Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 280: Xumi Jinshan

The boundless sea of ​​clouds, the immortal island.

Hongqiao is connected to Xianshan Island, and the ladder is connected to the palace platform.

From time to time, there are dragons out of the sea of ​​clouds, and every eagle dances in the sky.

Linghua and grass are everywhere, and Xiangguang is full of vitality.

What a blessing of gods and gods!

Fang Qingshan is also well-informed, but whether it is the nest of the red-haired ancestor of Shushan, the site of the ancient Temple of Heaven, or even the Yuhua Temple, compared to this exquisite blessing, it is a far cry.

This is a small world born out of the Xuanhuang world.

Yes, a thousand worlds, not space.

Obviously, this must be the writing of the exquisite fairy.

Like those true peaks in the Yuhua Temple, suspended above the sea of ​​clouds, Xianshan Xiandao are also arranged according to the exquisite Da Luotian. Once the crisis is triggered, the matrix method will definitely erupt unprecedented power.

Among the thousands of clouds in the Xianshan archipelago, there is a fairy mountain that stands tall. From a distance, this mountain shows a square shape, which is directly inserted into the void. The mountain body shows a faint golden color, up to Wanzhang, people are just a dust in front of this fairy mountain.

Xumi Jinshan!

A unique Taoist tool that is infinitely close to the immortal, just like the Yuhuan Temple of Yuhuamen.

It is the residence of Linglong Xianzun.


Fang Qingshan greeted Fang Han and flew towards Xumi Mountain.

From a distance, I feel that my head is in the sky, and my roots are grounded. I have recently discovered that this thing is huge and powerful.

This Xumi Jinshan seems to be the exquisite existence of the entire Xiaoqian world.

Jin Danxiu stood in front of him, as small as a dust.

As soon as I approached, I saw layers of golden light covering this golden mountain.

This is a supernatural power called Osu Mitsuko, which can be compared to the five supernatural supernatural powers. Even the masters of the longevity secret can't break through.

"Who is coming? But VIP? If you are an ordinary monk, please go to Yingbin Xiandao first, and only VIPs will be accepted on Xumi Mountain."

Without waiting for Fang Qingshan to speak or break in, a sweet voice sounded in Xumi Jinshan.

"Oh, it seems that it's inevitable to go everywhere. Even if it's exquisite, we should treat it differently. I don't know if I deserve to be a VIP."

Hearing this, Fang Qingshan could not help but chuckled, but didn't care. He would do the same.

After all, at the level of Linglong Xianzun, there are more than a hundred million people who want to endorse her. People who come to wish her a life are everywhere. Wouldn't it be too approachable if everyone received it.

As for saying that he should not be a distinguished guest, although Fang Qingshan laughed at himself, he never took it to heart. If he can't be deserved, then no one is eligible unless it is accessible from above the immortal.

"Fang Qingshan, a true disciple of Xia Yuhuamen, and Fang Han, a true disciple of Yuhuamen, came to worship Lingxian!"

Sure enough, as soon as Fang Qingshan's words fell, the welcome disciples in Xumi Jinshan all screamed.

"Fang Qingshan of Yuhuamen!"

Immediately, the fairy of the exquisite blessing land opened the blockade of Osu Miku and greeted them with a party.

The drums are loud and loud, and there are hundreds of people in Changchi, Yaochi, holding incense burners, Ruyi, Baoding, and so on.

This kind of specification is comparable to welcoming a visiting teacher from Xuanmen.

Grand, solemn, magnificent.

The reason for this is not because Fang Qingshan suppressed Yanshui, Fan Qingying, or even hated the Emperor.

Or because of his reputation.

Forcing Huatiandu to even escape from the hands of the mixed sky Taoists.

Although this matter is secret, as a nail in the eyes of Tai Yimen, a thorn in the flesh, the exquisite blessing people are also very concerned about Tai Yimen, and naturally know it easily.

It is precisely this reason that the exquisite blessed person's name is Lei Guaner.

"Fang Daoyou, Fang Han Daoyou, both please!"

The true disciple of the exquisite blessing land came to the two of Fang Qingshan and gave a salute.

Fang Qingshan saw this, raised a brow, straightened the whole dress, and saluted, "Thank you!"

Entering the Sumi Jinshan, but seeing the illusion is true, faintly hearing prayers, and the Sanskrit sounds, people only feel calm and lively.

Obviously, like the Yuhuamen and the stars, this Xumi Mountain has also raised many souls and prayed for exquisite blessings.

What's more, Linglong Xianzun did not use any means to turn this prayer sound into bursts of Sanskrit sounds, listening to the ears, ringing in the Lingtai, condensing into a mysterious power, washing away the magic tricks and pulsing mana.

Really amazing!

"You are Fang Qingshan of Yuhuamen?"

Just entering Sumi Jinshan, before he had time to feel the mystery, he was interrupted by a nasty voice.

Fang Qingshan looked up, but saw a brother-in-law wearing a gold and robe, followed by a large group of followers.

"Well, I haven't seen three heads and six arms. So many of us have come to wish you a long life, and you are the only one who has been treated so seriously.

It turned out that the grandeur of the exquisite blessing of the fairies had met Fang Qingshan's solemnity.

After all, there is no suspicion and unevenness, and there is no harm without contrast.

If it was exquisitely blessed that all young Junjies were treated equally, suddenly a Fang Qingshan popped up and actually gave more treatment than everyone else.

This makes these young Junjie who had been there all the time proud to endure?

However, they remembered that this is the site of Linglong Xianzun, so they led this person out.

"who are you?"

Fang Qingshan asked saltily, looking at the son-in-law of the nostril in front of him, and a group of people watching the crowd behind him.

"This is the son of our spirit son, Blood Shadow Demon Sect, Taishang Elder, and Bi Xue Patriarch."

The spirit son had not spoken yet, and the dog leg behind it was proudly announced.

"It's him!"

After hearing the introduction, Fang Qingshan seemed to remember something.

At first, this person was also robbed by Fang Han of his seven gourds.

It's just that the unscrupulous immortal giant who is the **** monster has no killer.

"Is it you? Is there anything?"

Fang Qingshan asked lightly.

"Hmm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ What's the matter? Don't you think you should apologize to these handsome guys present?"

The spirit son scolded.


Fang Qingshan laughed,

"Yes, who can take my punch, I apologize!"

"Let's start with you!"

Without giving other people time to react, Fang Qingshan hit the past with a punch.

There are no dazzling punches, nor great punches.

With one punch, there is only one kind of quietness, like the years flowing quietly, and the roads between heaven and earth are as ancient as ever.

But in the eyes of those who know the goods, it is a big terror.

Although the spirit boy's eyes are higher than the top, he has some eyesight, even if he sacrifices a Taoist instrument.

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