue is not cut off, the road is not inaccessible, it has just not yet arrived.

Therefore, the Lord of the Eternal Heavenly Boat is the most special being among the heavens and the world.

If not, luck is needed to obtain the eternal lotus, and the eternal tianzhou lord cannot be taken away. I am afraid that the eternal tianzhou lord has long since been cut off.

Of course, there is another reason. Even the Lord of the Eternal Heavenly Boat has not yet surpassed eternity.

Not to mention, for this existence that transcends the emperor level, for the eternal blessing of the most magical creation among the heavens and earth.

Everyone present has seen very little.

For many people, seeing Emperor Zun has benefited a lot, and glory for life, let alone see eternal Qinglian, although this is just a projection of him.

However, this projection is different from the past. It is not a mirror, a moon, a tower in the air, but a real existence. Although the eternal Qinglian's eyes are on the eternal sky, everyone feels that they are looking at themselves.

Of course, compared to others, they just feel the projection and gaze of eternal Qinglian, but for Fang Qingshan, they are once again immersed.

Yes, at this moment, Fang Qingshan's mind is once again taken into the origin of Hongmeng by the eternal Qinglian from the heavens and the world.

Although Fang Qingshan is not the first time here, it is not the first time that he has seen Eternal Qinglian.

But every time I come here, I feel differently.

It was a super-sacred mood. After all, the place where the eternal Qinglian is is the place where countless emperors and dreams arrive.

Although he didn't come, he was able to come here, and he was naturally very excited and devout.

Moreover, although Fang Qingshan came here every time, Xiuwei, realm, vision, have made a qualitative breakthrough, but seeing the eternal green lotus, it is still a high mountain, and the line of sight is dead. .

Unconsciously close to eternal green lotus.

If I change someone else, I'm afraid it will be assimilated by the eternal Qinglian, or collapsed. Of course, they also need to be able to see the eternal Qinglian. This is something.

Or to say Fang Qingshan, compared with eternal Qinglian in his mind, there is simply no comparability.

Think about the end of those who forcibly comprehend the preaching of Emperor Zun, then you can know what the end of this self-pursuit of things beyond their ability.

However, at this moment, Fang Qingshan is not like this, and has not encountered any doom, but immersed in the eternal Qinglian's boundless rhyme in an instant.

For a time, as if there was Supreme Supreme, he was initiating for Fang Qingshan.

Fang Qingshan seemed to be drunk on the head, his body was unprecedentedly empty, clear, and mysterious Tao sounds rang out in his ears. The original doubts were directly answered in silence, so that his mind was completely enlightened. Feeling suddenly realized. Your own state of mind, your understanding of the avenue, and your perceptions have all grown rapidly unknowingly. Numerous Tao rhyme rules, especially the understanding of the eternal mind lamp method, are rapidly advancing. After all, the core of this way is eternal lotus And the blue lotus picture of the road, and even the eternal spirit.

The reason for this is naturally the eternal Qinglian's special reward.

For Eternal Qinglian, although Fang Qingshan was only a ant and a cricket, it was Jane ’s heart.

Because there are many eternal sky boats, even there is no shortage of eternity, even the existence of eternal level.

However, such mutated sky boats as Fang Qingshan Bi An are rare.

In particular, Fang Qingshan's other shore not only can be said to be almost the same level, almost reached the limit that this level can reach, it is even more rare that his promotion speed is not slow.

Moreover, in general ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the further the practice progresses, the slower the progress, and each progress needs to be accumulated over time.

But Fang Qingshan is not the same. His eternal sky boat progresses faster as he moves to the back.

Think about how much time it took to advance from Wuling to Wushuang.

How long did it take to advance from Supreme to Supreme, and how long it took to advance from Immortal to Supreme.

For this kind of existence, the eternal green lotus naturally appreciates it.

It is precisely this way that Fang Qingshan can travel to Hongmeng and get up close, see the eternal green lotus with his own eyes, and realize the eternal avenue. Avenue struck back and died.

Of course, emptiness is not filled, and Endow is not a blessing.

This experience soon ended, and Fang Qingshan was kicked directly back into the heavens and earth.

From when he came to Hongmeng, to his realization of eternity, and back to the infinite void, everything seemed to pass a long time, but it seemed to be an instant thing.

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