Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 249: Promise him!

However, he is not afraid of Wan Luo's challenge.

During his days in Taiyuan Xianfu, he not only practiced breaking through the realm of heaven and man, but also perfectly inherited the twenty-eight magical powers of Fairy Huoyun. It can be said that although he is only in the realm of heaven, But not much worse than Jin Dan.

After all, Canaan is also the realm of Jindan, but there are only fifteen supernatural powers. Wanluo is also the realm of Jindan, but it is just a dozen supernatural powers. He has one realm, but there are more than twenty supernatural powers.

In addition, he still has Daoqi blood sky in his hand, just to try the so-called Jindan master.

"Well, have courage!"

Hearing Fang Han's words, Wan Luo was immediately overjoyed, with a wave of his hand, two more things on his hand, a platinum color, shone violently. At first glance, the white light seemed to cut people's eyes and bleed!

The other piece is a drop of water. The size of an egg is faint inside, and the voices of numerous water waves continue to sound, as if a drop of water contains a large river and a large river.

Too white gold star! Thousands of soft water essence!

These two things are the most precious treasures in the essence of the five elements.

Everyone at the scene had seen the world, and once Wan Luo took it out, everyone knew what it was, and they were all surprised.

Although these two things are only materials, they are not worse than two treasures.

"I know that you need the essence of the five elements to cultivate the five magical supernatural powers, and now there are two golden waters that have not been cultivated. How about gambling?" Seeing Fang Han and others surprised, Wan Luo was very contented to start. The two in question asked.

"Fang Han, don't be reckless, be careful of his words."

Seeing Fang Han was very emotional, Fang Qingxue reminded.

Although Wan Luo, she is not afraid, but she can be ranked among the top five golden legends of Yuhuamen, and she must not be underestimated.

Although there is no Golden Dan swallowed in the belly of the eternal life, I ca n’t help but go against the sky, but it is also a small giant of all ages. It is a legend. No one who can practice this step is a fuel-saving lamp. .

Cultivation, talent, mentality, luck, immortality, etc. are all indispensable.

Especially for luck, it ’s really the same time and time, and heroes are not free. With great luck, a big fool can drop pie in the sky.

And Wan Luo is able to cultivate to this step, obviously, there are people with great luck, and he must not be underestimated.

Once he calculates and suppresses it, he will definitely lose his luck and affect his practice.

You have to know that Fang Han has a ten-year life and death deal with Huatian. So Fang Qingxue could not help but remind.

"Why? Frightened? You dare to provoke Master, you just don't know."

Seeing Fang Han heard Fang Qingxue's words, it seemed a little hesitant, even if Wan Luodang used the radical method.

"Promise him!" Just then a voice rang out on the execution platform.

The others had nothing, Fang Qingxue and Fang Han heard the words, and they were shocked, showing joy on their faces.

Looking at the sound, sure enough, I saw Fang Qingshan step by step. Although there was no sign of momentum in his body, all the disciples were subconsciously separated from each other where they passed, as if welcoming.

"Third brother, are you back?"

"I've seen three boys!"

Fang Qingxue and Fang Han rushed over and said.

As soon as this remark was made, there was an uproar all around.

"This is Fang Qingshan, Brother Fang!"

"This is the brother Fang who killed Taiyi two Jindan disciples?"

"It turned out to be like this on the first day of the Feather Gate."

"Bringing down the master with Jin Dan's realm, it really looks compelling."


Fang Qingshan entered the magical power shortly and walked outside all the year round. Even Tianzhufeng did not take care of it. Few people had seen him except those close to him.

However, although people are not in the rivers and lakes, his legend is still circulating on the rivers and lakes.

Therefore, I heard that the incoming person was Fang Qingshan, and the true disciple onlookers was immediately excited, eager to look at it, what kind of character is Fang Qingshan comparable to Huatiandu.

"Sister, Fang Han!"

Seeing the two men approaching, Fang Qingshan nodded with a smile.

"Everyone said that this was done, Fang Han, what should I do for you?"

"It all depends on the order of the three sons!" Fang Han himself would have promised, naturally he would not refute Fang Qingshan's words.

"Okay!" Fang Qingshan nodded and looked at Wanluo Road. "However, it's too arrogant to have two kinds of natural treasures, so I know that you have got the mighty power of Huatiandu's Panwu. The big cut is a bet. "


After hearing Fang Qingshan's words, the crowd broke out again.

First, he was surprised that Wan Luo had Huatiandu's Panwu Hercules.

Then there is this bet, no matter it is big cutting or panwu hercules, they are all supernatural powers comparable to the feathered gate big yin and yang technique.

Big bet!

There was a dry mouth and a rapid heartbeat!

"How?" After that, Fang Qingshan fixed his eyes on Wan Luo.

Although Fang Qingshan did not show his momentum against Wan Luo, when he looked at it this way, Wan Luo felt that his heart was squeezed tightly, and he was covered by invisible depression.

Really this world news, previously he forced Fang Han to respond, now facing Fang Qingshan, Wan Luo also had to send his arrow on the string.

This is comparable to the existence of Huatiandu, and has not yet met. Just looking at himself, Wan Luo feels endless pressure. Although such people are asking themselves, they are obviously not to be refuted.

"Okay!" With the word spit out, Wan Luo feels loose.

"That's right, you go to the punishment platform!"

Fang Qingshan heard the words and nodded in satisfaction.

Wan Luo and Fang Han heard the words and looked at each other, as if sparks flickered in the void, the two flew up at the same time and landed on the platform of death.

In this situation ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ All the true disciples of Yuhuamen are excited.

This is a big bet, and the biggest bet since the opening of Yuhuamen.

So what is the whereabouts of the five elements of the roots and the too white gold star stone, Wan Jou Shui Jing will not say.

The big cut is the supreme magic skill of the magic gate, and it is one of the three thousand avenue magical powers.

Panwu Hercules, also known as the Great Origin Technique, is a supernatural power at the same level as the Great Cleavage. After cultivation, the magic power is ten times higher than that of ordinary practitioners.

The two supernatural powers, no matter which one is obtained, can make people stand out from the countless masters. Become the pride of the sky, a peerless wizard.

Nowadays, they are all used as bets. How can this not make everyone excited?

Although I couldn't get it, I was able to see such a scene.

Especially when I met Fang Qingshan, who was comparable to Hua Tiandu, I was deeply impressed. After all, he was a big cut, and it was extraordinary.

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