Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 272: Sneak attack

Catastrophe is a peerless magical power comparable to the Big Five Elements.

Although Fang Han was covered by the Five Emperors, there would be nothing for a while.

But he was also surrounded by the catastrophe, and the imprisonment was kept in place.

For a while, there was a flower in front of me, but I saw that the world was falling apart, the sea rock was rotten, the black hole was exploding, and all kinds of disasters swept towards me.

The gas of disaster, the gas of destruction, the gas of decay, the gas of decay, give people a feeling of incomparable depression and despair.

"What a great catastrophe, sure enough!"

Seeing this, Fang Qingshan could not help praise.

This catastrophe is worthy of being in the top ten. Once it is practiced, after comprehending the disasters of the heavens and the earth, and building up the secret place of growth and life, it can be described as invincible. Many robberies cannot be blessed.

The way of spiritual practice is not just to **** the aura of heaven and earth, to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, to travel to the North Sea, and to twilight to twilight.

Practice can lead to longevity, but there are also all kinds of unexpected calamities on the road.

I will not talk about all kinds of human calamities. Just in the mysterious state of magical powers, there will be a calamity, and there will also be disasters for Chengxian. After becoming immortals, it will not be a single horse, less than Jinxian, Daluo, and three disasters.

However, if this catastrophe is practiced, not only can these disasters be avoided completely, at least it can also be turned from passive to active, weakening calamities, or even turning bad fortune into bad.

In addition, although the Cataclysm is still not called Destruction, it is also very sharp in terms of attack power, which is not worse than those of the Killer.

"It seems that this time, you can't let go of anything you say."

The corner of Fang Qingshan's mouth could not help but evoke slightly.

If it was just a personal hatred between Yan Shuiyi and Fang Han, Fang Qingshan might not take her.

But who is calling her the first true disciple of Tai Yimen.

Fang Qingshan did not forget that he was outside the Daxuan Empire, but a peerless master shot at himself.

Good and evil come to an end in the end, only late and early.

I still ca n’t help the person who shot it, but it ’s okay to take advantage of his disciples and disciples.

Not to mention, there is also the catastrophe technique. After learning, not only can you weaken your own disaster, but it is also helpful to your own realization.

These are not mentioned for the time being, but it is Yanshui who used Famine to trap Fang Han. Various disasters and calamities blasted towards him in the past.

That is, Fang Han, for a different person, not to mention Jin Dan, it is impossible to change his life against the sky.

Relying on the five emperor's canopy, he struggled repeatedly, but it was of no use. The great shock, the collapse of the void, and various disasters followed. Although he could not hurt him for a while, Fang Han was not a loser.

Just keep on doing it forever, shove the power inward, shrunk the original tall body into a baby, turn the huge Jin Dan into gold beans, and then shoved it out.


The extreme contraction broke out again, and the power more than doubled.

Suddenly, thousands of times of expansion, suddenly flashing gold, as the scorching sun exploded in the sky, the layers of space shook. The nine-day squall wind layer that was thousands of miles away seemed to suffocate, and the squall wind stopped operating.

"A good Fang Han, really amazing!"

This is the second time that Yanshui has admired Fang Han.

You know, since she practiced the cataclysm, she can blast off masters of the same level in one move.

And Fang Han? Not only was he not damaged in the slightest, but his own natural disaster God was broken. If it were not for his own Yuan God, it has the characteristic of gathering and dispersing the smoke and clouds. I am afraid that it would be severely damaged.

However, in the end the Yuanshen was shattered, and Yanshui also suffered a certain amount of damage.

Before waiting for her to adjust her breath, she saw Fang Han seizing the opportunity and directly offering the dormant Huangquan map. A quaint stone bridge straddled east and west and locked the smoke and water instantly.

Followed, striding forward, carrying Jin Dan's mighty power, and punched in the past.

This punch is not only supported by Fang Qingshan's Jindan mana, it is also vertical and horizontal, whale swallowing the sea, sucking the vitality of the stern wind layer, the stern wind forces and all the forces are brought back to one another.

The troubled times have emerged, the world responds, and the feeling of winning food and obeying.

"Only in heaven and on earth!"

In the face of Fang Han's fierce punch, Yanshui originally wanted to avoid her sharp edge. There she knew that no matter how she avoided, she was firmly locked by the stone bridge under Fang Han's feet.

Fortunately, she was not afraid of Fang Han. Since she couldn't hide, she resisted.

But when I saw the smoke and water, my hands were imprinted, and there were thousands of changes, and there was a high-quality Taoist instrument, the second element god, the sea **** beads, and turned into an ancient seal, like a jade seal, with the imperial domineering, A punch with Fang Han covered the past.

It's too rude to say that this is too much. It is common practice to bully the small and to bully the small.

Just bullying Fang Qingshan outside the Daxuan Empire.

Among the five elements of blessings, they also shot against Fang Han.

Just different from Fang Qingshan, they really have a protagonist halo.

However, although Taihuang Tian was blocked by the ancient demon statue, but his strength was not dare to let people underestimate ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yan Shui's imprint was exactly the place where Taihuang heaven and the ancient demon statue played. The mystery is infinite, the power is amazing.

Chess meets opponents and will meet Liangcai.

Fang Han's fist is a blessing of ninety magical powers, a world tree, and nine consciousnesses.

The smoke and water mark is also the supreme stunt power, the second element god, and the upright support of water.

This hit together like a starburst.

The entire squall floor was swept away, and the space was completely broken.

The old force has just gone, and the new force has not yet been born!

Just between these electro-optic flints, mutations occurred.

But in the emptiness, the voice of prayers of thousands of souls faintly came, and the sacred breath spread.

Looking up, but looking at Fangyuan, there is a woman like an elf, bending a bow and arrow, an amazing majestic air force, locked Fang Han.


The divine bow trembled, the sharp arrows shot out, and indistinctly, as if one could see the ancient shadow of an ancient paradise, there was a sound of pious chanting, and it seemed to come from a distant time and space. It had a great impact on the mind and soul.

Fang Han had a blow with Yanshui before, and he felt that his head had been hit by a sledgehammer a million times, his mana was turbulent, and Jin Dan Guanghua was dim.

Before he could react, he was stunned by the voice of this sacred prayer, and his eyes became a little blurred.

At the same time, Yanshui also shot. This time, she did not use any divine channel method to directly sacrifice her second god, Canghai Shenzhu, and smashed towards Fang Han.

"Damn, Fang Han, wake up soon, and if we don't wake up, we're done."

Seeing this scene, the instrumental Yan of the dormant Huang Quantu suddenly rushed into his throat.

If there is only one attack, he can also intercept it. When the two men shoot at the same time, they have lost their skills.

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