Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 187: Huatiandu


Seeing the appearance of Song Weiyi, Fang Qingshan hiding in the shadows secretly said.

With the appearance of Song Weiyi, everyone's face changed except Fang Qingxue.

Whether it is too happy for one party, or it should be difficult innately, it is also Fang Han. After all, he was still regarded as a demon.

So as long as he is too happy, he will be happy, and if he is too happy, he will not be happy.

"Fang Qingxue, you are very good, you can see the big picture, and you don't share the same fate with the devil, you are my disciple."

After the only appearance of Ji Song, he didn't care about Ying congenital, instead he praised Fang Qingxue.

"Hum, why not one and the other, when I become a bully gate, I can't bully?"

Unfortunately, Fang Qingxue did not appreciate, sneered.

"I'm too close to Yuhuamen. I need to bully the little, so I don't need to say more about bullying." Song Weiyi waved his hand. "I came to deal with the situation. As for you The matter of the door is naturally handled by the person who has the feathered door. "

He said, Song Wei arched a hand in the void, and said politely, "Yes, please Brother Hua!"

As soon as this remark was made, Fang Qingxue's complexion could not help but change in secret, and the secret way was not good.

Fang Qingxue's disciples are not afraid of others, including Ling Xiao, Canaan, and others, but they are very afraid of Hua Tian.

He was not only cultivated to a high level, but also inherited from Pan Wuxianzun. He has a deep foundation, and his strength in Yuhuamen is inextricably intertwined. It is no surprise that he will be the head of Yuhuamen in the future.

Qi Fang Qingxue didn't expect that even for the sake of Fang Han, even Huatian attracted him.

No matter what Fang Qingxue thinks, with Song Weiyi's words fall.


He only heard a loud noise, and a violent burst came from the air, and it was the nearby Taiyuanxianfu that shook it.

Between the beard and the beard, everyone saw a flower in front of them, and they saw a scholar in Tsing Yi, who looked ordinary and seemed like a chicken without a hand.

Although Hua Hua Tiandu did not play the gongs and drums, and the scene of the opening of the soldiers, but none of the people at the scene did him.

Fang Qingshan couldn't help but get excited when he saw Huatian.

Although Zhang Jiao and Hua Tian are both practicing anti-days and changing their lives, in terms of his eyesight, Hua Tian is actually a higher level than Zhang Jiao.

In fact, this is not surprising. Although Zhang Jiao got three volumes of heavenly books, the world of the Three Kingdoms has limited the inheritance.

But the inheritance of Huatiandu is the inheritance of the immortal world Pan Wuxun and the original Taoist.

In addition, Zhang Jiao is just an ordinary person born at the historic moment, but Huatiandu is the combination of the mysterious tumor and the soul of Huatianjun in the gate of eternal life, the supreme magic weapon of the eternal world.

"Although Huatian is powerful, I am not vegetarian."

Although Huatiandu's strength was somewhat unexpected, Fang Qingshan's expectations, but he was not afraid.

Martyrdom into Jin Dan, nine hundred and eighty-one magical powers, all ways to one.

The defense is Wuyun Taohua, Wuding Wang Ding, and the attack is blood sky, chopping dragon sword, and even pure Yang Feijian.

More trees in the world continue to provide vitality for themselves.

Even if he can't defeat Huatiandu, but the tie is a tie, it is not difficult for the other side.

"Have seen Brother Hua!"

说 On the field, when seeing Huatian appear, Fang Qingxue stepped forward immediately, performed a ritual and then claimed humanity first.

"My brother came at the right time. Taiyi bullied me, bullied me little, bullied me less, and insulted me, Yuhuamen. As the first true disciple, you have the responsibility to uphold the majesty of the martial arts. under."

I heard Fang Qingxue's words, no matter whether it was Zhao Xuanyi, Song Weiyi, or even the real person of Fulu, they all changed their faces.

Because they know that Huatian will not take them like that, one is because of the prestige of Taiyimen, and the other is because Huatian is close to Taiyimen. Trivial matters, not to make him turn his face.

Yes, in the eyes of Zhao Xuanyi and others, the previous thing is just a trivial matter.

Sure enough, Huatian listened to Fang Qingxue's forced palace, his face did not change, and said lightly, "I know the whole story, the root of it all lies with you!"

He said, Huatiandu swept his eyes toward Fang Han, and an invisible coercion shrouded it.

"In order to enhance your strength, you will do whatever you can to warn your disciples in the last time not to use magic magic. I did not expect you to act as a whisper."

Although Fang Han was good, under the coercion of Huatiandu, he was trembling and sweating.

When Fang Qingxue saw this, he stepped forward and stopped in front of Fang Han. Fang Han took the opportunity to offer two treasures, and then he took a sigh of relief.

Pointing at Huatiandu's nose, he yelled, "Hey, you are the first true disciple of Yuhuamen, and you can just turn your arms out, but you still have no word. The ten-year agreement has just been set, and I see my strength rise too quickly , Actually want to suppress, I have never seen such a brazen man. "

"No matter what you say, I will teach Suchamen on behalf of me, and the magic treasure will not be available." For Fang Qingshan's words ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Hua Tian should be the ear of the wind, completely do not care, and waved his hand. Well, these things will be discussed in the martial arts. The previous and Taiyi things were just misunderstandings. How about this? "

He said, Hua Tiandu turned around and asked Song Weiyi and Zhao Xuan.

"It's all up to Brother Hua." Song Wei or two naturally had no objection.

"That's it!" Hua Tian nodded, and the other party Qingxue three-way, "It's over here, you guys should come back to Yuhuamen immediately!"

"Well, although you are the first true disciple, but you are not in charge, you can't control me, don't stretch your hands too long," Fang Qingxue said coldly.

"You know why I want you to go back." Hua Tian said lightly, "Don't force me to shoot."

"Is it? I was also trying to test your finest first pass."

Although Fang Qingxue was a female streamer, it was a shame to keep her eyebrows from falling. She was a yin and yang realm, and she dared to go to the demon god's tiger beard. Now Huatian has bullied her, and naturally she has not flinched.

"That being the case, I'll let you die."

Wu Huatian saw this and did not have any unexpected expression. He said lightly,

"Originally, my true disciple of Yuhuamen had to compete and needed to go to the execution platform, but since it was outside, everything was simplified."

After a pause, Huatian continued, "Don't say that I bully you, you, Yingtianqing, Fang Han, you go together, if you can break through my hands, I will ignore it, if not, you will be good Come back with me, how? "

"Without Fang Han, I and Qingxue are both." Fang Qingxue had not spoken, and Ying Tianqing agreed.

Wu Fang Qingxue heard the words and did not hesitate, and nodded.

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