In fact, when the real bliss first saw Fang Qingshan and others laying out Qimen Qiqi array, there was a hint of murder in his heart.

After all, the Qimen Qijue array has hurting peace, but everything that hurts peace is basically great karma, great cause and effect, and is not tolerated by the right way.

The real Qimen is in a perfect position. To maximize the power, you need to join tens or even hundreds of thousands of ghosts.

If this is the case, the karma is great, I am afraid that it is not much worse than refining the Liuliuzhenyuan gourd.

The reason why Bliss Reality did not immediately kill Fang Qingshan was because he wanted to see him and the green robes biting the dog.

But he just wanted to rescue him, but it was because Fang Qingshan did not fully copy the method of refining in the Zunyuan Zhenjing when he was refining Qimen Qidian.

He eliminated the need to integrate into the soul, and added some of the mysteries about the five elements formation method in He Shaqi's book.

But with Fang Qingshan's cultivation as the realm, naturally, the skill of creating the strange array is not yet achieved. Although the two arrays are combined, the power of the seven unique arrays will naturally not increase or decrease.

Therefore, after the green robe cast the demon dismantling Dafa and recovered some strength, it immediately became like a bamboo shoot.

Fang Qingshan apparently didn't expect this. His original idea was to trap the green robe with the formation method, let the post-battle fight for a long time, and wipe it out a little bit.

But where do you know, these accumulated old demons are not transparent people, and they are constantly determined to suffer from chaos.

See the situation is not good, direct violence.

Even so, Fang Qingshan was not vegetarian. He directly sacrificed the swords of the heavens, replacing the power of the ghost with the power of killing, pulling the power of the entire formation, and detonating all power in advance.

"Damn, I'm going to light you up. Never live again."

The green robe shuddered with anger, but unexpectedly, Fang Qingshan had a big outbreak.

There is just no way. Although the formation method has been broken, it is locked in the mood of killing characters.


The green robe can only do its best to take a shot, one step at a time, just one step, a magical spirit that shook the world rises to the sky, tearing the vacuum, this is a terrible majestic air machine, and a void cobweb The fissures show the dark and hollow world.


A thunderbolt fell and turned into an extinct thunderbolt. The blackened thunderbolt collided with the killing word.


Like a comet striking the sun and the moon. Unprecedented strong shock.

In an instant, everything lost its glory.

The whole world has lost its color.

At this moment, mouth, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind, all seem to have lost their perception.

Fortunately, the five of Fang Qingshan, because they were out of the formation and after giving a full blow, all retreated, so they were not affected by this aftermath.

The green robe at the center of the explosion was miserable.

Half of the body was cut off by a real person of Bliss. At this moment, there is no defense treasure. Xuan Zangzhu is not a special defense magic weapon. He can only reduce the defense area and wrap his head with Xuan Zangzhu. The remaining half of the body was immediately shaken into dust and turned into ashes.

"Be careful!"

At this moment, Fang Qingshan suddenly sounded a warning, followed by Taiyi Wuyanluo, who had been wearing his body, suddenly automatically protected his master, and turned himself into a colorful smoke cloud.

When I looked back, I saw a moustache and a tangled green hair on top of his head, which was worse than that of the bird's nest. His big head attacked at himself.

"Taiyi Wuyanluo!"

Seeing the colorful clouds and smoke rising above Fang Qingshan's head, the green robe and the bliss real man couldn't help but scream.

This thing is quite famous in Shushan. If the ancestor of the mixed Yuan had this thing, even if he lost to Emei, at least he could save his life.

However, since this thing was stolen by Zhu Hong, it never appeared again in the world. Why did it appear in the hands of Fang Qingshan?

Of course, this is the idea of ​​bliss.

But the green robe at the moment only envy and envy, of course, the most important thing is hate.

Even if there is a killing treasure like Zhu Tianjian, there are still defensive treasures like Taiyiwuyanluo.

And comparing yourself? Hundreds of mangs and seven treasures have been destroyed seven hundred and seventy-eight.

"Hum, find your way!"

The eyes were green-blooded, and my eyes were blinded by hatred. At this time, it was time to run away and actually wanted to get revenge. It was really a hit.

But when Fang Qingshan opened his mouth, a fiery red flame swept across the green robe.

Everyone comes from the same world, and heroes are not free!

The green robe was also blinded by bad luck, watching the fire spraying at himself, not only dodging, but also swallowed it, and laughed strangely,

"A scorching fire, what is the ancestor?"

Then, he successfully obtained Fang Qingshan's pitying look, and before he could react, he couldn't laugh anymore.


How loud and screaming came out of Lvpao's mouth, it was really sad and tearful.

But when I saw a flaming lotus flower that wrapped the green robe, black smoke was continuously being calcined. Those were all wickedness, karma, and calamity.

Red lotus industry fire!

Seeing this, the bliss real person hiding in the dark couldn't help taking a breath.

The most feared by practitioners is karma. The number of robbers is just that the path of spiritual practice is in contention. If you do not compete, you will be eliminated. Once you fight, you will inevitably have karma.

Therefore, people in the right way like to accumulate external skills and use merits to offset karma. People in the magic way like to make tricks and avoid calamities.

However, whether it is the right way or the magic way, the red lotus industry fire is a discoloration. This is especially true for those who are about to soar. Accidentally, thousands of years of hard work are lost.

When ordinary people see the red lotus industry fire, they can't avoid it. The real people of Bliss did not think that Fang Qingshan could actually control the fire. With this hand, once it spreads, it can spread all over the world, and almost no one wants to provoke him.

Not to mention what a blissful real person thinks ~ ~ But it was the green robe that swallowed the red lotus industry fire into the mouth for a while, but now it is a self-eating evil.

I want the green robe to be the leader of the southern demon cults. Among all the demon heads, they are notorious, and their karma is conceivable. The body is almost an ammunition depot, and the karma is just a fuse.

But it can be seen that the evil spirit is sky-high, evolved into a black dragon owl, fierce karma, and spread the lotus moray eel. In the meantime, naturally accompanied by the stern and terrible cry of the green robe, but no one was sympathetic to him.

It's not that you don't arrive when you don't report.

The more fierce the green robe was at this time, it meant that the more evil it had done that year, the harder it was.

Even though the green robes have many means and are struggling, but as long as the karma is not gone, the karma is not extinguished. Except for merit, almost nothing can extinguish the flame.

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