Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 222: Tianhe


The moment I opened my eyes, a sound of cold breath suddenly sounded.

But seeing in front of them is an endless and vast ocean, the blue color, is particularly enchanting against the background of dark and deep like a cosmic starry sky.

Sparkling, with a crystal-like luster, like shining stars.

Occasionally the wind rises, the tide rolls, the waves hit the shore, thousands of piles of snow roll up, and there are countless dust-like crystals, which are spectacular and spectacular, and those are condensed to the ultimate spiritual power.

No wonder, no matter whether it is Lin Jing, Xiao Xiao with a deep background, or Fang Qingshan, who is well-informed, seeing here can not help but take a sigh of air conditioning, deeply shocked.

"A good Tianchi, an ancient Tiangong."

In the end, Fang Qingshan was the first to sober up and heartily praised.

With such a large handwriting, the ancient Tiangong is indeed one of the most powerful forces in the world. For this Tianhe alone, we can see the details.

Lin Linjing and Xiao Xiao nodded in agreement. This is the background of being the overlord of Tianluo, which is really amazing.

When Fang Qingshan and others came to Tianhe, the others continued to rush over.

At this moment, the most unfortunate people who can come here are all stepping into the peak of Jiupin, many of which are strong men cultivated by the top forces in Tianluo University, but also have some strange but equally powerful faces. Those It is very likely that forces from outside Tianluo University, like Lin Jing and Xiao Xiao.

In addition to Su Qingyin, Xia Yu and others, Fang Qingshan also saw the top one on the list of strong men, the Yanling tribe chief, the 9th grade successfully, and the 30th rank of the sacred sacred body, ranking 30th. four. One of the top law bodies of the Nai Yan Ling clan, after years of training in Tianluo, none of them failed.

The third galloro, the Holy Son of the Holy Demon Palace, and Muchen generally practiced the immortal body, and the two kept on dead.

Qi Fang Qingshan and his party were also regarded as a group of ridicule. The top people on the strong list, except themselves, almost all offended.

Fortunately, they are powerful and don't care about them. They stand alone in a corner and feel contented.

其他 As for the others, Tianchi is right in front of them, and they don't want to compete with them, restraining each other.

I don't know how long it has been, anyway, before Tianhe was already a hustle and bustle, Fang Qingshan suddenly had two rays of light rising to the sky.

Qi Fang Qingshan looked intently, but it was the token of the nine outskirts of the outskirts that Mu Chen and Xiao Xiao got.

At the same time, other people who received the token of the government also shot a brilliance at the same time.

Huh! Huh!

But when I saw the road, the beam of light skyrocketed upwards, gathered in the sky above the river, mingled with water and milk, and gradually formed a huge rune.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes showed a touch of joy.

Because Tianhe is sealed, if you want to enter it, you must gather the nine government tokens, and the seal opens naturally.

Now, it's time.

Seeing the runes converge, a mysterious force descended, projected on the seal outside the river that day, the seal trembled, and the spiritual power between the heavens and the earth transpired, and the seal that prevented everyone from stepping over the thunder pool was torn apart. Crevice.

He didn't give everyone the slightest reaction time, and a vast spiritual force had wrapped them.


The world tree swaying in Qi Fangqingshan knowing the sea seemed to remind him to go in quickly.

天 Tianchi doesn't say that it can make people from the inside out, reborn and break through the baptism of the neck. The surging aura alone makes this trip worthwhile.

Of course, other people value baptism because they ca n’t take these spiritual powers, but Fang Qingshan is different. He has a world tree that can swallow up spiritual power and store it up, so baptism is very important to him, and spiritual power is intolerable. miss.


The next moment, almost everyone blasted out involuntarily, heading straight for the seal crack, Tianhe is in front of them, who would like to be half a step behind these opportunities.

Imagine that this is the first time that Tianhe has been opened since the destruction of the ancient Temple of Heaven.

As soon as I stepped into it, Fang Qingshan felt an ancient breath rushing forward. The smoke dazzled and turned into an ancient picture, as if the disciples of the ancient Tiangong came to the baptism of Tianhe.

"Let's go! Let's go!"

Fortunately, everyone quickly returned to God, and Fang Qingshan offered a Golden Dragon disciple token on the backhand.

He knows that the water of this river is the condensation of spiritual power. Although it is not as heavy as any Yuanyuan water, every drop of river water is as heavy as a pound.

What's more important is that the spiritual power here is too abundant, so full that it has already become irreparable. Once it enters Tianhe undefended, the aura is poured back, and the Supreme Master also explodes without paying attention. .

The only way is the disciple token.

But seeing that the golden dragon token in Fang Qingshan's hand fell into the Tianhe, transformed into a leaf-shaped boat, stepped on it, there is a golden light body, but it can shuttle freely.

"Let's find our own opportunities separately next!" Fang Qingshan Road.

According to the rules of Tianhe, if you want to get the baptism of Tianhe, you must collect the spirit of Tianhe. Only by getting enough of the spirit of Tianhe can you brew a perfect baptism of Tianhe, and then transform.

"it is good!"

Everyone nodded inadvertently.

Together, there are many people and big goals, and it is not enough to find things. It is better to look for each other.

To accept baptism, Fang Qingshan's goal is naturally perfect baptism.


Want to get the perfect baptism ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At least one must find the power of one hundred Tianhe Spirit to succeed.

Don't look at the need for only one hundred. Tianhe is vast. The spirit of Tianhe is the treasure condensed by the water of Tianhe. It is rare and rare. It is scattered and opened. It is not easy to gather one hundred. .

If it is someone else, it is natural to find them honestly, but Fang Qingshan has a shortcut to the south.

The World Tree is his avatar, and he can use the roots and extensions of the World Tree to bind the spirits of the sky and rivers.

He stood in place, and the spirits of Tianhe in all directions could enter Ruyan into his pocket.

Tochigi is in the forest, the wind will destroy it, the pile will be higher than the shore, and the flow will be turbulent.

Whether he wants to devour Tianhe one or two or not to find it, he can scrape the spirit of Tianhe. Once it is known, it will definitely cause uproar.

Before doing these two things, Fang Qingshan first chose a quiet place.

It's just that Tianhe is large, but in order to search for the spirit of Tianhe, the people who enter will not let go of any place.

The only convenient place to be so quiet is the depths of Tianhe.

I imagined that there would be a drop of water in the Tianhe River, what a huge pressure the deep river would be that day.

My disciples are not high-level or have no powerful magic weapon. It is delusional to want to go deep.

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