Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 244: 1 gasification 3 clear

"But it's a pity!"

Fang Qingshan sighed slightly.

The Emperor Tianqing, who has gasified the Sanqing Fang Qingshan, can already be identified. It is the incompetent and incompetent moral celestial master of Honghuang.

But his supernatural power is incomplete.

Yes, the superb supernatural power that dominates the world and the Sanqing supernatural power is actually a broken supernatural power.

Because the emperor can only use two avatars to display this supernatural power, one Sanqi in one gas, as the name implies, it is to avail three avatars.

Fortunately, it is incomplete, otherwise completeness does not mean good things to Fang Qingshan today.

These supernatural powers have extremely harsh requirements on talents, but fortunately Fang Qingshan is extremely outstanding, coupled with the Emperor's initiation with the true spirit, accompanied by his lifelong perception.

At the same time, he has also practiced various Taoist family members to teach magical powers, which can be described as the same. In addition, this magical power is not complete, but a simplified version. Otherwise, even if Fang Qingshan got the cultivation method at this time, I am afraid it is difficult. It is hopeful to sigh with such mystery.

However, Fang Qingshan is a worthwhile trip to get this magical power anyway, not to mention the spiritual power swallowed by the world tree, the breakthrough of cultivation, the emperor, the emperor sword, etc. In a few worlds, the gains of the masters should not be too much.

Fang Qingshan was immersed in the mystery of Sanqing, one of the three atmospheres, but did not know that the emperor on the side was dumbfounded.

Today, I am afraid that the things that surprised Emperor Tian add up to more than his whole life.

First, the Heavenly Emperor Sword did not use the immortal golden body, and was pulled out by a person who is not the Supreme.

Followed by, he did not even suppress himself, and the demon emperor who almost lost power was actually sealed by someone who was not the most supreme in the land.

Then, Tianhe spiritual power seems to have reached the dry season, and it has actually accumulated tens of thousands of years, which is not as good as before.

In the end, the Sanqing magical power of this gate is one gasification.

He actually felt in Fang Qingshan's body the same roots as Yiqi Sanqing Shentong.

And this is one of the thirty-six great peerless supernatural powers, which is the pride of heaven. Initial perceptions cannot be truly cultivated, but Fang Qingshan seems to have the precursor of cultivation.

And all of this, except Tianhe spiritual power, seems to be related to the little guy in front of him. What he didn't know was that the attenuation of Tianhe spiritual power was also caused by Fang Qingshan, otherwise I'm afraid he will be even more surprised.

"Isn't this little kid a destiny?"

Emperor Tian secretly speculated, then smiled bitterly, shook his head, he is a mortal person, why do you think about these.

At the last time, being able to meet a demon such as Fang Qingshan can be considered his own luck. What else is not satisfied?

"Which heir is the heir?"

Aside from other thoughts, thinking of Fang Qingshan's breath similar to Yiqi Sanqing Shentong, the emperor suddenly moved.

"Well, wait for a moment to ask this little guy, but now he can help him, and thoroughly practise the supernatural power of Yiqing Sanqing!"

He saw that Fang Qingshan had reached the front door, so he prepared to add another fire to help him condense the magical power thoroughly.

"One gasification, three clearnesses, cut me to see the truth, see the truth."

The emperor whispered lightly, but fell into Fang Qingshan's ears, but it sounded like a thunderous sound.

At the moment, Fang Qingshan was able to solve many mysterious points about one gasification and three Qings, and then he made a sound in his heart. The peerless supernatural power that was so vague that he could not figure out at all was finally in his mind. Gradually, there are embryos.

But seeing a rune of runes rising endless treasures of light green, golden mansions, red beads, bright light.

Collision and fusion.

At a certain moment, these runes are completely linked and reciprocated, forming a matrix, and turning into a magical rune.

Fang Qingshan opened his eyes fiercely, stared at the bullfight, slowly raised his hand, and then formed a seal with an ancient charm.


With Fang Qingshan's move, it seemed to contain infinite mystery, in accordance with the rules of heaven and earth. Between heaven and earth, a wonderful sound wave sounded in time, and then spread.

"Yunhai heard the tide and realized the cause and effect, and today I knew I was me, and cut me really, now!"

As soon as the voice fell, Fang Qingshan seemed to have a knife slowly forming.

Seems like reality, looks like reality.

It looks like a dream bubble, but from a distance, it seems that even the soul can be killed!

"Cut the sky, cut the ground, cut yourself, cut, cut, cut!"

Fang Qingshan rose to his feet, his method changed, and he shouted three words.


The imaginary knife suspended above Fang Qingshan's head was slightly shaken, and the blade was facing Fang Qingshan, and he did not hesitate to cut through the void, straight toward Fang Qingshan's Tianling cover, chopping down heavily.

If there are other bystanders at this moment, I'm afraid I'm going to exclaim. This is where the magical power is being cultivated. It's a frustration and a suicide rhythm.

However, the Emperor of Heaven had practiced Sanqi and Qingqing, so naturally he wouldn't be surprised, just standing quietly watching.

But when Fang Qingshan didn't move like a mountain, the blade fell, as if the breeze was blowing on his face, his complexion, heartbeat, and blood didn't change at all.

And the blade seemed to be non-existent, and fell on the top of Fang Qingshan's head, as if it were air.


There was a crisp sound, but there was a trace of blood on Fang Qingshan's eyebrow, as if it was divided into two.

At this point, Fang Qingshan's original calm and peaceful complexion, after the blade was cut, was exposed with blue tendons and his face exposed.

Fortunately, when he practiced the second elementary **** method, he also split the spirit. Although it is a little different from the real beheading, he had similar experiences in the end.

Fighting the pain, Fang Qingshan screamed again,



The imaginary blade instantly repeated the previous action ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and once again took away a trace of blood from Fang Qingshan's eyebrow.

The two knives fell, and the illusory sword crumbled in an instant, as if never before.

The two bloodlines that were cut out continued to squirm, exuding strange fluctuations, and after being stunned, they gradually turned into two equally slender figures.

Those two figures, one in a green robe, and one in a yellow robe, who are free and easy, immortal wind bones, the yellow robes are majestic, domineering, and more importantly, their bodies are actually both It exudes the same breath and strong spiritual power as Fang Qingshan.

The three figures looked at each other, and at the same time stood ten with one hand, and saluted each other, saying in unison, "Below Qingshan, I have met Daoyou."

Seeing this, the three laughed at the same time.

The three have the same root, and are closer than the second god, because some second gods may still have problems, but they will not.

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