Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 310: Forcing

"Boy, finally remember your ancestor?"

As soon as the devouring emperor was released, a burst of bright light burst into his eyes, and Fang Qingshan couldn't help sneering.

"Are you going to wipe out this seat completely, or bless the seal?"

On the other side, Qingshan and Devour Emperor's hatred are even stronger than those of Emperor Tian.

Although it was suppressed by the emperor that year, anyhow, they relied on their true power to defeat the king, and there is nothing to say.

However, the Emperor of Heaven did not destroy himself, but was calculated by himself. For tens of thousands of years of planning, he would be trapped by the dragon and rise to the sky.

However, he did not expect that a strange number such as Fang Qingshan appeared.

Not only did he let his plan fail, he also sealed himself up again.

The hatred in the heart of the devouring emperor is really hard to pour out.

"The ancestor is a demon outside the country, so fierce and mighty, how can he forget the ancestor? I will ask the ancestor to help me in the future."

Fang Qingshan looked at the devouring emperor, and said calmly.

"Please ancestors help?"

The devouring emperor looked at Fang Qingshan in surprise, listened with a side ear, and sneered,

"I won't have a problem with my ears, do you even want me to surrender and help you?"


The devouring emperor looked up and down Fang Qingshan, and said in a stunned way,

"I said that the self-confidence from you turned out to be supremely breakthrough."

Although Fang Qingshan's breakthrough made the Emperor Devourer a little surprised, after all, it took a long time for Fang Qingshan to break through, and it was not the beginning of the Supreme Supreme, but the mid-level of the Supreme.

But don't say that Fang Qingshan is only the median supreme supreme, that is, it is not enough to see that he has reached the great consummation of the supreme supreme.

He swallowed the demon emperor, but he is not the ordinary heavenly supreme, but the heavenly supreme who is at the top of the world.

Even now it is Longyou Shoal and tigers fall in Pingyang, but in the end the camel is thinner than a horse.

A supreme median supreme in Fang Qingshan District wanted to subdue himself and let himself give him his life.

"In this year, even the Emperor of Heaven did not surrender. Do you think you can rival or even surpass the Emperor of Heaven, and let this seat surrender?"

Said Aoyama, who was devastating Yin and Yang of Devourer.

"Ha ha,"

Fang Qingshan chuckled,

"I don't expect to let the ancestors surrender or surrender."

"Count on knowing yourself."

Devour Emperor smiled proudly.

But then, Fang Qingshan's words made him furious.

"I can force my ancestors."

As soon as the voice fell, Fang Qingshan immediately sat down with his knees crossed and unfolded the Da Pudu technique.

However, in the aperture behind Fang Qingshan's head, a Buddha sat quietly on the Chiba Baolian, often shining bright, constantly producing wonderful sounds, expressing the roots, referring to the source of the solution. Open your mouth a little, apply Dafa, promote positive results, surrounded by dragons and flowers for a while.

When I was a Buddha, all sentient beings, those who gave birth to our country, stayed away from the differences, and the roots were silent. If you do n’t decide to become equal, then those who testify to Nirvana will not take it.

When I was a Buddha, I lived in a Buddhist temple, which was broad and strict, shining like a mirror, and reflecting on the countless incredible Buddha worlds in all directions. All sentient beings have a heart for life. If you do n’t, do n’t take it right

When I was a buddha, all the beings in the ten-square world made me alive, all of them had purple milled golden body and thirty-two kinds of big husbands. Correct and clean, understand the same category. If the appearance is different, there are people who are ugly, don't take it right

"Damn, you actually want to force this seat, arrogant!"

As the practice of Da Pudu started, countless Buddhas' light shone. For a time, countless Luohan, Jialan, Vajrayana, Bodhisattva, Qiqi chanting, and blessings appeared.

A ray of Zen envelops the devouring emperor, sounds in his ears, and seals the ears, which is impossible, because the sound reaches the bottom of my heart, grand and clear, and the more I do n’t want to listen, the more forcibly instilled, telling again and again.

I want to swallow the fierce monstrous emperor, and the demons outside the realm, the whole world is trembling under their iron hoof, it is the power to control the world, and now Fang Qingshan, a supreme person who does n’t even want it Force yourself. When even the riots started.

Although the Devourer Emperor was sealed, this did not mean that he had no resistance. Seeing that Fang Qingshan was going to save himself, he was fierce and burned.

For a while, but seeing a dark, chaotic, ancient breath emerged from the devouring emperor.

A headless demon condensed in the air. This demon has no head, and a pair of eyes grow out of his breasts. There is a fearless and a challenge in his eyes.

A breath of violent, bloodthirsty, killing, and fighting came from this demon **** body, covering the sky.

In an instant, the light of the Buddha was cut off.


Seeing this scene, Fang Qingshan frowned slightly, but immediately released.

If the devouring emperor was so good to deal with, it was destroyed by the emperor that year, and he still had to get himself there.

"Destiny is constant, covering the heavens, all beings cannot escape the fetters of fate."

"Destiny will not come out, destiny to act, devour the Emperor, you are destined to be saved by Fang Qingshan, convert to him, this is your destiny."

"Those who violate their fate will encounter doom and be abandoned by heaven."

A series of long, quaint, deep, sounded as if carrying a mantra with all the power of fate.

Little Fate!

Fang Qingshan had long expected that Tuhua Devouring Emperor would not go so smoothly, so when he saw the Devour Emperor resisting, Da Pudu could not survive it at all, even when the small fatalism was performed.

Overwhelmed by the power of fate, the thinking of the Devouring Emperor suddenly hesitated, and boundless blurry appeared in his eyes. One can't wait to accept it all.

"it is good!"

Seeing this scene ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Qingshan was instantly happy.

The devouring emperor was first suppressed by the emperor for tens of thousands of years, and was injured by the chess pieces of the heavens. Until now, it has been much worse than before.

Although the state is still there, the strength is not enough to support it.

However, Fang Qingshan did not relax.

While reading Da Pudu, while performing a little fatalism, at the same time waved a golden torrent from the world tree in his body, and continued to wash towards the Devourer.


Although it is not as good as luck or meritorious power, the will of all beings is also a very peculiar power, especially for Buddhist monks and Buddhist monks.

Sure enough, with the willingness to join, the three-pronged approach, although the Devourer Emperor is still struggling, the strength of the resistance is unknown.

More importantly, the Devourer Emperor unconsciously began to recite the scriptures intermittently.

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