Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 223: White wolf

I want to know what kind of character Su Qingyin is. Tianluo's mainland ranks second among the young strong men. He also has a powerful master of tens of thousands of ancestors. He is even more beautiful. If he changes people, he looks so pitiful. Su Qingyin, I'm afraid that even when she is soft-hearted, unfortunately she meets Fang Qingshan.

"If forgiveness is useful, why not die!" Fang Qingshan's face did not change at all, and said lightly, but the intention of killing in the tone made everyone feel cold.

"Damn, there is such a hard-hearted guy out there!"

Su Su Qingyin heard Fang Qingshan's words, and could not help biting her silver teeth secretly, she was subdued, but she still could not let herself go.

If you change the occasion and change the person, Su Qingyin is too lazy to talk nonsense. It is that she Su Qingyin is not frightened.

But here is the ruins of the ancient Temple of Heaven. Everyone came here to look for opportunities, not to die. If the inner wall of the ruins of the ancient Temple of Heaven did not enter, they killed and killed Fang Qingshan here. It is obviously very uneconomical.

Of course, more importantly, after Fang Qingshan exposed his intention to kill, Su Qingyin felt a palpitation from him.

You must know that she has an extremely supreme spirit worm in her hand. Even so, she can also feel the danger of death. In addition, the three magical powers previously performed by Fang Qingshan can be used to know the danger of Fang Qingshan and make Su Qingyin Had to bow.

What she is thinking about now is how to let Fang Qingshan take over this section.

I originally heard Su Qingyin soften, and everyone around him felt weird. Fang Qingshan actually refused to accept it, making everyone even more incredible. However, seeing Su Qingyin's response, countless strong people around him could not help but secretly murmur.

Looking at Fang Qingshan's look, time brings a bit of jealousy, a bit of worship, after all, it can make Su Qingyin soften and refuse to accept it, and he has not angered Su Qingyin, this is probably the first time.

"I wonder how Brother Fang can forgive Qingyin?"

Su Su Qingyin asked Fang Qingshan with sorrow.

"Naturally show your sincerity!" Fang Qingshan said lightly.

"In this case, I wonder if these Supreme Spirits can repay sin?"

Su Su Qingyin waved a hand, a jade flew out, the mouth tilted, and the sound of rumbling suddenly came out, only to see the rivers rolling out, the magnificent spiritual power, instantly filled the sky above Denglongmen.

Countless people are staring at the rivers in the midst of the air. With their eyesight, they can naturally see that there are as many as five million of these supreme spiritual fluids.

"That's it, let's write it off today!"

Seeing these supreme spiritual fluids, Fang Qingshan's complexion finally calmed down, and he waved all the spiritual fluids away, and said something lightly.

"If in the future, Girl Su wants to take revenge, I will also accompany you, but then it will not be as simple as today."

Originally, it also shocked everyone who was paying five million supreme spiritual fluids to a compliment. When he heard Fang Qingshan's words, he couldn't help but draw a face. This guy got cheap and sold well. Su Qingyin even hated itching, secretly in his heart, Do not fall into your own hands, otherwise, you must let you know why the flowers are so red.

Of course, on the surface, Su Qingyin still looks like I still feel pity, and said softly, "Listen to Brother Fang's instructions."

Qi Fang Qingshan didn't care if she had any words in her words, so she no longer spoke.

"So funny, Muchen, this

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