Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 263: Needle, sword!

Big Five Elements Extinction Needle!

This was originally the supreme supernatural power recorded in He Shaqi's book, and in the world of Shu Shan, the five elements of He Sha Dao are the most profound. It can be said that the five elements of extinction is the ultimate mystery of the five elements of the Shushan world.

The Big Five Elements is one of the three thousand heavenly paths of the eternal world. It can be said that it is also a perfect interpretation of the Five Elements Avenue in our own world.

The combination of the two-party world and the Five Elements Avenue, coupled with the smelting is the source of the world's trees, the red lotus industry fire, and Huangquan Forget Love, which are the top five elements in every world.

Today, the power of the Big Five Elements extinction needle has long been better than blue. If it were not limited to Fang Qingshan's own cultivation, and gold and soil, the two elements were not fully smelted, and the five elements were not completed. With this supernatural power, he You can run the world.

However, even so, in the face of the Big Five Elements Extinction, the hatred of the Emperor God was a tightening of his pupils, his hair turned upside down, and his heart seemed to be pinched.

"Slay the world, the big cut, the world collapses, the big collapse!"

Do not dare to neglect, hate the emperor, and directly exhibited two 3,000 avenue magical powers.

But there was a wave in the space. First, a wave of jagged cracks appeared. It was horizontal and vertical. For a time, it seemed that the entire space had become a piece of space. The space lines were black dragons. Cut the past.

Hate the Emperor of Heaven is indeed a giant in the mysterious realm of longevity, especially he is a protoss, and exerting supernatural magical powers is like a fish and water, doing more with less.

In his hands, the mastectomy is a complete rebirth, which is quite different.

Fang Qingshan's room seemed to be back in the world of domination, and the broken space in front of the ancient temple was just like that.

Fortunately, this time is not the same as in the past, he is not Wuxia Amon.

The power of the Great Surgery is extraordinary, and the Big Five Elements Extermination Needle is even more unexpectedly powerful.

If you say, the big cut is just cutting the whole space, like a vase about to break.

So where the Big Five Elements extinction needle passes, the entire space becomes a sieve, and even the space is like the ice and snow in summer, so it disappears so easily. It was enough to look at it. Secretly trembling.

Therefore, the Emperor hated Tianji and never stopped doing another endless collapse.

But when I saw the hatred of Emperor Tianshen, he drew his fingers, covered his body, his magical power, and the magical power oscillated in a wonderful law. At the beginning, there was nothing, but he gradually adjusted with the heaven and earth frequency, causing resonance.

Time flies, wherever his finger points, the space is broken apart.

No, it's not broken, but collapsed, the void caused by collapse, so that everyone who has seen it has the feeling of being sucked into a black hole.


No matter it is the Three Thousand Avenues magical power or various kinds of Taoism, only in the hands of Longevity Realm can they truly exert their due power.

The hatred of the Emperor of the Heavens successively displayed two supreme supernatural powers, which was the sturdiness of the extinction of the Great Five Elements, but also exhausted and exhausted, and began to be weak.

"Huh, thought that this would obliterate the Big Five Elements Extinction Needle? Naive!"

Seeing this scene, Fang Qingshan sneered, his hands were printed, and he uttered a flick.

"The five elements revolve, each other is in harmony, and there is no end to it!"

Followed by, Fang Qingshan opened a mouthful of green gas, which is the origin of the world tree.

In a short time, the old force had just gone, and the new force had not yet been born. The Big Five Elements Extinction Needle of Xishan suddenly seemed to be full of horsepower.

Cyan, red, yellow, white, black, and five-color light flashed.

But it was seen that a pin of the gods blasted out like lightning to break through the void created by the Great Collapse. Each one was extremely sharp, faster than any war spear and arrow, and blasted like a cloud against the Hate God.


Seeing this scene, the Emperor hated God could not help but sighed. He did not expect that Fang Qingshan was so embarrassed, and he was performing two Sanqian Dadao Supernatural Powers in succession, and even his supernatural powers were not broken.

We must know that compared with the magical secrets of the eternal giant, whether it is the understanding of the Tao, the magical power, or the time of cultivation, the smelt treasure is not a level, and the power is naturally not the same.

But now the situation seems to be reversed. It seems that he is the one who has the magical secret, and Fang Qingshan is a long-life giant.

"No wonder, Qingying claims that the first person in the magical secret realm was so completely defeated by your hands, and it really has two hits."

At this time, the Emperor Hate still didn't feel that Fang Qingshan could leapfrog the challenge.

But when he saw a wave of his hand, he was suspended in the air and blocked the space, and he hated the sky compass slightly.

Space is infinitely extended.

Power is infinitely distorted.

The space is constantly changing, and the space like the cosmic starry sky is suddenly condensed, all the five elements of the extinction needle are drawn in.

Taking the practice of hating the emperor as the sacrifice, the sacrifices of the upper grades were sacrificed. Although the five-element extinction needle was sharp, in the end, it was accepted without any resistance, and it was worn away a little.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan was naturally prepared for it. He knew that hating the emperor was not so easy to win.

After all, people are not ordinary secrets of longevity, but protoss of the tribe, and they have high-grade Taoism. If they can suppress him with a supernatural power, Fang Qingshan will have to think about it. Is there any conspiracy? Already.

"You have a magic weapon, don't I have one?"

After the Emperor of Heaven hatred Fang Qingshan's magical powers by virtue of Taoism, Fang Qingshan screamed and offered two pure Yang Feijians.

"Tai Chi Yin Yang, gossip and gossip, go!"

But seeing two pure Yang Fei swords flying in mid-air, the volley changed, two changed to four, four changed to eight, eight changed to sixteen, sixteen changed to thirty-two, and thirty-two changed to sixty-four.

The two flying swords first interpreted Tai Chi Yin and Yang, followed by the changes of the Five Elements and the Gram ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and finally turned into gossip suppression. Then the gossip returned to the Five Elements, and the five elements returned to Taiji.

The sword shadows are combined with each other, and a Taiji sword array changes instantly.

The sudden formation of the Taiji Sword Formation, an astonishing sword spirit ran through Jiuxiao.

Like the Taiji in the hands of that moral Tianzun, it turned into a golden bridge to suppress the compass towards Heaven.

Implied yin and yang, upside down.

With the improvement of Fang Qingshan's Xiuwei and his understanding of the Five Elements Avenue, more world tree inheritance was refined, and the pure yang sword tactics in his hands evolved into the yin and yang sword tactics.

Cathode anode, anode anode.

Pure yang is extremely extreme, natural yin and yang manifest.

Coupled with his understanding of the Five Elements, pushing back the Yin and Yang with the Five Elements, he finally got out of the real person's puppet of pure Yang, and his sword skills improved to a new level.

With two handles of superior quality, matched sword tactics, and ample vitality support, the power of this golden bridge can be imagined.

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