Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 164: Fight

"Okay, morale!"

I saw here, Fang Qingshan could not help but high-five.

"But this time, just let the evil come and take the heavenly army with me."

After looking around for a week, Fang Qingshan chuckled,

"Well, once you have conquered Qingzhou, you have all gone. This time it's also time for evil to come. Another thing is that now, although Qingzhou is divided, there are still people in every direction in the end. You need your second brother to guard the Quartet and not move lightly."

"Yes, rest assured!"

Although a little disappointed, Guan Yu and others were still able to accept it and solemnly hugged.


Qi Fang Qingshan nodded, and forbidden three people,

"Wen Ze, you three go with me."

The three of them thought that they had nothing to do with themselves. After all, none of the four Guan Yu were able to follow, but they did not expect the peak to turn around, and looked at Fang Qingshan with an expression of disbelief.

"Everyone else is Yingjie, commanding an army, and being alone." Fang Qingshan couldn't help laughing when he saw the expression of the three lives afraid of joking. "Of course, there is state law, family rules, you have just worked, no credit. I directly admit that although it is OK, but the rules are broken in the end, so let me work with me and make arrangements for it. What do you think? "

"Listen to the Lord!"

how is it? Of course, it ’s just too good. Why did they want to ask for help? There is no one who does not like to lead the army, and then there is the first arrival. Naturally, it is necessary to let others see your own skills.

"That's it, that's it."

After hearing Fang Qingshan's words, he finally said,

"Army division arranges forages, let's go!"

He was now in the frame of Lu Weiwei's eunuch, recalling Luoyang, and Dong Zhuo led the army.

人 This person is also a rough talent. In the Liangzhou generation, he has a great reputation. Unfortunately, when he met the Zhang Jiao brothers, he ignored the enemy and was defeated.

At this moment, although the Yellow Turban Army defeated Dong Zhuo and morale has improved, in general, it is time to run out of water.

Xi Huangfusong and Zhu Jun again won the victory of the long-term society, winning successively, pacifying Runan and other three counties, and defeating Huang Jin Bu Bu in Cangting, and captured Bu Bu.

Zhang Mancheng of Nanyang was also trapped by Zhu Jun. The grasshoppers after the fall will not be able to jump for a long time. If you count the Guanhai and other departments in Qingzhou, the outer strength of the thirty-sixth party of the Pacific Road has been cut.

As soon as the situation disappeared, and this time, Zhang Jiao's injury relapsed. This was the time to win the Yellow Turban Army and harvest the fruits of victory.

Otherwise, once Huang Fusong went to Jizhou, even if he was able to make a fortune, he would have to see someone.

Qi Fang Qingshan installed all the forages, soldiers and horses in a suit of five prison kings, and drove the five cloud peach blossoms, and went straight to Jizhou.

角 At this moment, Zhang Jiao defended Guangzong, Zhang Bao defended the next song, Dong Zhuo was defeated, Fang Qingshan came to Jizhou, and did not go to Dong Zhuo, and went straight to Guangzong City.

With a wave of his hand, Dian Wei and others were thrown out of the Five Prison King Ding. Under the deserted Guangzong city, the soldiers and horses joined forces in an instant, scaring the yellow scarf on the wall of the city, and thought he was a ghost.

But before they issued any model, they saw an old man holding a scepter and appeared in the city.

"Meet the Great Teacher!"

When everyone saw this, they fancied.

In the past, in this situation, Zhang Jiao would lift up everyone kindly, but at this moment, he didn't have the mood to pay attention, waved his hand, and looked at the army under the city with a serious look.

"I didn't expect Daoyou to come."

When I saw Fang Qingshan, Zhang Jiao shook his head sadly,

"Our goals are the same, why not join forces?"

"The Yellow Turban Army is destined to fail. You are too strong, so strong that it disturbs others, just like the overlord of the year."

Qi Fang Qingshan shook his head and said lightly, "Do you say that I will join hands with you in this case?"

Zhang Jiao could not help but silently, he was too threatening, one is his own strength, the crown covers the world, and the other is the power. This is something everyone did not care about, but the Yellow Turban Uprising broke out in just a few days. Bazhou is scary.

"Why is that friend here? Merit?"

I was silent for a while, Zhang Jiao cleared her mood and continued,

"You know, Lu Zhi has nothing to do with me, and Dong Zhuo is defeated."


Qi Fang Qingshan shook his head,

"Since I dare to come, naturally I have a perfect strategy, and how can I win the attention of me for the merits of war?"

"That's to completely wipe out my peace road and take the head of my three brother Xiang."

Zhang Zhangjiao didn't get angry when he heard the words, he shook his head slightly,

"Although Daoyou has made a breakthrough, he has the treasure in his hands, but our gap is too big."

"Theoretically, this is the case," Fang Qingshan nodded. "Unfortunately, although Daoyou killed Qi Yun Jinlong, he was also hit badly, and he hurried uprising. He had no time to heal, and coupled with the counterattack of the return of the Han Dynasty, he even It's a trauma and a trauma, and after that, I think my odds are still great. "

"It seems you're eating me, UU reads www.uukanshu.com." Zhang Jiao shook his head. "Although you're right, you know that a thin camel is bigger than a horse. Just like before, I didn't expect to pack it. The price of luck in transporting the Golden Dragon is so great, are you ready? "

"Since I came here, naturally everything is ready." Fang Qingshan Road.

如此 "So, let's see the real chapter under our hands." When it comes to this, there is nothing to say.



Qi Fangqingshan and Zhang Jiao flew out at the same time and came to the sky.

"Emperor Emperor Soil, Jiangshan She!"

As soon as Zhang Zhangjiao got started, he went all out. After all, he is now seriously injured, and Fang Qingshan is different from other people in the same realm.

Although he is in a realm, but it is not difficult to clean up the Jindan realm, but it is not difficult at all. In addition, the pure Yang Feijian in his hand is the killer of the treasure, and it is important to follow the magic power directly. Tenfold.

If he is not injured, there is nothing. What about Fang Qingshan's pure Yang Feijian? He also has nine scepters.

But now that he is seriously injured, he can't afford the attrition warfare. In addition, the Nine Scepter is also damaged. It can only be determined quickly. The longer the delay, the more disadvantageous he is.

Therefore, he directly showed the false image of his law, an emperor, pedaling the earth, holding the ears of rice, his eyes were full of compassion, but not dignified.

With one punch, Jiangshan is picturesque.

"Hum, the Five Elements extermination God targets."

When Fang Qingshan saw this, he directly offered them, five colorful needles.

When flashing in the air, like a peacock opening the screen, it is as beautiful as dream.

The most beautiful things are also the most dangerous.

As soon as the needles collided with the scrolls of the mountains and rivers, the void vanished, disappearing without a trace.

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