Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 313: Tsz Wan Temple

Bashu, Chengdu!

No. 1 champion.

A man sat alone in the seat by the window and drank slowly with a few dishes.

The ears were raised, closing the ears of the nearby Tiannan Haibei conversation.

"It looks like the battle at Tsz Wan Temple is about to begin."

This person was Fang Qingshan who left the Simen Mountain after dying six or six true Yuan gourds.

Refined the swords of the heavens, got the Taiyi Wuyan Luo, spent the devouring Emperor and Fan Qingying, and overwhelmed the soul. What Fang Qingshan needs to do next is to collect the five elements and smelt into the body Break through the immortal body as soon as possible.

The reason why he came to Chengdu was to see whether the battle of Ciyun Temple had begun.

If it is already completed, then he will first look for the three treasures of gold, earth, and fire. If not, he is planning the black pearl in the hands of the ancestor of the green robe.

Valley God is not dead, it is called Xuan Zang. The gate of Xuanzang is the root of heaven and earth.

This Xuanzang Dafa is a peerless divine skill directed at the main road. Unfortunately, the insufficiency of the green robe can only train a Xuanzhang bead.

Even so, relying on this object to become the second god, as long as the Xuan Zang beads in the brain are still there, people will be fine.

If Xuanzhang Bead can be obtained, Muxing Arcana will have its place.

And if you can take the opportunity to kill the green robe, I am afraid that you can also get a lot of luck.

After all, the man in the green robe was fierce and mighty. As the leader of the southern demon cult, I don't know if it is such a nature, or if he practiced his practice and went into the devil, he would eat people's hearts at every turn. He has extraordinary karma.

However, although this person is not the peak of Shushan, he is also very difficult.

The reason why Fang Qingshan dared to **** the Xuan Zang beads in the hands of the Green Robe at this time, and even tried to kill them.

The reason lies in the battle of Tsz Wan Temple.

The ancestor of the Green Robe was invited by the Lord Poison Dragon to help boxing at Ciyun Temple. It may also have some prestige and even show off.

He newly practiced a treasure, named, a hundred poisonous golden silkworm pupae.

This thing is fierce, and once released, it will eat people's mind, no matter how powerful Jian Xiu was bitten by him, an hour, no doubt death. And this thing is somewhat similar to Fang Han's life-threatening cone, dedicated to breaking radon, and fast as lightning, a large number, there is no good defense treasure, and he took notice without hesitation.

Unfortunately, this thing can be regarded as one of the few sad mountains in Shushan.

Just after the success of the ritual training, there was no time to shine, and it was encountered by a real human being, and the 36,000 Qiankun needles trained in his hands were wiped out.

There are seven treasures in the green robe: Xuan Zong Zhu, Nv Nu Wa, Liuli Palace, Baidu Golden Silkworm Pupa, Baidu Shuluo, Baidu Cold Light Barrier, Bi Phosphorus Needle.

This time, not only the poisonous golden silkworm pupa but also the poisonous shuluo cricket were also scrapped. Also beheaded to death.

As the name suggests, Liuli Palace is usually placed in Baimang Mountain by the green ancestors.

Therefore, under severe injuries, only the black robes of Xuanzang Zhu, the son-in-law, the poisonous cold light barrier, and the needle of the green phosphorus are in the weakest time in history.

He counted his intentions unintentionally, saying that he could not really be left.

However, the Lion beat the rabbit with all its strength, facing the accumulated old demon such as the green robe, but he couldn't care less.

If it was nothing to get him to flee, and if Xuan Yuanzhu didn't get it, it would be a loss and a loss.

After Fang Qingshan came to Chengdu, the Ciyun Temple had previously explored the situation and knew that it had not yet begun. So he found a deserted hill nearby and opened a cave house to refine several flags.

After Fang Qingshan killed Zhu Hong, not only did he get Taiyi Wuyanluo, but also the basic Taoist Confucian classics of Wutai School.

The above not only records the refining methods of the magic treasures such as the Heavenly Demon Sword, Bailing Sword, etc., but also various magical methods.

One of them is called Qi Men Qi Jue Zhen: China and Tibet's congenital Qi Men Wu Qi, which is banned in seven layers, and the five elements of Qiyun are used. ?

Fang Qingshan is going to refine this array of methods, so that the devouring emperor and Fan Qingying ambush on the road that the green robes must escape, so it can be sure of nothing.

To make treasures, self-disturbance is essential.

Fortunately, refining the banner does not need to be the same as smelting the five elements, but the highest-level, particularly precious materials.

While Fang Qingshan collected the Ancient Temple, brought the Fangya Islands, plus the collection of the hatred of the Emperor of Heaven, Fan Qingying, and smoke and water, ordinary things of nature will not be missing.

While Fang Qingshan was busy refining the banner, Chengdu became more and more lively.

The endless stream of people from both the right and the evil came, while gathering in the Ciyun Temple, while gathering in the evil village, facing each other, the court resisted the ceremony.

When the day of the sword was approaching, here was the side of Master Xia ’s brother Wu Wenqi and the goddess Zhu Mei, the great disciple Zhuge Jin of the Three Immortals of the East China Sea, and the ascetic head of the Three Immortals of the East China Sea. The disciple laughed at the monk, and the great disciple Su Yin, who was a great disciple.

Coupled with the landlord of the evil village, Master Yu Qing, the drunk Taoist who has already arrived ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Master Nine Stone and so on, even the ancestor of Qingcheng bliss. It was a gathering of old and new.

On the evil path side, in addition to the host Jin Shen Luo Han Fa Yuan and Zhitong Monk, there are Xu Feiniang's disciples with three-eyed red nixue pythons, and two disciples of Xiaoyue Zen master arm ape Luqing, Weiwei Zhu Hong, Wudang Master Jinzhu of the mountain Jinxia cave, Taoist men flying to the peak, and other disciples, including Yu De, the disciple of the poisonous dragon, Long Fei, Kunlun Shiyuzhu, and even the green robe ancestors.

With so many good and evil masters gathered together, naturally, they will not stay honestly and wait for the day of the sword.

On the Emei side, the reason for the battle of Tsz Wan Temple was how to allow others to sleep on the side of the couch, and also to train the disciples and prepare for the forthcoming third sword discussion.

The disciples of the Emei School, especially Qi Jinchan, Laughing Monk, etc. are all newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers. They have not suffered any setbacks. Coupled with their treasures, they naturally volunteered to go to Ciyun Temple to inquire about the news.

It was just that there were giant magical beasts like the green robes, and they were found as soon as they approached. If they were not to help each other secretly, they would lose their morale without telling the teacher that he would die before he died.

The so-called coming without rudeness, the demon has always been a scumbag, and people have come to the door, and they will not be unresponsive. The most active one is the green robe. It is not how selfless he is. Let's do it.

Everyone naturally could not fight, nor would they fight with him. After all, the green robe was fierce, so the green robe became a pioneer and went to explore the evil village.

Fang Qingshan succeeded in refining his treasure. As soon as he left the border, he felt that there was a mana fluctuation in the direction of Ciyun Temple and the evil village. Before he could think too much, he would cast the large lurking technique together with the soil and rushed towards the evil village.

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