Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 207: Elder Gou

Twilight is dim, the sun is as bloody!

A faint red sunset shone on the Xishan Mountain. The blue and blue sky floated with large white clouds. They showed the flame-like red under the glow of the sunset.


On the blood-stained sky, there was a sudden blast of wind breaking, and only a colorful streamer was seen across the sky, and at last it swept away at an amazing speed towards the distance.

It looked like he was evading the chase, and fled hurriedly, pushing the speed to the extreme.

This kind of full-speed rush continued for about half an hour, and finally gradually slowed down. It seemed that some successors were weak, and the colorful light finally landed on a mountain.

Fang Qingshan stood still, looked around, and suddenly smiled and said, "Since it's here, come out. After so long, it's hard for you!"

"Hehe, it's interesting, it seems you already knew."

When Fang Qingshan's laughter fell, an indifferent voice sounded in this world, only to see the space not far away in front of him slightly twisted, and a figure appeared like ghosts out of thin air.

Xi Heran is the elder Gou who was close to Prince Shuo.

"Huh? Change your life!"

I saw Fang Qingshan's pupils shrink slightly when he saw the person. He didn't expect that the protector of the prince Shuo had the practice of changing the life. It seems that this person was very favored in the Daxuan Empire.

既然 "Since you know my practice, do you still arrest yourself?"

Nianlairen didn't expect that Fang Qingshan saw his practice at a glance, but didn't think much about it, just thought that he had some kind of pupil magic power, and said lightly.

"Cultivation is higher than me, and I have to catch it?" Fang Qingshan chuckled, and said jokingly, "If this is the case, we don't have to fight in the future, just let go of the momentum, and see who is higher, whoever Win. "

"The teeth are sharp and sharp, I hope that your bones will be hard here too." Elder Gou said coldly, but in the black eyes, there was a gradual accumulation of coldness.

"My bones are hard or not, you will know if you try." Fang Qingshan said irresponsibly.

"Look for death!" Elder Gou's eyelids drooped slightly, the smile on the corner of his mouth, and his expressionless expression gradually became a little embarrassed.

The sound of the crickets fell, but there was no unnecessary movement. A horrible spiritual storm burst out from its body. The dark spiritual force swept the heavens and the earth, and the temperature between heaven and earth suddenly dropped at this moment.

For a while, the whole world seemed to have reached the Glacier Era, a frozen soul, the chill of the frozen world swept towards Fang Qingshan instantly.

"Carved insect tricks!"

Qi Fang Qingshan is one of the eight supernatural powers who have seen Huatiandu show Yuhuamen!

Compared with Huatian, Elder Gou is more than weak in terms of supernatural power, cultivation, or experience.

"If you only have this means, you can't say that you have to stay here today."

Fang Qingshan stood still, his heart moved, a pure yang breath burst out, but it seemed that there was a big day rising from the top of Fang Qingshan's head. For a time, the elder Gou ’s frozen magical power was like Bai Xueyu On the pure sun, it melted instantly.

"Hmm? Who the **** are you?"

Elder Meng Gou looked at this scene, and his eyes were suddenly dignified. He did not expect that his magical power was actually raised by Fang Qingshan, and it was easily broken.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that if you don't have other means, this is your place to bury your bones." Fang Qingshan said lightly.

"Hum, arrogant!"

Although I think Fang Qingshan is not easy, Elder Gou still doesn't think he can turn the sky. After all, he is a master of changing lives and is only one step away from the eternal giant.

"Since you are dying, don't blame me."

Hey? But seeing it take a step forward, the vast spiritual power erupted, and the space was twisted, but it was above him, turning into a shadow that covered the sky and the sun.

Its shape is like a raccoon and its head is white, and its sound is like a durian. It is a legendary beast Tengu!


When that virtual shadow appeared, Fang Qingshan couldn't help but stare. However, on closer inspection, I could not help but shook my head with regret.

"It's a pity ..."

It turned out that the reason why this elder Gou could condense the Tengu law, was because he had a trace of Tengu blood in his body and was accidentally activated. It's just that this bloodline is too thin, and coupled with its cultivating magical power, it is not only low-level, but also cannot be perfectly integrated with Tengu.

This is why he turned to the Daxuan Empire to be a prince's escort. He wanted to get a magical power from the Daxuan Empire that perfectly blended with the Tengu method.

"Tengu Food Moon!"

He also said that Elder Gou unfolded Fa Xiangshi and opened his mouth toward Fang Qingshan.

All of a sudden, the sky was dark, and a huge swallowing power instantly enveloped Fang Qingshan and swallowed it into a black hole.

"If it really is Tengu's destiny, I can't say I have to retreat, but you pirated, it is an insult to Tengu Shiyue."

虽然 Although the devouring power is great ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, Fang Qingshan is like a mountain, motionless, wearing colorful clouds and clouds, lighting up the night.

"Big Five Elements 罡 God Thunder, broken!"

But when Fang Qingshan rubbed his hands, a colorful **** thunder came out at his hand, and rose in the wind. Between beards, it turned into a bucket.


With Elder Gou screaming, the heavens and the earth changed back again, Fang Qingshan was unscathed, and Elder Gou's law was black.

Fang Qingshan's Five Elements God Thunder has deepened his understanding of the Five Elements Method, the greater the power, especially the last time, after he passed it to Fang Qingxue himself, Fang Qingshan not only taught himself to himself, but also gave her Understanding Rafa told himself. When the hatchback is combined, Fang Qingshan's Big Five Elements Thunder Method naturally doubles its power, even if it is not as good as the Big Five Elements extinction needle, but it is better than the free spirit Xuan Jin Jian Qi. Lei Fa said that it is not necessarily impossible to advance to the Supreme Mastery.

"Come here!"

But Dan Fang Qingshan stretched out his hand and grabbed Elder Gou's Faxiang.

In a short time, I saw a colorful palm with clear knuckles and clear texture, just like the essence. Suddenly, the elder Gou ’s defense was torn apart, and his law was held in his hands.

Five Elements Blind Hole Capture!

"not good!"

Seeing that his Faxiang was actually held in his hands by Fang Qingshan, Elder Gou was shocked and desperately struggling, but unfortunately was imprisoned by the glorious five-element Guanghua.

"Come on!"

After Fang Qingshan imprisoned the elder Gou's law, he flicked his fingers, and a sword gas penetrated his eyebrows instantly.

Qi Fang Qingshan waved his hand, took the storage treasures of the elder Xiang and Elder Gou, turned and walked away.

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