Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 182: Half step

"A piece of Golden Dan swallowed in my belly, I can't help it!"

Fang Qingshan sits cross-legged in the back room, the world tree above his head, roots in all heavens and heavens, and penetrates the two worlds of Xianfan. The infinite vitality of the world comes from different worlds and different spaces, and permeates Fang Qingshan's body.

At this moment, outside the Chamber of Secrets, a funnel vortex floating in the sky above the Fang Shifu continuously swallowed up the whole aura of Qingzhou and even the nearby seas, as Fang Qingshan's successive movements of the Five Elements of Aura turned into mana.

金 Although this Jindan is different from Bijindan, it is still a qualitative change.

Heaven and earth exist because of me, the sun and the moon move because of me, the situation is shaken because of me, the golden nature is immortal, and endure forever.

Runes are shrinking, and formations are condensing.

The whole Fuyu seems to be folded up, like a kneading surface, transforming from two-dimensional to three-dimensional.

A little bit of immortal golden light shimmers, though faint, but like a bright light.

Infinite Aura merges into Fang Qing with the throughput of Fang Qingshan, and various magical formations continue to transform under the will of San Mei Zhen Fang and Fang Qingshan, impacting Jin Dan.

Every moment, hundreds of thousands of yuan of baby dan's vitality is consumed, which is Fang Qingshan's wealth, which is also unbearable at this moment.

"Good guy, World Tree, the five elements have been energetic one after another, pure Yang Jindan, and various Taoist spiritual masterpieces are still not enough. It seems I am a bit overwhelmed."

Feeling the inadequate mana in his body, Fang Qingshan's complexion finally began to change.

"It seems that the haste is not reached, and you can only gather Xu Dan first."

Fang Qingshan originally wanted to go all out and gather Jin Dan directly, but at this moment he found that he was somewhat unprepared. Even if the world tree was transformed, the energized energy had increased by a geometric multiple, and he had received many elixir in the Yellow Turban Collection, plus his recovery. Speed ​​and pure Yang Jindan, actually in the end is not enough, Fang Qingshan had to retreat second, condensing Xu Dan first.

"It's okay, too. It's easy to get rid of the big steps. Slow down, it might not be a good thing."

Qi Fang Qingshan exhaled slowly. Directly exploded all the demon in the Five Prison King Ding, including the eighteen Yin Yang Demon King, and transformed it into a torrent of mana and rushed towards Fuyuzhong.


I was like a mountain of flames, and someone poured oil from a lake out of thin air.

For a while, the sound of the immortal sounded up, the colorful flowers and rain rained, and an illusive Jin Dan emerged faintly.

After a while, Fang Qingshan's mind was clear.

In the meticulous outdoor, the storms and clouds, the strong force between the heavens and the earth, the vibrations constantly, the rainbow crosses the sky, Xiang Guangrui's gasification into all kinds of anomalies, as if Xiangrui appeared in the world.

Although Fang Qingshan did not completely break through Jin Dan's realm, it was only because his mana was insufficient and his realm had arrived.

But above his head, although it is illusory, the same shining golden dandelion floats, the size of a human head, and it emits countless brilliance, among which there are countless avenues and magical powers, big cuts, five elements of thunder, and five elements of extinction. , Heaven and Earth Oven ...

At the same time, Luoyang Palace.

After the three brothers of Zhangjiao were wiped out, the Jizhou yellow scarf was completely wiped out. Dong Zhuo returned to Beijing and brought back the heads of the three brothers of Zhangjiao. The yellow scarf uprising that spread throughout the world finally subsided, and the court paid tribute to nature.

Among them, Dong Zhuo was previously defeated by Zhang Jiao, so that the soldiers fell like a mountain and almost revived the yellow scarf. It should have been jailed. But now that the Jizhou yellow scarf has calmed down, the heads of the three brothers of Zhang Jiao are in front of them, although it is not his own hand. It was done, but most of the marshals of Jizhou soldiers and horses, of course, his credit for his work.

Dong Zhuofeng, the prince of Liangzhou, general of Zhenbei, bestowed on the inside.

Similarly, Huang Pusong who calmed down the Long She and the Nanyang Yellow Scarf, and Zhu Jun naturally advanced to the ranks for merit, as if with Dong Zhuo.

Other successful people, such as Cao Cao, Sun Jian, Gong Sun, etc. also have their own rewards.

The only thing that the imperial court could not decide was to give the Yellow Turban Jedi a blow, which completely ended Fang Qingshan of the Yellow Turban Uprising, and did not know how to reward him.

Tong Fang Qingshan was the **** of Donglai County, but he took the lead in calming Donglai and even the yellow scarf of Qingzhou. Thanks to this alone, the credit is not small.

Then, they even sent troops to Qingzhou, and personally killed Zhang Jiao, completely destroying the Jizhou Yellow Scarf.

I can say that for him alone, the credit is comparable to Huang Pusong and others.

But the same, Fang Qingshan's problem is not small. As the prince of Donglai County, he did not return after pacifying Qingzhou. Instead, he actually divided Qingzhou, Qingzhou, and Jizhou into yellow turbans. After that, the yellow turban army was collected. Reached hundreds of thousands.

Not only did Qionggong quake the leader, Qingzhou's strength is now a powerful deterrent.

So much so that the court did not know how to face him.

Give it a reward, it would have been a big deal, and give him a name, would n’t it be to raise a tiger and suffer endless troubles.

But no reward, even rebuke, won't work.

Qi Fang Qingshan can now be said to have made great contributions to the world. If he doesn't appreciate it, he will be punished instead. Shake off the donkey? The birds do their best to hide ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The rabbits are cooked by the dead dogs. If this is the case, the Han Dynasty, which was originally turbulent, will be even more shaky.

Of course, these are not the main ones, the most important thing is Fang Qingshan's strength.

He was able to sweep the entire Qingzhou with the strength of a county, and his original strength was very strong. Later, the yellow towels of Qingzhou and Jizhou were compiled, and it turned out to be a behemoth. I dare not say that he is the next yellow scarf. Peace Road, but I am afraid it is not far behind.

Plutonium, in particular, Fang Qingshan's strength, like Zhang Jiao, is like a nuclear weapon. It is a deterrent in itself.

I will not talk about beating Zhang Jiao. Just looking at the downloading sky above Qingzhou, the world can see the vision, and everyone is silent.

The Yellow Turban Uprising has just subsided. At this time, if Fang Qingshan is accidentally forced back, I am afraid that it is time for the court to fall apart.

"You say, aren't you usually able to say it? How dumb at this time? What charter should it be?" Han Lingdi swore coldly around the palace's courtiers, growling.

When he saw the crowd, he still didn't speak up. Emperor Han Ling directly named and said, "Yuan Yuan, you."

The third son of the Yuan family, the third grandfather, Yuan Ye was even a prince, and when he saw the Emperor Han Ling picked him, he knew that he couldn't hide away, and immediately walked out. In my opinion, it can be named as Youzhou Assassin's History, Zhennan General, Ciliehou, as for Qingzhou and Donglai County.

"What do you think?" Han Lingdi asked the others when he heard about it.

"The ministers are reconsidering!" The other courtiers said without a second hesitation.


Seeing this, the Emperor Han Ling was not too good, and he snorted coldly. "Since this is the case, let's do it."

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