Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 196: Spread the word

"Finally back!"

She stood outside the gate of Yuhua and watched a hundred true mountain peaks. Yun Zi was careless and free, Fang Qingshan could not help expressing his sincere emotion.

It is said that since the last Mountain and River List Competition left Yuhuamen itself, it has gone overseas and crossed the three countries. It has also had a few years of experience, and it really has the feeling of a white horse crossing the gap.

"Son, you are back."

I just stood on Zhu Tianfeng. Fang Ling and Fang Qin ran over with surprise, and then saw Fang Qingxue beside them. They quickly converged and looked very dignified.

"Have seen Miss."

Although Fang Qingxue was away from Fang's house all year round, in the eyes of Fang's family, he was very dignified. Both Fang Ling dared to coquettish in front of themselves, but did not dare to make trouble in front of Fang Qingxue.

"Yes, yes, there is already a physical tenfold state, it seems that magical powers can be expected."

Qi Fang Qingshan saw that these two maids had been able to use their spirits to create various illusions to the enemy. They had powerful mental powers and were the pinnacle of the tenfold transformation of the physical state. They nodded in satisfaction.

"Look back, I'll get you some elixir, and strive to break through the magical power as soon as possible, and then take care of Zhu Tianfeng for me."

Qi Fang Qingshan just glanced at it. Compared with the five true peaks from north to south and north to middle from east to west, the sky peaks of his own are too cold and dark.

Although I don't care much about these superficial efforts, I believe that strength is the root of everything, but it is best to have both.

However, the reason why Zhu Tianfeng is so down, in addition to being absent all year round, is also because Fang Ling and the two are only in the physical state.

So whether it is to raise power or to cultivate talents, it seems necessary to help Fang Ling to advance to the magical secret.

既然 "Since the third brother said so, there are two gourds to build the kidan. Take them."

在 At this moment, Fang Qingxue opened his mouth and threw two purple gold gourds between his hands, which contained Zhujidan, which is a human-grade rare elixir. It is often taken, and it is not difficult to step into the mystery of magical powers.


Wu Fangling and Fang Qin are no small people now, naturally knowing the preciousness of this thing, did not dare to accept it immediately, but looked at Fang Qingshan.

既然 "Since the elder sister gave it to you, you can accept it. Although this thing is good for you, it is not in our eyes, and you are also Fang family members." Fang Qingshan waved his hands and let them accept.

If it wasn't for the breakthrough of Jindan and exhausting all the elixir, then after returning to catch up with the Taiyuanxianfu, it was too late to refine the elixir, and Fang Qingxue would not need to present the elixir at all.

"It's my son, thank you Miss."

Wu Fangling and Fang Qingshan agreed, and they took the elixir happily.

After Xuan passed the two, Fang Qingshan took Fang Qingxue out of the back room.

"Oh, I didn't expect that you have already reached this point in the third brother."

Only then did Fang Qingxue have a good time to look around, and said with emotion.

"It's just a chance." Fang Qingshan chuckled, "I'm just going to take a step first. The older sister got the treasure of ancient Lei Di, and it's a matter of time to catch up."

"It's so easy there."

Fang Qingxue could not help but smiled and shook his head.

In theory, she is not slow in practice, but very fast on the contrary, but compared with Fang Qingshan and Fang Han, she can't get a little faster.

"By the way, my third brother, I think the raid method you performed earlier is a little different. I wonder what the magical power is?"

According to this section, Fang Qingxue actively shifted the topic and asked curiously.

She got the mantle of ancient Lei Di, and the reincarnation of the electric mother. She is unique in Lei Fa. In terms of Lei Fa's knowledge, she said that second, I am afraid that no one would dare to recognize the first.

But based on her knowledge and insight, she actually didn't know anything about the Big Five Elements Heavenly God Shenlei, which was developed by the other side, which had to be surprising.

"I have a senior man named Hexian Tao who is a Hesha Taoist who practices the Five Elements of Thunder." Fang Qingshan briefly said, and then Fang Qingxue continued to ask, and he actively took the practice of the five elements of Thunder. Fifty to ten spoke out.

He said, Fang Qingshan also talked about the Five Elements God Thunder offering.

For a while, I saw a cloud of thunder above his head, divided into five parts, colorful and colorful, during which thunders rose, one after another, shaking, crackling, or colliding with each other, or merging, and each other, mysterious and abnormal.

"OK, OK, OK!"

Hearing, watching Fang Qingshan's Five Elements God Thunder, Fang Qingxue couldn't help but admire again and again, the excitement on his face overflowed with expressions, and there was a red glow of excitement.

Although Fang Qingshan's Five Elements God Thunder is no better than her from the ancient Thunder Emperor, or the Lei Tao magical power in the memory of the electronic mother.

But this is a thunder law that is very different from all the thunder law in the eternal world at present, but it also points directly to the Avenue of Thunder.

If it falls into the hands of others, like Fang Qingshan, it is only a powerful magical power, but it will be more effective if it falls into the hands of people like Fang Qingxue ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ So, it is Yi Fang Qingxue's deserted, could not help but be excited at this moment.

"Well a Hesha Taoist, if he does not die, the fairy king can be expected."

In this regard, Fang Qingshan shrugged his shoulders. He didn't know what realm he had cultivated after the Hesha Taoist had ascended to the fairyland.

"I have got such a big benefit from you, it seems I have to show something." Fang Qingxue laughed.

"Sister, you and my family, all glory and glory, all damage, why all these supernatural powers say this?" Fang Qingshan shook his head.

"Bear brothers still know how to settle accounts," Fang Qingxue chuckled, and solemnly said, "For you, it is nothing but a magical power, and for me, if I can go further in the future, this method will be indispensable."

After speaking, Fang Qingxue didn't bother Fang Qingshan, but said to himself, "You have cultivated to Jindan in one step first, there is the inheritance of Jinxian, and you hold the Taoist instrument. It seems that it is not easy for you to find a gift. "

"Just, I'll pass the little fatalism to you." Fang Qingxue said solemnly.

"What? Little fate?" Fang Qingshan, who had no other choice, could not help hearing this, and was shocked.

Little fate!

This is a precursor to the emergence of the No. 1 Destiny of the Three Thousand Avenues Supernatural Power.

This method can not only condense magical power at the cost of life, but also motivate the power of fate. You can devour other magical powers to strengthen yourself.

命运 In the world of eternal life, destiny is the most mysterious thing. Mastering destiny can not only restrain the remaining 2,999 avenues, but also have the opportunity to enter the gate of eternal life. Cultivation to the extreme can summon the true gate of eternal life to suppress and kill the enemy.

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