Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 225: 100th

"To receive the perfect baptism, you must find a hundred Tianhe Spirits." Looking at Muchen's doubtful eyes, Fang Qingshan explained unhurriedly, "But in ancient times, there were so many talented disciples in the ancient Tiangong, but they could The perfect baptism is still very small, do you know why? "

"Is that the spirit of Tianhe?" Muchen thought of the one that Fang Qingshan had previously brought out, which was different from the King of Tianhe.

"Yes." Fang Qingshan nodded, "It is not difficult to collect one hundred Tianhe spirits. The hard part is that the last Tianhe spirit cannot use ordinary Tianhe spirits, otherwise it will not lead to perfect baptism."

"Why is this?" Muchen frowned.

"I don't know the specifics." Fang Qingshan shook his head, waved his hand, took out the King Tianhe Spirit, and replaced it with an ordinary Tianhe Spirit toward the Golden Dragon Token.


灵 The spirit of the Tianhe River is a little wonderful. Generally speaking, it can only be stored with disciple tokens. Fortunately, the world tree of Fang Qingshan is even more mysterious. Otherwise, there must be only one river of spiritual power.

Wu Muchen didn't know what Fang Qingshan meant, but he watched Fang Qingshan's movements intently.


What surprised me was that the spirit of Tianhe, which should have been smoothly integrated into the Golden Dragon token, seemed to have become yin and yang poles at this time, which were incompatible with each other. At the moment of contact, a pop of bounce came out.

"This is it?" Muchen stopped.

"Dare to ask Brother Fang, how can I collect the kind of spirit of Tianhe?" Soon, Muchen returned to God, solemnly asked Fang Qingshan with his fists.

"It's hard to say, and it's easy to say." Fang Qingshan laughed. "It's not worth mentioning, but if you don't understand the truth, it's hard to understand if you want to break your head."

Qi Fang Qingshan did not sell Guanzi, and said directly, "The 100th Tianhe Spirit is actually the result of the previous ninety-nine Tianhe Spirits swallowing each other."

"What?" After hearing Fang Qingshan's words, Mu Chen stunned for a moment, followed by a wave to take out all the spirits of Tianhe, shook his sleeves, and sprinkled a spiritual force to wrap it.

Then, watching these Tianhe Spirits closely, observing the most subtle changes between them.

At the beginning, I naturally found nothing, but Muchen was not discouraged. He knew that Fang Qingshan would not lie to him on this issue, because it was unnecessary and easy to disassemble.

I persisted for a while, Mu Chen finally found that when these spirits of Tianhe collided together, it seemed that some of the spirits of Tianhe would become bright and faint, while others would be faint.

"Is it really swallowed?"

Qi Muchen's eyes flashed with joy, and she arched toward Fang Qingshan,

"Thank you for your guidance."

Imagine that in ancient times, so many disciples in the ancient Heavenly Palace could receive perfect baptism, but it is very small, and the reason for this is nothing more than a broom.

如今 But now, Fang Qingshan didn't conceal himself, so how can he not be grateful?

At the same time, Mu Chen also raised an apology in his heart. After all, when he first saw Fang Qingshan, he thought that this was also the opposite, and there would be a battle in the future.

He didn't know that even if Fang Qingshan didn't tell him, as the protagonist, he would finally realize it. It's just a matter of time.

"The shepherd is serious," Fang Qingshan twitched slightly, but disappeared in no time, and shook his head, "Even if I don't remind you, you will finally realize."

Although Fang Qingshan said lightly, Muchen knew that although he had natural savvy, he might not be as high there as the number of disciples in the ancient Tiangong. None of them could understand. Whether he could understand or not was still unknown.

In this regard, Mu Chen did not say anything more, but just hid the other side's kindness and gratitude in his heart.

"Since Brother Fang has collected it, let's go up for baptism. I will also collect the Spirit of Tianhe, and I will not be with you." Mu Chen made a difference to Fang Qingshan.

"No, I collected a lot of the spirit of Tianhe below, and this thing can't be taken out, so I will give it to you." Fang Qingshan waved his hand, "How much are you still?"

"This, it's not good." Mu Chen got Fang Qingshan to remind him how to capture the 100th Tianhe Spirit. At this moment, he should give himself the Tianhe Spirit and quickly shook his head to refuse.

"If you feel bad, give me a Supreme Dharma you don't need." Fang Qingshan refused when she saw Muchen, and said casually.

"Thank you, Brother Fang, for where I can find me in the future, despite orders."

Wu Muchen hesitated for a while and then refused.

As Fang Qingshan said, he thought that the spirit of Tianhe could not be taken out, and it was a waste of use. The other thing was that the spirit of Tianhe was not easy to capture, and he didn't know if he could catch ninety-nine in the prescribed time.

Compared with human feelings, Mu Chen feels that it is more important to complete the perfect baptism now.

"That's it." Fang Qingshan's smile appeared on his face, filling up the spirit of Tianhe, which was poor in animal husbandry.

With the guidance of Fang Qingshan, Mu Chen quickly integrated the ninety-nine Tianhe spirits into one.

If the previous spirit of Tianhe is just a star, then the hundredth spirit of Tianhe is a bright day, shining brilliantly.


When Muchen merged the 100th Tianhe Spirit, suddenly, this Tianhe seemed to shake a bit ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There was a strange wave between Tianhe and Tianhe.

Appears on.

"It seems that the baptism of Tianhe has begun, let's go up."

After feeling a little, Fang Qingshan knew that someone was being baptized in Tianhe, so he said to Muchen.

"it is good!"

Naturally, Muchen has no objection to this, but halfway through, Muchen suddenly supports his partner, Aoyama, and he stops talking.

"What's wrong?" Fang Qingshan frowned and asked curiously.

那个 "Well, Brother Fang still has the superfluous spirit of Tianhe, can I tell Lin Jing them the perfect baptism method?" Mu Chen said a little embarrassed.

This method was discovered by others Fang Qingshan, so I told them kindly, and now I have to tell others, Muchen's face could not help but slightly redden.

"What's the value? Since I said it, I didn't intend to keep it secret." Fang Qingshan still wondered why Muchen himself had benefited, but he still couldn't forget his little friend, and couldn't help laughing.

"Just don't forget my benefits."

Even if he didn't say it, Fang Qingshan himself would say it. One way to brush it up is to exchange his magical treasures.

"This is naturally impossible." Mu Chen could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then laughed.

The two looked at each other and smiled, stopped talking, and rose into the sky, rushing out of Tianhe.

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