Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 240: not dead?

"So amazing!"

Seeing this, Fang Qingshan could not help but take a deep breath and shook his head.

"such a pity!"

If this magical power is unfolded when the Emperor's heyday is full, there is really great power. Just looking at it now, Fang Qingshan feels a scalp numbness, he is offering two swords of pure sun by himself, facing this magic palm. The best ending was just a serious injury, and it is no wonder that with the background of thousands of worlds, facing the invasion of the demons outside the territory, it was so miserable. (The best experience in reading novels without pop-up windows is [Phoenix Novel Network])

Fortunately, times have changed, things are different, supernatural powers are still supernatural powers, and humans are still the same people, but they are not at the peak.

And the Three Kingdoms chess piece contained the power of the whole world to suppress it. Not to mention that the Emperor is just now recovering, his injuries and strength have not been restored, that is, when he was at its heyday, he dare not ignore this blow.


The magic hand hit the Three Kingdoms chess pieces, and for an instant, the indescribable power burst out, and the entire world was twisted at this time. The rolling magic energy was evaporated almost instantly. The magic hand was like a giant giant in the sky, although The world of the Three Kingdoms was held up, but it was only deadlocked for a moment. After being stunned, I heard a click and a crisp sound, followed by the crisp sound, and it sounded like a cannon, and cracks spread like spider webs. Finally Shattered into pieces.

Behind that, many of the top powerhouses in Tianluo, including the Mandala, were still complaining that Fang Qingshan had let the Emperor wake up so quickly.

Who is this Devil from outside the world, the Emperor Tian reluctantly repressed the fierce character with three hits and one fight, relying on one gasification of Sanqing magical power.

And Fang Qingshan? It ’s not even the Supreme, but it ’s so brutal to hit a world.

Especially now, that horrible attack by the Devourer is actually crushed directly into slag.

Although the Emperor has not recovered to the point of prosperity, this ending seems to refresh their three views.

But then, it was hard to suppress the ecstasy of everyone.

The reason they had complained before, and even hated Fang Qingshan, was that they could not resist the demon emperor, and could only watch their own death.

But now Fang Qingshan is so powerful that they have seen hope. The demons are not invincible, and they also have hope for survival.

No matter what other people think, after the Three Kingdoms chess pieces broke the magic palm, they paused for a while, and then continued to suppress the magic emperor.

At the moment when the demon's hand supported the chess piece, the devil secretly said in his heart that it was not good. He thought it was only the power of the secret treasure, but he did not expect that it was really a small world, and the power of this small world was not weak.

Of course, if it was that year, don't talk about the small thousand worlds, but the big thousand worlds also tremble under their iron hoofs.

It is a pity that Longyou Shoal was slammed with shrimp, and Pingyang Hulu was bullied by dogs.

The Devourer Emperor's face changed dramatically, and a rush of shock flickered in his eyes. Then, he shot back without hesitation, and the boundless magic gas formed a barrier of millions of magic gas in front of him.

However, it didn't help much.

As the chess pieces pass, the millions of magical gas barriers are almost the same as the layers of foam, and they break instantly.

Although the Demon Emperor retreated fast, the pawns seemed to be slower and more urgent.


Suddenly, the world shook, and the space where the devouring emperor was swallowed was directly smashed into nothingness, and the monstrous magical energy was crushed into a bubble in front of this great force. Disappeared cleanly.

The Three Kingdoms pieces disappeared, leaving nothing but a void, like a black hole, with nothing left. It seems that it is too late to restore this broken space.

At that distance, many top powerhouses on Tianluo's mainland looked at this scene, and couldn't help but swallowed a spit, and their eyes were full of horror.

Thinking that they and others had previously wanted to grab food from Fang Qingshan's hands, everyone was sweating on their backs.

The good guy first broke out with two high-level holy relics and fought for the second day. Now he plays this piece again and even the Supreme Master is bombarded. I do n’t know what the origin of this mountain is.

However, regardless of the origin of Fang Qingshan, as long as he does not provoke him, there should be no major problems. Now that the Emperor is dying, he and others finally have no worries about his life.

It was just that everyone was too late to cheer. They stiffened one by one on the spot.

Because, in the void space suppressed by the Three Kingdoms chess pieces, there was a sudden twist, and a shadow turned from reality.

Although it looked a bit miserable, the surface of the body was covered with cracks, and it looked like a broken porcelain doll from a distance. But in the end it is still the emperor.

Death is fierce, not to mention, the Emperor has not died.

At this moment, the people in Tianluo could not help but swallowed subconsciously.

"It's really Xiaoqiang who can't fight!"

Seeing this scene, Fang Qingshan was a little surprised, after all, one party's world was suppressed, but it was not crushed into slag.

However, it is not surprising, after all, if the monster outside the realm really kills so well, then the emperor will not be defeated.

Fortunately, although the Emperor survived the world's crushing, in the end he was seriously injured, and wounded, and his breath fell faintly to the ground.

"You **** it, you **** it!"

The devouring Emperor's eyes stared at Fang Qingshan.

When did he think that he had suffered such a big loss when he swallowed the Demon Emperor, that is, when he faced the Emperor of the Year, he was not so embarrassed when he was one enemy and three. In the end, he reappeared.

But today? It was a shame to capsize Fang Qingshan in the gutter of a man who did not even break the ground ~ www.wuxiaspot.com.

This time, the Emperor did not explode in the face of Emperor Yan as he did in the original trajectory.

Because even when Emperor Yan was at his heyday, he wouldn't necessarily be able to deal with the characters. If he went on fighting, there would only be a dead end.

Fang Qingshan is different. He is just a person who has not even reached the supreme ground. Even if he displays the shock that just shocked the world, the Emperor does not believe that he can perform the second round.

Therefore, he did not run away, he was not reconciled, he wanted revenge.

"Dead to me!"

The Devouring Emperor roared, suddenly turned into a blast of light and shadow, and rushed directly towards Fang Qingshan.

"Not good, flash!"

Now, in addition to the Emperor, the highest repair is Mannello, who is the most complete of the earth. When he saw the riots of the Emperor, he was suddenly astonished. He quickly reminded each other and then waved between them. Tongtian Youguang smashed towards the Demon Emperor.

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