Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 228: Spend

In Wuyun peach blossoms, at this moment Fang Qingshan looks so terrible.

The membranes, tendons, and internal organs were all calcined into ash by karma.

Now there is only one skeleton frame left.

And even if the bones are blackened, it seems that there is suspicion of collapse at any time.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan first took out the nirvana he bought at Tiandaoge at a high price, and swallowed it in.

Nirvana, but it is a panacea that is very helpful in breaking through the secrets of longevity.

What is Nirvana? Nirvana, also reborn.

In fact, it is not breaking up, standing up.

But isn't Fang Qingshan's situation just right now?

So, as soon as Nirvana was taken, there was an immediate change.


But when I heard Fengming, I saw that the medicine of Nirvana burst out and also released a kind of flame, and there was a phoenix dancing and singing in the meantime. A great vitality was injected into Fang Qingshan's dead body.

Suddenly, Fang Qingshan saw the scorched objects on the bones detached a little bit, flesh and blood began to spread, it seems to be reborn.

Phoenix is ​​not dead, Nirvana is reborn, this is the Nirvana flame of the Phoenix family, completely not weaker than the top flame of the Red Lotus industry fire, full of endless vitality.

Of course, this is just a trace of Nirvana Holy Flame contained in Nirvana. It is incomparable with the Nirvana Holy Flame of the Phoenix Bath Fire.

But this is the slightest flame, it is a seed, a fuse.

Because at this moment, the spiritual power of perfect baptism is poured down.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan only felt that an extremely powerful spiritual force had fallen from his celestial cover, and he seemed to be in the ocean of spiritual power.

Fang Qingshan's body was like a cathartic mouth. As soon as these spiritual forces touched his body, they swarmed in. Fang Qingshan's body suddenly swelled up like an inflated ball.

Howling winds and fires have caused Fang Qingshan to undergo thousands of tortures. At this moment, the spiritual force is washed down madly, making him seem to have experienced thousands of swords.

Fortunately, at the same time that these spiritual forces merged with the karma fire, they also turned into firewood, completely blooming the kind of nirvana holy flame.

The flesh extends.

The flesh, the meridians, the five internal organs, the skin, and the membrane, under the calcination of the Nirvana Holy Flame, Fang Qingshan's body re-emerged.

At the same time, Jin Dan also re-condensed, and Shentong re-condensed. Jindan and Shentong re-condensed at the moment, and became more pure and perfect.

At this moment, the Five Elements of True Qi have also been transformed. The original mana like crystal liquid has solidified again and becomes a solid. Gem, sky crystal-like solid! Mana is more pure and condensed.

I seem to feel the change of Fang Qingshan's body. A moment of greater wind blows in Jin Dan, blowing more karma. It seems to completely destroy Fang Qingshan.

"Blessing of spiritual power, Nirvana immortal, the wind refines my god, the fire refines my body, the spiritual flesh is unified, and the yin and yang are one."

Although the fire and calamity seemed to be more severe, at this moment, Fang Qingshan was not afraid at all, but he screamed, not only regardless of the calcination of the industry fire, but also the blowing of the black dragon's wind.

I can't stand up, I can't move, I can't stand up.

The wind blew the Yuanshen, burning the flesh.

But seeing Fang Qingshan as if Zhizhu was holding it, and even with the black dragon sweeping over, Yuanshen actually rose up in a circle like the wisdom and halo of Buddha and remained motionless.

Hold a red lotus, a fire phoenix wrapped Fang Qingshan's body, the red lotus was destroyed, and the fire phoenix repaired.

He broke into a stand and reached a perfect balance.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan felt a sense of relaxation like never before.

Because of the fire and calamity, the impurities contained in Fang Qingshan's body and the dark wounds he had suffered during the battle and cultivation, these hidden wounds were repaired perfectly and quickly.

His qualifications have been improved, and Xiu has made greater progress.

What's more important is that when karma is gone, it looks like Longteng is everywhere and Fengming is nine days away. There is no shackles at all.

Jing Sheng Ding, Ding Sheng Hui, Hui Zhi calm.

The red lotus calamities the size of the water tank extinguished one after another, and the black dragon wind dragons no longer rotated and dispersed one by one. The sound of fire was reduced, and the sound of wind was reduced.

Squinting, the wind stopped, the fire went out, and the fire and disaster would be completely passed by Fang Qingshan.

But at this moment, Fang Qingshan suddenly had an idea in his heart, that is, he wanted to refine karma and nirvana holy flames into his five elements.

Although the karmic fire and nirvana holy flames have surpassed the fire of the Five Elements, in the final analysis, they are still fires. If they can be refined into the Five Elements Fire, Fang Qingshan's Five Elements Magical Power will surely be more powerful.

Especially karma, once it is refined into the extinction needle, it is really invincible and endless.

With the thoughts together, Fang Qingshan could no longer hold back.

"Everything in the world belongs to the Five Elements. Among the Five Elements, I am the Emperor of Fire."

Fang Qingshan sighed lightly, and the five elements of qi were in operation, and the five elements of extinction were sacrificed.

However, although Fang Qingshan looked dignified, he did not hesitate. Taking advantage of the calamity and baptism, when the karmic fire and Nirvana holy flame were at their weakest, a wave of cold eyes, the crystal-like spiritual power turned into a furnace. Dading ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ surrounded all the red lotuses and fire phoenixes.

Two forces, outrageous contact.


Whether it is karma fire or nirvana holy flame, it is the spiritual fire at the tip of the pyramid. They do n’t bother you, they burn high incense, and they want to refine them.

Although it was their weakest moment at this moment, huge power burst out in an instant.

的 The five elements that envelop the two kinds of flames are like the ocean bathed by the sun. The white clouds are rolling and they are instantly evaporated by half.

"The world tree blesses me, spiritual power is poured!"

The spiritual power in Fang Qingshan's body was continuously evaporated, and he never gave up more than he had before. He moved in his heart and quickly urged the world tree to swallow the Tianhe spiritual power continuously, fighting with two kinds of flames. A long war of attrition.

The power of karma fire and nirvana holy flame can not be underestimated. Not only the spiritual power is evaporated. In the process of continuous integration, the supernatural power is also undergoing the test. The soul is also slowly being eroded.

Although the benefits of merging the two types of flames are great, the process of fusion is equally dangerous. If you accidentally, you may steal chicken without losing rice.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan cultivates the Five Elements and has a certain resistance to flames. In addition, during the previous robbery, both the physical body and the magical power were contaminated with the karma fire and the breath of nirvana holy flame. The flame was of great help.

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