Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 261: Long fruit

Chaos Thunder!

Yes, it is the ultimate mystery after the great chaos practice.

However, the thunderous thunder sword saw a shock, and 100,000 thunderballs shook off, and each thunderball expanded thousands of times.

Suddenly, these thunderballs shrank to the middle, like a black hole.

With a muffled sound, a little gray thunder bead formed.

Although it is only one point, it is not comparable to the hundreds of thousands of Leizhu before, but in terms of power, it is very different.

As soon as the thunder bead came out, it burst open.

Loud sound, elephant looks.

There were no earth-shattering sounds, only space was broken and the fire was extinguished. Whenever the gray light of thunder passes, everything becomes nothing.

The thunder struck the gossip furnace, and the heaven and earth oven did not hold on for a long time, then they made a loud noise, turned into numerous fragments, and broke apart.

"What a great chaos **** thunder, it really is great."

The speed of Shenlei's outbreak was too fast, that is, Fang Qingshan did not respond, the magical power was broken, and Fang Qingshan was naturally back bitten.

At this moment, he didn't care about this at all. He looked at the big chaos thunder sword in the hands of Fan Qingying without surprise, like an old cat sniffing salty fish and salivating.

"Give me the Chaos Thunder Sword, I will leave you all dead." Fang Qingshan said to Fan Qingying.

"Have you fixed me like this?" Fan Qingying sneered.

"Since I dare to come, naturally I have done everything. Don't put your hopes on that **** emperor in the Fang Ya Islands. Today, not only you, but he can't escape."

Fang Qingshan looked at Fan Qingying although he was defeated, but he was still unhurried.

In fact, Fang Qingshan didn't notice at the beginning that the protoss protoss of Longevity Giants actually existed in the Tuya Islands.

That is, he just used the heaven and earth oven to collect Fan Qingying and shocked the **** emperor. If Fan Qingying broke the shackles by himself, I am afraid he would help out, because of this, there was a hint of breath. , Was sensed by Fang Qingshan.

Feeling that there is a **** emperor in the island, Fang Qingshan was also surprised.

Earlier, I was afraid I had to turn around and run away.

After all, the **** emperor of the protoss is not an ordinary immortal giant. Compared with the immortal giants of heaven and earth, they all have a repressive advantage in the same realm.

But now, it was an unexpected joy for the other side.

Because he sensed the breath of the **** emperor, just the first layer of longevity in Changsheng.

Although at the same level can be regarded as the top, for another person, I am afraid that Fang Qingshan has no certainty to win. After all, if such a master wants to leave, he can't stop it.

However, his status as a protoss is an advantage for others, but it has become the biggest disadvantage here in Fang Qingshan, because he has the world tree, and the world tree is the biggest nemesis of the protoss. This is why during the ancient war, there were Dedicated protoss giants personally cut down the world tree.

The biggest reason why Fang Qingshan left Yuhuamen this time was because he cultivated to change his life against the sky, and he was only one step away from the mystery of Changsheng.

However, this step is a condemnation. It is even more difficult to make a breakthrough in a short time. It is impossible to improve the car behind closed doors.

He was just trying to pack up Fan Qingying, get the big chaos thunder sword in her hand, go to Wu Cunjing, and touch the by-pass in order to enhance the power of the Five Elements God Thunder.

By the way, this place of the Protoss is uprooted, you can scrape it away, and you can mix a martial arts merit to prepare for the future conversion of the big yin and yang technique.

I didn't expect that the surprise came so suddenly.

He just wanted a river, but heaven gave him a sea.

Ordinary protoss gods and kings, if swallowed up by the world tree, can not only be transformed into his nourishment, but also be able to produce supernatural fruits, allowing people in the physical realm to ascend to heaven and break through the supernatural secrets.

And if the body of the Protoss Emperor is swallowed by the World Tree, it will not only nourish the World Tree more, but also bear fruit.

Yes, long fruit.

As the name suggests, the magical fruit is to let people break through the mysterious state of magical power, and the longevity fruit is to let the peak of the magical power to break through the secret of eternal life.

What does it mean to step through broken iron shoes without finding any place? This is!

Fang Qingshan is considering how to break through the secret of longevity, and the opportunity is here.

If you can capture this **** emperor, feed the world tree, and produce long-lasting fruits, you can break through immediately, but at least you can increase your chances of breaking through several layers.

Ordinary people have longevity, and naturally they can break through.

However, Fang Qingshan is different. His accumulation is too strong. Even if he has long life, he cannot guarantee a breakthrough. Need to look for some other opportunities, time, location, and peace.

However, even this is enough to make people happy.

If you do n’t see him, Fan Qingying, Yan Shui, Hua Tiandu and others are still struggling.

Not to mention the surprise in Fang Qingshan's heart, Fan Qingying was surprised when he heard Fang Qingshan's words. She did not expect that Fang Qingshan already knew that the emperor was hidden in the Fangya Islands, and it seemed that he was not afraid to listen to him, but revealed Can't wait.

If you haven't played against Fang Qingshan, you will never realize his horror.

Although he is just like Fan Qingying, he is only a person who changes his realm against the sky, but Fan Qingying can clearly know that he has more pressure than the Emperor of God.

Based on her repair, the Chaos Thunder Sword, a top-level killer, broke the magical power of Fang Qingshan, causing him a little injury, and he was terrified to think about it!


Fan Qingying had not spoken yet, and the **** emperor lurking in the Tusk Islands could not sit still.

Anyway, depending on the situation, Fan Qingying can't deal with Fang Qingshan.

And since Fang Qingshan knows here, knows about the protoss ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, he must not leave alive.

Anyway, in the end, he had to take his own shot, and the Emperor of God was no longer hiding, and he came out of the Fang Ya Islands.

But the people who saw it, with a purple robe, were extremely tall, two heads taller than ordinary people, and had a towering and erect feeling.

This Zipao man is an old man. He also wears a purple crown on his head. Between the opening and closing of his eyes, there is purple light. The vitality of the fairy world is rolling, like an emperor, domineering.

"I have seen Hate the Emperor of Heaven, and Qingying is not good at it, please blame it."

Seeing someone coming, Fan Qingying quickly made a ritual and asked for sin.

"Well, you just stand aside and wait for me to pack him up and come to settle accounts with you."

The Emperor of Heaven hate waved his hand and let Fan Qingying stand aside.

He was very dissatisfied with Fan Qingying's performance. As the first person in the mysterious realm, he also held a large chaotic thunder sword. Not only did he not take the green hills below, he was suppressed by others in a face-to-face.

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