"so far so good!"

Qi Fang Qingshan relieved in his heart.

Fortunately, Zhang Jiao was injured. Fortunately, when he came by himself, only Huangzhou Road had left Jizhou alone.

If Zhang Jiao is at its heyday, unless he sacrifices the world chess board or desperately, don't say that if Zhang Jiao is annihilated, whether he can save his life is a problem.

If it is the fierce flames of the eight states, the heavens and the earth are in harmony with one another, and the natural power of the heavens and the earth is formed, and you have no choice but to fight desperately.

Fortunately, his Zhangjiao strength has gone to the fifth floor. Fortunately, this supernatural power is just the power of his sacrifice.

Qi Fang Qingshan took a deep breath, opened his mouth and spit out, offering a pure Yang Feijian, his hands suddenly stamped, all the shadows flew, all the mana rushed out, and poured into the Feijian.

In a hurry, the golden light of Chunyang Feijian bloomed.

金色 The golden sun rises round by round.

One round, two rounds, three rounds ... five rounds ... nine rounds.

Suddenly, there were nine rounds of big sun around the pure Yang Feijian.

Twenty-nine are extremely numerous, but Fang Qingshan is still not satisfied. He actually slaps his palm on his chest, exhales his vitality, and blesses on the pure Yang Feijian.


The golden light condenses in time, and then the golden light blooms, and a golden sun reappears.

Tenth round!

Every day on the 10th!

Zhang Zhangjiao prepared to refine Fang Qingshan with a gossip alchemy furnace. Fang Qingshan also attacked and fired.

I like the gossip alchemy furnace and the fiery flames, or Fang Qingshan's pure Yang Jianjue and Zhiyang Fire are even better.

"Big Sun returns, Chunyang Wuji!"

Qi Fang Qingshan whispered, and his two-hand printing changed suddenly.


Twenty rounds of the Big Sun suddenly exploded, and the golden torrent rushed across, instantly melting into one body, cut off with the flying sword, but a round of the Big Sun broke through.


I saw Fang Qingshan fully explode the power of Chunyang Jianjue. Zhang Jiao's pupils suddenly shrank into a pinhole. Knowing the success or failure, Zhang Jiao also spit out a spit of blood on the magical power.


The gossip furnace fluttered, the furnace wall was stronger, the fire was more fierce, and nothing else.

The next moment, Da Ri Fei Jian and the gossip alchemy furnace were hit hard together.

At the moment of the impact, the heavens and the earth seemed to be frozen, everything was still, and the light was erratic. Surprisingly, there was no loud sound coming out. The appearance was like the sound was swallowed up by the terrible spiritual force.

Loud sound, elephant looks!

No sound, only to see the pieces crashing at the nodes of the collision, two terrorist forces, eroding and destroying each other crazy.

Although it didn't seem to be moving, Fang Qingshan and Zhang Jiao changed color at the same time.

The two abruptly retreated toward the rear. At the same time, Fang Qingshan poured all the mana into the Five Cloud Peach Blossoms, and let the eighteen Yin Yang Demon in the Five Prison King Ding and all the Demon eat the milk. Cast it out, turning on all the formations.

Of course, Fang Qingshan did not forget that the transmission of General Dian Wei opened.

Time flies, but seeing Fang Qingshan as if wearing a dress, like dreams, a big tripod over his head suppresses the mountains and rivers.

Just when Fang Qingshan had done all this, the aftermath of the collision finally dispersed.


With a loud noise, the stone was shocked.

The storm raged, and it spread to thousands of miles in an instant.

Fortunately, they were fighting in mid-air, otherwise, the whole Guangzong city would be ruined.

Even so, the meteor shower is falling, the Zhu Tianjun is centered on Dian Wei, and it is also forbidden to support three people. Even so, the chessboard on the top of the head is crumbling, and Guangzong City is not much better, even because they need more defense. Even more stretched.

In midair, although Fang Qingshan and Zhang Jiao retreated fast, they still did not escape the sweep of the aftermath.

He was the first to bear the brunt, and the two were directly out of the stinging tremors, and each spit out blood.

Fang Qingshan is okay. He has two pieces of defensive treasures. Although he vomited blood, the injuries were not serious. The biggest loss was just the demon in the five prison kings. In this case, he lost hundreds of thousands. Fang Qingshan was distressed for a while.

And Zhang Jiao is not so lucky. He does n’t have as many treasures as Fang Qingshan. In addition to a nine-stick staff, he has only three heavenly books, but the nine-stick staff is an attack magic weapon. Weaker than the magic weapon, but it is only an auxiliary class and cannot be used for defense. He can only carry it down by borrowing supernatural powers.

It was just a battle with Qiyun Jinlong, killing an enemy one thousand and self-damaging eight hundred, the Yellow Turban Uprising was frustrated, was attacked by the power of the Han Dynasty and reflected back, and was wounded. Now it has been severely hit by the aftermath of the battle. Live, and directly turn into a streamer income to know the sea.

"Huh? Good opportunity!"

When I saw this, Fang Qingshan was suddenly in front of my eyes. I didn't have much time to think about it. When my heart moved, Chunyang Feijian waved gently, and the next moment appeared in front of Zhang Jiao.


Qiufeng did not move the cicada's instinct, and secretly sent impermanence to death!

Zhang Zhangjiao's whim ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ subconsciously forwarded the nine-stick staff in his hand, blocking the attack of Chunyang Feijian.

Suddenly he felt a pinch in his heart, and a cold sweat broke out on his back, but because of inadequate preparation, the nine-node staff was also directly blown by Chunyang Feijian.

He did not wait for Zhang Jiaosong to breathe, Fang Qingshan's heart moved, Chunyang Feijian flickered again, and rotated around his neck, and a skull rose instantly into the sky.

天 遁 swordsmanship!

At this moment, Fang Qingshan is performing another sword technique of Chunyang real person, heaven!

This sword technique involves the law of space. Fang Qingshan also got started after getting a large cut from the Seven-leaf Demon King. At this moment, Shi Shi unfolded, and it turned out to be a ghost.

Although Zhang Zhangjiao was beheaded, his head was not dead. The heavens and the earth fly out of the mud pill palace, and flew away as soon as he shook himself.

"Dao Friends, please stay away!"

I saw Zhang Jiao want to run away, how could Fang Qingshan let the ducks flying away?

The Five Prison King Ding in his hand is fully open, swallowing the sky, and the Yuan God in Zhangjiao sucked it in, followed the Wuyun peach blossoms in his hand, and turned into a pink rope. Tied Zhang Jiao's method together, and pulled it, directly suppressing the five prison kings.


At this time, Fang Qingshan finally breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand, and brought back Zhang Jiao's corpse and Ji Fei's nine-stick staff.

Buzz buzz!

Suddenly, the world tree in the mud pill palace was shaking, and he couldn't wait to get Fang Qingshan to give him the Nine Scepter.

"Don't worry, don't worry, now is not the time to devour digestion, I am back to Qingzhou for you!"

Fang Qingshan comforted.

He then dropped his head holding Zhang Jiao's head down.

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