Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 231: enter


As if there is an ancient Sanskrit chant, followed by it, there was a twist in space, a simple and extremely dark navy blue mysterious pavilion slowly turned from reality to reality, and appeared in front of everyone.

"Tibetan Pavilion!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Jing and others couldn't help but exclaim, and even covered their mouths, as if they were afraid to interrupt Fang Qingshan's actions, resulting in a loss.

They did not expect that Fang Qingshan really pulled out of the void in the Tibetan scripture hall, and was really shocked and happy.

Especially the last murmur, no grammar tactics can be heard, but I feel a supreme power that belongs to fate.

Lin Jing and others could not help but be full of curiosity about the origin of the other side.

After the Tibetan scripture hall was fully manifested, an overwhelming amount of high-level relics swept across the crowd. Of course, Fang Qingshan was the subject of special care.

Except for the Emperor Tian, ​​he was always selected by his Tibetan scripture court. When it was his disciples' initiative to pull them out, the Tibetan scripture court gave Fang Qingshan several people a disappointment.

High-level relic, that is comparable to the existence of the upper class Taoism. Although the Tibetan scripture hall is not a battle-type treasure, at least it will not be weaker than the Supreme.

Therefore, coercion swept through, and for a while everyone felt that the pressure like a mighty prison had fallen from the sky, just like the ancient giant Yue.

However, neither Jiuyou, Lin Jing, Xiao Xiao, or even Mu Chen and Fang Qingshan are not fuel-efficient lamps.

Faced with the suppression of the Tibetan scripture hall, several people should show their magical powers even though the Eight Immortals crossed the sea.

Feng Ming screamed, but a gentle whisper sounded on Wen Jiuyou, and a huge Jiuyin bird with a huge invisible end fluttered the wings of a cloud, and was covered with a crystalline flame like a substance. Isolated from the coercion of the court.

Lin Jing and Xiao Xiao both sacrificed a white jade gourd and an ancient lamp, which broke out the power of the sacred things. Although they could not reach the Tibetan scripture hall, they also easily resisted his deterrence.

But Muchen is a crystal clear floating slaughter tower overhead, exuding a sacred and mysterious atmosphere, which also has a ray of sparkling flames swaying, no less than the immortal flame on Jiuyou and the lamp on Xiao Xiao's hand. Colorful flames are weak.

These are the eight floating slaughter towers, one of the thirty-six peerless supernatural powers of the Daqian world. They are the town magical powers of the floating slaughter family, and they are not weaker than the one gasification Sanqing.

As for Fang Qingshan's sacrifice of the pure Yang Feijian directly, an incomparable sharp air was torn together with the heaven and earth, unstoppable!

Don't talk about the momentum of the Zangjing Pavilion, because the Zangjing Pavilion itself was shocked.

To know that Chunyang Feijian is not weaker than his existence, more importantly, Chunyang Feijian is a weapon for killing logging, which makes him particularly frightened.

He originally wanted to give Fang Qingshan and others a disappointment, but he did not expect that these people were so extraordinary, not the blood of the sacred beast, the sacred things and the superb magical power, and even Fang Qingshan had a pure Yang Feijian in his hand. Zangjing Pavilion could not help but silence for a while, and slowly spoke,

"I didn't expect you to be able to affect the power of fate, linking cause and effect, but you are either Jinlong or Jindi disciple, and with your previous performance, you can meet the requirements to enter the Tibetan Buddhist Pavilion, come in."

As soon as the words fell, I saw the Tibetan scripture building rippling slightly, and only a blue light came together. In the end, it turned into a bluestone staircase and spread through the void until Fang Qingshan five people in front.

Don't look at the Jingjing Pavilion so well. In fact, he can't help it. Fang Qingshan and others are disciples of the Golden Dragon. They are qualified to enter the Jingjing Pavilion, and they have a cause and effect. He also has a little fatalism, which can communicate the cause and effect. His own body, and more importantly, the existence of Chunyang Feijian, could threaten him, so the Tibetan scripture court readily agreed to enter them.

This time, no matter Lin Jing, Xiao Xiao or Jiu You, Mu Chen couldn't help rejoicing.

Especially Muchen, as long as he enters that Tibetan scripture building, he will have the opportunity to obtain the method of immortal evolution of the Great Sun, and he is now one step ahead of the others, step by step, step by step, how can this not make him excited .

"Let's go!"

Fang Qingshan waved and took the lead on the bluestone ladder.

Stepping up the stairs, as the five people walked by, each step would disappear from the back of the stone ladder. When they passed the last stone ladder, the surrounding space suddenly changed, and when they reappeared, there were already clouds. It's like wonderland.

And in the place surrounded by the deep mist of Nayun, there is only one Tibetan Jing Pavilion standing quietly, as if it were ancient.


Closed, I do n’t know how many years, the Scripture Pavilion finally opened slowly at this moment, and then there was a strong aroma of books.

"Let's go in!"

Fang Qingshan's mermaids came in. First, the eyes were dark, followed by a bright one, but it was strange that he had come to a fake Tibetan sutra hall.

Because it isn't the layers of the wooden pavilion that appear in front of you, Jinghai Infinite ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ God channel method.

When the five frowned, they were a little surprised, thinking whether they were waiting for someone to enter because of improper methods, so that something went wrong, and the starry sky in front of them suddenly trembled.


Then, I saw that the stars among the high hanging stars seemed to shake the stars, there was a roar, and the whistling fell towards the five people. The guy was so powerful that it seemed like a meteor shower.

The five of Fang Qingshan were startled when they saw this. They secretly said, is there even danger in the Tibetan scripture hall?

In fact, this is just that the Tibetan scripture court is not stubborn. Fang Qingshan and others are not taking an unusual path and want to scare them.

Seeing that the meteor was coming to him, when Fang Qingshan and others were about to sacrifice magical magical powers, those meteors suddenly became silent.

Between movement and silence, Fang Qingshan and others couldn't help it for a second.

When I returned to God, I found that I and others were like the center of the universe. These stars revolved around myself and others.

Looking closely, I discovered that there are stars meteorites, which turned out to be magical step by step.

However, the volume of scriptures has risen endlessly, with endless treasures and green magpies, golden mansions, and occasionally there are big words jumping out, and the words are bright and bright.

"Good guy, it really is the Tibetan scripture hall of the ancient heaven palace, and it really is unusual."

Fang Qingshan and others couldn't help expressing their sincerity when they looked at the magic scrolls in front of the Ganges.

But with emotion, everyone couldn't help raising a distress, especially Fang Qingshan and Mu Chen.

Because there are so many scrolls of magical powers, how do they know where the immortal golden body and the Supreme Dharma look they are looking for?

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