Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 209: growing up

Yes, this man in front of him is Fang Qingshan who escaped from the mixed sky Taoist.

When he came to the world of the master, Fang Qingshan knew that he had come to the Tianluo mainland.

He originally thought about how he should arrange for the next period, and heard the news that the ancient temple was opened.

There was no hesitation at this moment, and Fang Qingshan followed the stream to this extremely western place.

Fang Qingshan is naturally no stranger to the ancient palace, there are two treasures in it, he is determined to win.

One of them is the Supernatural Palace, which contains almost all the supernatural powers of the ancient Heavenly Palace, including everything, and the rest is nothing more. The one-aired Sanqing Fangqingshan, one of the thirty-six superb supernatural powers, has been a long time.

The ancient supernatural power of Sanqing, although it does not know whether it has anything to do with Honghuang moral celestial deity, is it his way of thinking, but it is possible to imitate the two avatars and have the same strength as the deity, so let People salivate.

方便 Another convenient place is Tianchi, which has a strong divine power that can stabilize the spiritual base and make itself complete, thereby improving the chance of success in breaking through 桎梏 and surmounting spiritual robberies, and this is exactly what Fang Qingshan now says he needs.

He has now reached Jin Dan's realm, and the next step is the firestorm.

I only used his accumulation, and when he broke through, the power of the storm was conceivable with his toes.

This robbery, let alone say, Fang Qingshan had a headache for the aura required for the breakthrough alone.

After buying it in Tiandao Pavilion, Fang Qingshan can now be said to be a two-sleeved breeze. If he slowly accumulates elixir, he still does not know the year of the monkey.

天 The appearance of Tianchi is like sleeping with pillows. If you break through it, you can not only strengthen the foundation, but also do not have to worry about the problem of reiki.

还有 There is still a little time before the opening of the ancient temple, Fang Qingshan did not delay, and found a place to retreat.

He first took out the World Tree Shards bought from Tiandao Pavilion and threw them to World Tree.

The world tree impatiently waiting long ago stretched out the root like an octopus tentacle on this huge piece of debris.

Ka 嚓 Ka 嚓!

巨大 This huge piece of debris, turned fiercely into a large piece of chaotic wood, was absorbed into the root system of the sapling. The two are completely integrated into one.

Is different from the last time you swallowed Nine Scepters.

Although the Nine Scepter is not necessarily larger than this piece, but because he has become a magic weapon, Taoism, and spirituality, he will not dare to be killed, so he will resist.

Besides, although Jiujianzhang is also a shard of construction wood, in the end, the original sapling is in the same source and different from Fang Qingshan.

现在 Now this piece of the world tree is not the same. The two have the same roots and are originally one, and the piece has not formed spirituality.

Moreover, compared with the time when the Nine Scepter was swallowed, the world tree is now more than a few times stronger.

So naturally swallowed up like a fish and water, smooth can not be smoother.

With the integration of this world tree fragment, Fang Qingshan's beasted world tree swelled violently!

Except when the nine scepters were first watered and devoured with the holy water of Jiuyang, there was no change in the world tree on weekdays.

At this moment, the world tree is like a long drought and a ganlin. It relaxes the branches and leaves, and changes one by one. Although it has not changed from childhood to childhood, it can be found by looking at it alone.

Followed by, Fang Qingshan felt that various auras, including immortals, were flowing towards him like a tide. Compared with the past, it was more fierce than that!

"Not bad!"

Jin Fang Qingshan's soul, Jin Dan, was bathed in fairy air, like a hot spring bath in the winter, and it was so cool in his bones.

Qi Fangqingshan calculated, according to this speed, every day the surplus immortal aura can be refined into nearly one million Yuanyingdan.

"Okay, well, with this world tree, I am equivalent to having a cornucopia. Over time, I can't buy anything!"

Previously, Fang Qingshan, who was considering opening a market after the big purchase in Tiandao Pavilion, could not help laughing at this moment.

打 Strike iron while hot, Fang Qingshan poured a net bottle of Jiuyang holy water, which was first purchased, onto the world tree.

Only this time the world tree has changed less than before.

If it was said that swallowing the fragments was like hormones, then swallowing the Jiuyang Holy Water is just a full meal.

Although the World Tree did not continue to grow taller, but after swallowing the holy water of Jiuyang, more branches and leaves grew, and the aura devoured increased slightly. Fang Qingshan was already very satisfied with this.


在 At this moment, the world tree suddenly trembled, and a huge stream of information was poured into the soul Jindan of Fang Qingshan like a tide.

This is that Fang Qingshan's soul, Jin Dan, is so incredible that it has the heavens to suppress the sea. Otherwise, another person is a longevity giant, shocked by so much information, and he can't breathe for a while. Come.


With this information being digested by Fang Qingshan, it is like drinking from the head ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ 醍醐 Initial.

Qiu Fangqingshan seems to have become a world tree. From birth to growth, little by little, after wind, frost, snow, rain, and thunderstorms, it has become a little stronger.

Because Fang Qingshan has long practiced the World Tree Festival as his second deity, so as the World Tree grows, he feeds back Fang Qingshan.

These are the inheritance of the World Tree, although it is intermittent, although the growth of the World Tree is different from ordinary beings, especially people.

But the road is the same, and the same route is the same. For the other side, the mountain stone can be used for jade, but it has great reference significance.

As Fang Qingshan digested the inheritance of the World Tree, a whirlwind of black and red fireworks began to emerge from Jin Dan.

The fire and the calamity!

Yes, with his digestion and understanding, Fang Qingshan's realm is also improving rapidly. He originally reached the realm of Jin Dan, and this caused a fire and disaster.


此时 At this moment, the tens of thousands of immovable chessboards in the sea suddenly trembled, exhaling a milky luck into Fang Qingshan Jindan.

No matter whether it is a black whirlwind or a fiery firework, the time is scattered.

"so close!"

As soon as the catastrophe was over, Fang Qingshan naturally awoke, remembering what had happened before, he suddenly felt a cold sweat.

If the fire and calamity erupts at this time, even if he does not die, he will suffer heavy losses.

"Fortunately, there is a chess board in the heavens." Fang Qingshan could not help but exhale a sigh of relief.

Ca n’t practice any more, otherwise calamity may be caused at any time. Besides, it ’s not too long before the opening of the Ancient Temple. It ’s time to go out to see. Thinking of this, Fang Qingshan waved Wuyun peach blossom and walked out. .

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