Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 202: Grab a private room

"It's better to come early than it happened, the senior is really here today." Lu Mei smiled sweetly.

"Oh? Why?" Fang Qingshan asked curiously.

"Today is my quarterly auction meeting in Tiandaoge. There are a lot of good things, and the predecessors will definitely be here." Lu Mei explained.

"It seems to be a coincidence." Fang Qingshan laughed.

"Yeah, this is an invitation to the VIP seat, please predecessor smile." With that, Greenbrow put an invitation in his hands.

But I can see that this invitation turned out to be made of pure gold, with a font made of cold iron on it, and waves of mana. It is actually a magic weapon and it is difficult to counterfeit.

"I'm interested." Fang Qingshan nodded with satisfaction.

那 "Senior, please follow me."

With a green eyebrow, the smile on his face deepened.

Qi Fang Qingshan has Jin Dan Xiuwei. This is a big customer. He is satisfied. He will benefit a lot by buying anything.

Qi Fang Qingshan followed the green eyebrows to Tiandaoge's auction hall, and his eyes couldn't help flashing a look of surprise.

"Good guy, so big a pen, actually using a Taoist tool as an auction house!"

Yes, this auction house is actually a Taoist tool. Although it is only a subordinate product, it cannot be compared with the Temple of Heavenly Punishment, but it is also valuable.

No wonder that Tiandao Pavilion is the Daxuan Empire. One of the three major chambers of commerce, even Taoist instruments can be bought and sold.

"It seems that the strength of this Tao Daoge is not small!"

Fang Qingshan secret road.

According to the records of various worlds, Tiandao Pavilion is a mysterious organization. No one knows where his headquarters is. Among them is Xiandao and Demon. Many have existed for thousands of years.

"I'm afraid this pavilion is not worse than that sent by Xianjia!"

"Senior please!"

Seeing Fang Qingshan being frightened, Lu Mei could not help laughing. Lead Fang Qingshan to a separate room.

Although Fang Qingshan was shaken a bit, it was just shaken.

The martial arts tool is very precious to others, but it is the same here at Fang Qingshan. He alone is carrying three magical tools, especially the two pure Yang Feijians, which are the top-quality killing tools.

After Lu Qingmei introduced Fang Qingshan into the private room, he retreated, and Fang Qingshan stood outside the window of the private room and looked out.

But you can see a venue like an arena. Its scale is large enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people, and it is already full of people. The popularity is so horrible.

"I did not expect that a quarterly auction at Tiandaoge actually attracted so many people." Fang Qingshan could not help but sigh.

He did n’t know that every time at the auction in Tiandao Pavilion, there will be a treasure box with a bottom box, and it will not be said until the last minute, or a magic weapon, or an elixir, or a magical power. It is impossible to get it on weekdays, so when it comes to auctions, many people will come here to see if there is nothing important, so as not to miss the opportunity.


此时 At this moment, the door of the private room was knocked, Fang Qingshan could not help but raise a brow, opened the door, but saw a woman in Tiandaoge leading a group of people outside the door.

The leader is a man wearing an imperial robe with a jade crown on his head. He looks dressed like a prince in the world, but his power is extremely arrogant. He is also a powerful man with six magical powers. A follower, a strong explosive force emerged from his body. Mana looming, he was a master of magical secrets.

"What's going on?" Fang Qingshan glanced at it, not to mention the singular state, that is, Jin Dan Faxiang was not in his eyes. He set his eyes on the guiding woman in Tiandaoge.

"Taoyou is ..." As soon as the woman in Tiandaoge spoke, she was interrupted by the entourage around the prince.

"I see the prince in this private room, you go out!"

"Dao You, the prince of the Daxuan Empire, this is the last private room, you see?"

Although the woman interrupted by the Tiantian Pavilion was somewhat embarrassed, she did not refute, but instead pointed out the identity of the person and wanted Fang Qingshan to retreat.

In the end, this time they are doing something amiss.

He is just an unknown source. Although it is a good repair, compared to the Prince of the Daxuan Empire, he does not need to mention who it is.

"Oh, interesting." Fang Qingshan did not expect that this kind of private room grabbing happened to himself, and asked with a smile, "If I don't want to let it?"

"Presumptuous, shameless to the face, my prince fancy it, you dare not give it, believe it or not, this is out of the Heavenly Court, you ca n’t leave this Daxuan Empire." The followers who spoke before continued to threaten .

"I thought you dared to do it in Tiandao Pavilion directly? It turned out that you still have to wait for me to go out. In this case, wait until I go out!"

He said, Fang Qingshan turned around and closed the door with a snap.

"You ..." The attendant apparently did not expect that Fang Qingshan didn't follow the routine, and immediately couldn't help it. 噎

"Prince Shuo, this ..." Even more embarrassing is the woman in Tiandaoge. She had wanted to please Prince Shuo ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but did not expect to finally take the horseshoe.

"Let's go!"

Prince Shuo, who had never spoken, took a deep look at the private room, as if he could see Fang Qingshan through the room, and then left with a follower with a wave of his hand.

"Send someone to stare, as soon as he leaves Tiandaoge, capture him, regardless of life or death."

虽然 Although the prince has remained calm, he was a fierce master halfway through. His voice was not changed to the followers on the side. The kind of randomness was like saying that the weather is really good today.

"Yes, Lord Wang can rest assured." The follower heard a smile with a faint smile on his face.

Soon after Prince Shuo left, Fang Qingshan's private room door was knocked again.

Qi Fang Qingshan frowned suddenly, and it was not over. He opened it with an apologetic green eyebrow.

"I'm sorry senior, Xia Yue's affairs, I will sue to the director, I will give you an account."

罢 "Just, as long as you don't bother me."

Qi Fang Qingshan waved his hand.

After passing the green eyebrow, she finally calmed down.


I waited quietly for a while, and a bell rang, and the auction finally started.

But saw a beam of light burst from the middle of the auction hall, during which a middle-aged man of golden yellow emerged. He is obese and laughs before he speaks, like a Maitreya Buddha, with his narrow eyes shining brightly.

人 This person's name is Qian Duoduo, but he is the steward of Tiandaoge. The auctioneer has Jin Danxiu.

With the appearance of this person, the auction hall that was originally hustle and bustle suddenly quieted down.

"You all are friendly. Welcome to the Tiandaoge Autumn Auction. Today, I will be hosting this auction for you, I hope you all will return."

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