Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1642: Fengzhenbei


Say yes, say no or no!

Yes, because if Fang Qingshan was successfully robbed, the Taoist Gate would indeed be greatly affected by it, and even if it is lost, it is possible.

That's why, there was such a big movement before.

The reason is simple, two.

One is naturally Fang Qingshan.

It was said earlier that with the improvement of Xiuwei Fang Qingshan, his fighting power has almost reached the level of the top three of the Taoist gate. Not impossible.

Although he has not yet become an emperor and his potential has not yet been fully developed, he is still a true disciple, but obviously he cannot be authenticated by a disciple.

He can almost be said to be the mainstay of the Taoist door in the true sense of the day, compared with the status of the Taoist doorman.

Because his fighting power now exceeds that of Yiyidao, and the probability of breaking through the emperor level in the future, Yiyidao cannot be compared with it at all.

Therefore, when he was promoted, the true spirit of fortune manifested, and heaven and earth celebrated it.

This kind of celebration of heaven and earth is not about hanging sheep's heads or selling dog meat. Only when it really has a great benefit to heaven and earth and Taoism will be manifested.

Just as the heavens and earth saints united in the flood, the reason heaven and earth celebrated is because they united, the heaven and earth will be more perfect.

While Fang Qingshan broke through, Taoism's luck naturally rose, and the Taoist list of the fourth-class treasure also benefited a lot.

Once he breaks through the imperial rank, the whole Taoist gate will change dramatically.

Therefore, when Fang Qingshan was killed, the whole Taoist gate would have such a big change. It's just like the scene where the old ancestor fell and other forces came to the door. Even more dangerous.

Because, at that time, the people who came to the door were basically peak princes without emperors, but now they are different. For the Taoist gate, there is also emperor-level strength.

This is the second reason, and that is because of the Xingyi Emperor.

He took away Fang Qingshan, and it was naturally impossible for him to continue playing Fang Qingshan with his character and dormant.

After all, once the transformation is completed, although it is impossible to step up to the sky and directly break through the emperor's respect, there is no problem in possessing the emperor-level strength. And for him to break through the emperor level and others to break through the emperor's difficulty is not much.

Such a powerful force, coupled with himself as a top emperor, lofty heights, where would he stay in the Taoist gate as a disciple.

Most importantly, he was still paying attention.

After all, the resources that Fang Qingshan, the eternal sky boat, and the heavenly chessboards need to be promoted are really huge.

If the whole Taoist gate is robbed, in a short time, there is no need to worry about resources.

Especially the immortal breakthrough from immortality.

The third-level peak is the treasure, but he saw a lot in picking the star tower.

Even if it breaks through eternity from ancient times, if the Taoist gate is robbed, the task progress will break through zero.

Because the Taoist Gate has more than four treasures.

If it is Fang Qingshan, naturally will not be ungrateful, killing chickens to make trouble.

But for the Great Emperor Xingyi, people are not destroyed for their own sake.

The killer set fire to the golden belt, and the bridge was paved without a corpse.

The Taoist Gate has no Emperor, and the resources are rich. More importantly, he has not yet found him. Such a great opportunity, the nature is not taken, but the blame.

Therefore, the conspiracy against the Taoist Gate that Yiyidao people saw was true and true.

The Xingyi Emperor is indeed aiming at the Taoist Gate, their future, and at the same time digging into their heritage.

As for whether it is not or not, it is because the Yidao people got their directions wrong.

Once bitten, twice shy.

For them, when they think of conspiracy, they can't help but think of the last scene where the people of Wangu Tianmen and others jointly targeted Taoist disciples.

This time, naturally, it is no exception, after all, they made a comeback and engaged in a bigger conspiracy.

As for the conspiracy that occurred from inside the Taoist gate, no one had thought of it, nor would it have thought about it.

After all, who would have thought that there would be a fallen **** emperor hidden in the secret door of the Taoist Gate? And this thing was brought back by the Taoist ancestors?

In the end, if the Taoist gate really fell because of this, it can only be said that it is God's will, and it should be.

These, not to mention, with the

The order continued, and the whole Taoist door moved.

The first to say is the elders who pass power, law enforcement, Duobao, life lanterns, Tao soldiers and so on.

Head, deputy head, and all true disciples in the Tao of Taoism.

At this moment, moving together, lingering in the center of Tao's Chaos World, below the Taoist list.


Followed, but saw that the person said lightly and reached out.

The next moment, the void was pulled open like a curtain. In the boundless amount of time and space, a broken stele flew into the air and landed among the crowd.

Don't look at the stele, it seems a bit broken, and there are cracks all over it, but in terms of breath, it is not worse than the Taoist list above it.

Obviously, this is another level four treasure of Taoist Gate.

However, seeing the traces on him, you can think about how dangerous scenes the Taoist ancestors encountered.

Above the stele, except for the scar that has not yet healed, it can be seen with engraved characters.

Town by town town by town! !! !! !! !! !! !!

The seven town characters make the war monument inspiring, breaking out of the monument, it can suppress everything, seal everything, as if it contains the terrifying will to seal the town. No matter whether it is time, space, destiny, causality, etc., or the emperor, even emperor, etc., all can be suppressed.

Really people stop killing, Buddha blocks killing Buddha, and magic blocks killing monsters. ?

Block in front, it's Zhenzhenzhen! !! ?

This is the Fengzhen monument. ?

Don't say you face it, even if you glance at it, it seems that you can be suppressed by the seal.

This is the treasure of Taoist ancestors at that time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He majored in Fengzhen Taoist.

This thing, Fang Qingshan had actually seen it.

Although not the body.

In the secret library of Taoist Gate, the dozing old man in front of Xinglou is the instrumental spirit of Fengzhenbei, just like the Taoist boy.

As the only fourth-class treasure of Taoism, this thing naturally also has the effect of suppressing air traffic.

At this moment, they were invited out by Yiyi Taoists to urge them together, and the United Taoist Billboard will suppress the fluctuating Qiyun.

But seeing them, and simultaneously operating the basic methods of Taoism and Taoism, the infinite Taoism is determined, the breath is connected, the mouth is chanting.

"The origin is Hongmeng, Hongmeng is broken, and the heavens, the heavens, and the way out, the words move, and the intention follows, and the Tao conceives everything, and everything is born ...

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