Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 242: Tiandi

"This trip is worth it."

Feeling the changes in the body, Fang Qingshan's mouth could not help but evoke slightly.

He did not hesitate to seal the magic emperor himself, and also used the chess pieces of the heavens.

Others don't say, because they have made great contributions to the heavens and the earth, the heavens and the heavens are up, and the merits and fortunes have been brought up. Originally, because they were not the people in their own world, some depressing circumstances have completely changed. From then on, Fang Qingshan was truly accepted by this world.

What's more important is that such a large amount of luck is not worse than the unification of the three countries.

Sure enough, the Demon Clan outside the realm is the enemy of thousands of worlds, and the Demon Emperor is the leader and leader among them. He has been sealed and has great benefits.

In addition to luck, the sealed demon emperor is an indescribable treasure.

It does n’t matter if the channel method can be pried out from the corner of his mouth, he is used to cultivate, and the alchemy is also very good.

You should know that Fang Han was only given the palm of a long-lived giant, and with the help of Elder Tian Xing and others, the blood sky was transformed directly into Tao.

And Fang Qingshan's devouring emperor is clearly comparable to those who are not new to the mystery of longevity. At its heyday, I am afraid that compared to Feng Baiyu, he was even more powerful than the Taiyi master who raided himself last time.

If it can be reduced, Fang Qingshan will be excited just by thinking about it.

"It seems that when you go back, you need to get the Dapudu operation quickly." Fang Qingshan secretly said.

Secretly keeping this in mind, Fang Qingshan didn't think about it for the time being, but walked towards the square, the only black head that was not moving now.

Fang Qingshan has become the focus of the audience at this moment. His every move has attracted much attention.

Everyone saw that he came solemnly in front of the evil-looking black head, and could not help but be a little surprised.

However, they all know that Fang Qingshan has always been targeted and will not do useless work, so no one spoke, just watching quietly.

"Purify it!"

Fang Qingshan placed the Emperor Sword on the black skull.

In a moment, a mighty force emerged from the Emperor's Sword, flushing towards the black skull.

Then an astonishing scene appeared.

With the erosion of the power of the Heavenly Emperor Sword, I saw that the black skull quickly melted, and a trace of magic was evaporated.

The skull melted, and finally turned into a crystal-like light, and the light gradually gathered, with a light and shadow emerging.

This figure is exactly the same as the previous figure of the Emperor.

The only difference is probably the look in my eyes.

The emperor's eyes are dark, as if it contains evil, and this figure is full of emotion and deep love for this world.

"I didn't expect that after tens of thousands of years, I can still see this world, but when I gave up my town, I still lost a lot for Shan Jiuyi. In the end, I still rely on the light of the little guy."

The white robe figure looked around, his eyes seemed to be able to pass through the ancient heavenly palace, see the outside world, with a sigh of emotion, turned back to look at Fang Qingshan and laughed.

"Where, if it wasn't for the predecessor's self-righteousness, would there be us today?" Fang Qingshan shook his head and saluted the Emperor in a respectful manner.

"Unexpectedly, it's a pity that you could actually get the approval of Tiandi Sword." Tiandi's eyes crossed Mu Mu's body and shook his head.

He can feel that Muchen has successfully cultivated the immortal golden body.

The Emperor can stay behind Lu Heng, and the Emperor is not prepared.

Immortal gold body is a hole card he left.

It was a pity that in the end it was not used, but Fang Qingshan unexpectedly completed the demon-magic act.

"Collusion with the Outland, betrayal of the Temple of Heaven, the crime should be rampant!"

As soon as Tiandi beckoned, Tiandi Sword flew out of Fang Qingshan's hands, fell into his hands, and Yaoyao slashed to Lu Heng hiding in the corner.

The sharp sword spirit penetrated the heavens and the earth, and a simple crystal sword drew down, and in a short time, it penetrated Lu Heng's head and nailed it to the earth.

"Well, there is no endless feast, and everyone should leave."

After clearing the portal, Tiandi said lightly to the others in Tianluo mainland,

Without giving them time to reflect, as soon as their voices fell, they saw a wave of space, and many of the top powerhouses turned into streamers and left.

But it was the emperor who mobilized the prohibition of the ancient Tiangong to exclude these people.

Today, there are only Fang Qingshan, Muchen, Mannero, Lin Jing, Xiao Xiao and Jiuyou who are staying in the ancient temple.

The emperor's eyes turned on the six, and finally fell on Fang Qingshan and Muchen.

"One of you got the approval of the Emperor Sword, sealed the demon head, and one cultivated the immortal golden body, but it is my heir. Unfortunately, Sanqing can only pass to one person!"

Hearing here, Muchen looked at Fang Qingshan and could not help but show a bitter smile, took a deep breath, and said to the emperor, "The kid is lucky to be able to get the immortal gold body. God passed it on to him. "

"Oh?" Tiandi naturally didn't know that Muchen had sworn before, and was still very surprised that Muchen had given up a peerless supernatural power like Sanqing, but Fang Qingshan's performance was also good, so he nodded and turned his head. Aoyama asked, "How about you?"

"Don't let it go!" Fang Qingshan said firmly against the eyes of the Emperor.

"it is good!"

After listening to Fang Qingshan's words, the Emperor secretly applauded.

"One gas, three clears, it needs to be passed down with the true spirit, so that you can not only gain the cultivation method, but also gain a lot of my cultivation experience, which can be cultivated in the fastest time."

The Emperor said to Qingshan,

"I won't be able to hold on for too long, so I can complete the empowerment in a moment."

"Since you're here, I can't let you go empty-handed."

With that said, the Emperor turned his eyes back to Muchen Five.

Especially Muchen and Mannero.

Muchen cultivated the immortal golden body, and counted as his heir.

And Mannello planted it with his own hands, equivalent to his daughter.

For them ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Tiandi naturally has to explain something and leave some good things.

Lin Jing, Xiao Xiao, and Jiu You were just drenched in light.

But when I saw the Emperor waving his hand, in the ancient Heaven Palace, I didn't know where to fly from, and all the streamers fell straight into the hands of the five people in Muchen.

"After you go back, look at it again."

Finally nostalgic stayed on Manello for a moment. Emperor Tian waved his hand, mobilized the ancient Tiangong formation, and sent them out.


A long sigh, because this view is the last one, and the emperor is inevitably sighing.

"Okay, let's go!"

Fortunately, he quickly cleared his mood. With a wave of his hand, the surrounding space was distorted and his eyes opened. He was already above a majestic river, and the river below was rolling, making a billowing sound, and at the same time there was a spiritual mist rising like a substance. Then it turned into a dragon, a tiger, a tiger and a leopard.

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