Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 315: Formation

Seeing Jianguang's menacing, the sword gas billowed like a river, even if it had not yet fallen, the Yuanshen who was wrapped in the green robe by Xuan Zangzhu felt a deep chill.

Green Robe felt that he really beeped the dog today.

First, the hundred poisonous golden silkworm pupae were destroyed, and then the Shura puppet.

Today, there are still people attacking, and the timing is so good.

The most important thing is that the people I met today are very embarrassing and their faces are not exposed, so I have suffered one after another.

Too late to think about it, the Green Robe had to take out the remaining treasure offering in his hand.


But seeing the green robe shaking his hands and throwing out a pair of ox hair needles, exuding a faint blue light, like a little bit of ghost fire.

This thing is one of the seven treasures of the green robe.

Seeing the blood seal the throat, even if it is a deep monk, once it is stabbed, it will become flesh and blood, which is extremely poisonous.

It is a pity that in the face of Zhu Tianjian, a unique Taoist weapon, it is not enough to watch the existence of the Ziqing Sword in Shushan.

But there was no response to seeing the swords of the heavens, except that the sword's qi fell in a long river, and one stroke, the five elements revolved, and each other reciprocated, such as the same wheel grinding.


The poisonous smoke on those magic needles seemed to be scorched in flames, and disappeared into a burst of white gas.

As soon as the sword gas was twisted, the magic needle was twisted into pieces instantly, and it became completely waste.


The needle of Bi Phosphorus was broken instantly, the ancestor of Green Robe had no time to take back his mind, and was immediately implicated, resulting in serious injuries and vital injuries.

It was just that he didn't have time to take care of it at all, and Green Robe had a faint feeling in his heart. If he didn't leave soon, I'm afraid he would be over.

Therefore, after the green robes sprinkled the needles of the green robe, the last piece of self-defense to the treasure offering came out.

But when the icy cold light lit up, an iceberg-like barrier was suspended above the green robe's head.

This thing is the hundred poisonous cold light barrier.

Even if his self-defense to the treasure offering came out, the green robe still felt a little unsafe.

In the notion that gentlemen do not stand under the wall.

With the spurting blood, the green robe cast the blood sacrifice method again.

Originally, Xuan Zang Zhu was flying around him, and it was already galloping. This time, plus the blessing of the blood sacrifice, it was like a teleportation, and it disappeared in a flash.


The swords of the heavens had no time to break through the defense of the poisonous cold light barrier, but it was too late to kill the green robe.

Obstructed by the poisonous cold light barrier, the green robe took advantage of this opportunity to turn into a blue and red light, and disappeared in an instant.

At this time, it is known as the fastest way of Buddha's meditation, and when the mind reaches the body, the mental light chanting that comes to mind is too late to catch up.

"Well, it's a shame!"

In the mist, the drunk Taoist looked at it without leaving a green robe after all, and could not help but sigh.

"Yeah, this devil is really nine lives. If he can't keep him, it should be his life."

The stubborn master on the side also said a little unwillingly.

He still feels a little distressed. After all, the five-cloud stone that he had been practicing for many years was actually destroyed here. Fortunately, Shuluo, who also pulled the green robe, all died together.

"It's a good sword. I don't think it's far behind even if it's not as good as the purple and blue swords."

The blissful real person on the side was attracted by Fang Qingshan's various heavenly swords. After all, if he was really determined to remove him, it would not be a hand,

"It's a sharp sword. I have never seen it before, but I have never heard of it. It's really strange."

The drunk Taoist heard the words, and his heart moved, remembering the Qixiu Sword that soared into the sky a while ago, and could not help saying,

"I am afraid that this sword was born shortly. Do real people remember the arguing of Wan Jian?"

The Bliss real person heard the words, raised a brow, and rang. Not long ago, his sword automatically flew to mid-air, and the scene of the sword of the world was tit-for-tat.

"Is it the kid who practiced this thing?"

"It shouldn't be, maybe the sword chose the master and chose him."

Master Stoneman shook his head. He didn't believe that Fang Qingshan had this practice. You must know that Ziqing Shuangjian was a real eyebrow with a long eyebrow. I do n’t know how much effort it took to have today's power.

"Well, the green robes have run away. The battle for Tsz Wan Temple is up to you. I'll take a step first."

At this moment, the real Bliss was suddenly thinking of the two people who had left in advance. Their direction seemed to be the direction in which the green robe escaped. With a movement in their hearts, they said something to the drunk Taoist, turned into a sword light, turned and chased after.

"Live, this ..."

Seeing that the real people of Bliss actually left like this, the drunk Taoist and Master Ningshi could not help but look at each other.

Besides, on the other side, the green robe destroyed two treasures one after another, after all, the **** fleeing method escaped.

Fang Qingshan naturally did not let him run away. His own Xuan Zang Zhu hadn't got it yet. Even if he collected the swords of the heavens, he performed a large movement to follow up.

"Well? Where did this baby come from, then the Excalibur won't say it, and this way of doing it is so good ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The real bliss followed the green robe and Fang Qingshan. However, after chasing it, there was a problem. Based on his cultivation, he didn't catch up with him for a while and a half, and the green robe was nothing. After all, it was an old demon, and he used the blood sacrifice method. Qingshan was able to be so fast, which surprised some people in Bliss.

"This seems to be a little bit different from the distance and distance of Wufu, which can be absorbed into the mustard.

The blissful real man kept up, while pondering,

"This boy is full of vitality, seems to be Yixiu Yimai, but the sword technique has a shadow of pure Yang Yimai. It is interesting, interesting, and I do n’t know who the apprentice taught it. Not bad. "

"Moreover, he was so bold and bold that he dared to be overcast with green robes. I haven't seen such an interesting junior for a long time."

Just as the Bliss real man pondered, the front suddenly changed suddenly.


Just listening to a loud noise, the sky over the front dozens of miles, was suddenly shrouded in Xiangyun Ruixuan, a bright and dazzling rainbow, people can not see the slightest sight. I saw the fairy clouds permeating, the dazzling lights, and the ever-changing, apparently a large array opened.

"Damn, who, who blame the ancestor."

Followed, they heard the sound of green robes dying.

Although this time was a bad start, four pieces of Arcana were damaged one after another, but as long as there is a life, everything can be started again.

The green robe and the blood sacrifice method, this kind of life-threatening tricks are exerted. Although the boy is behind him, he believes that after a period of time, he can truly escape the birth, but at this moment Someone actually arranged the array in advance in front of him. Without knowing it, he bumped into it.

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