Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 275: Shock of 2 people

The situation has changed drastically!

Previously, Yanshui joined forces with the Holy Light World and attacked Fang Han.

But now, it is self-eating evil, surrounded by Fang Han and Fang Qingshan.

Not only was the helper of Shengguang Great World captured by Fang Han, he was also his second god, and the high-grade Taoist artifact of Canghai Shenzhu also fell into the hands of Fang Qingshan.

"I've seen three boys, thank you for your help!"

Just when the smoke and water were full of thoughts, thinking about how to retreat.

Fang Han did not pay any attention to her, and instead expressed his gratitude to Fang Qingshan.

Seriously, Fang Han really has some character that must be reported.

When Fang Qingshan was the youngest, he forced himself to take an oath.

Today, he has passed on his bottom box kung fu and passed on the Big Five Elements to him, and has to share his luck.

In the future, if he has learned the great reincarnation technique, he must also give it to him.

After Yan knew this, he didn't talk much.

It is absolutely impossible to say that there is no trace of unwillingness in Fang Han's heart.

However, Fang's and Fang Qingshan did not feel sorry for themselves.

The dormant Huang Quantu is the treasure that Fang Qingxue tried to preempt first, the special dishware, and the mantle of Huang Quan emperor, which was obtained by his own servant. Fang Qingshan didn't tell Fang's family or snatch, but pretended to be Do not know at all.

Without this dormant Huangquan map and Jiu Jiu Jin Dan, Fang Han knew that he would never get there today.

And both Fang Qingshan and Fang Qingxue defend themselves.

In front of Taiyuan Xianfu, Fang Qingshan fought Huatiandu with the power of Jindan.

After returning to the martial arts, he begged the head to save himself.

Today, he was ambushed by Tai Yimen, and it was Fang Qingshan who helped him like a god.

Although he must report, and his heart is fierce, he is not ignorant of what he is doing. The person who is willing to revenge, the other side Qingshan, Fang Qingxue, and Fang family are still thinking of gratitude.

Of course, there is another reason, and the most important one.

Fang Qingxue is just fine. Although it is the rebirth of the electric mother, the repair is also leaps and bounds, and the popularity is fierce, but Fang Han is proud of himself now, not inferior to it.

But Fang Qingshan is different. No one knows what chance he got, but he has so many means, fast progress, and strong combat effectiveness.

Fang Han felt that he was a strange number, but compared to Fang Qingshan, he still felt a little witch.

In the land of five elements, Taiyi Taihuangtian shot at himself. If it was not for the ancient deities, he would have been in trouble.

But I heard that as early as when he was trapped in Taiyuanxianfu, Taiyi's head was too mixed and he had already shot at Qingshan.

However, unlike his own masters to rescue him, Fang Qingshan actually used his strength and hole cards to successfully get away, and he was blessed by the disaster. When he returned to the martial arts, the elders of the punishment were very optimistic.

That's all, until just now, Fang Han really knew what Fang Qingshan had reached today.

The master against the sky changed his life with a full blow and broke with his hand. He tried to suppress it with his hands, facing him. Fang Han seemed to be facing a longevity giant, and compared to Taiyuan Xianfu, the one who besieged Feng Baiyu. Several Jiuyin, Jiuyang, Tian silk, and others were even more deterrent.

If he knew that Fang Qingshan would suppress even one of the gods ’long-lived giant gods, the emperor, it would be even more sensational.

"Well, do we have to say this between us?"

Fang Qingshan waved his hand and said jokingly,

"Not to mention that you are a member of our family, just for that luck and magical power, I will save you."

"Fang Han, are you broom star reincarnation? Why do you seem to be out of luck every time I meet you?"

"This ..." Listening to Fang Qingshan's words, Fang Han thought about it for a moment, he was really suffering, and he couldn't help crying and laughing.

"San Gongzi, are you going to celebrate Linglong Xianshou?" Fang Han quickly shifted the topic.

"Yes." Fang Qingshan nodded, "The first person in three thousand years, if there is no chance, it would be a shame if I don't meet with such a great opportunity today."

Seeing Fang Han, the two Fang Qingshan actually regarded themselves as indifferent, and stood beside each other chatting leisurely, but the smoke was angry and anxious.

When did her smoke fall to the point of being ignored?

But looking at the two people on the field, she couldn't help but feel discouraged.

Fang Han, a Jin Dan realm, could not win him alone.

Not to mention that this person later, facing him, Yanshui seemed to be facing a longevity giant, and it was not Wanshou, as if he was an undead master.

This is simply the idea of ​​ruining the Three Views.

Fang Qingshan's cultivation is not as good as himself, changing his life against the sky, and his combat power is chasing after him, which makes Yan Shuiyi dreaming.

You must know that Fan Qingying, who is the number one on the supplementary list after longevity, cannot cross the barrier of supernatural life.

Especially after knowing Fang Qingshan's identity, Yanshui Yi is even more incredible.

Fang Qingshan's name is also known by Yanshui.

The first time I heard about this name was after he defeated Huatiandu with Jin Dan.

Hearing the news at that time, Yanshui could not help but pout his mouth and smiled. The secret way of Yuhuamen in his heart was just funny.

Who is Huatian, does she not know yet?

Although Hua Tian is behind her, that is because of the blessing of Tai Yimen, who really fights, and it is still unknown who wins.

Such a person was actually leveled by a person from the realm of Jin Dan? Believe it or not, Yan Shui Yi is definitely not convinced.

Hearing the news of Fang Qingshan again, it was outside the Daxuan Empire that he mortgaged the blood of the rare treasures.

The good guy just wiped out one of the two Jindan true stories, and he appeared in a conspicuous place on the site of others, and it was hard to describe his courage with a bold and outrageous attitude.

Yanshui was going to take his own hands to capture him ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but did not expect that the martial arts personally shot in order to be stable.

I thought it was foolproof, but didn't expect the results to be more than they expected.

Dang Taitai took the shot himself and let Fang Qingshan run away. Although he didn't do his best, it was enough to shake people.

At this moment, the name Fang Qingshan was deeply engraved in her heart.

However, she was still not very convinced, still thinking about when to find an opportunity to practice with him.

I don't want the opportunity to come so fast, but the reality is so cruel.

Fang Qingshan met.

Seeing each other is better than meeting each other.

It's only been a long time since he actually caught up later, catching up with himself and breaking through the sky to change his life.

In particular, the powerful combat effectiveness made Yanshui doubt whether he was a reincarnation of an old monster.

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