Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 320: Xuefeng

Chapter 320 Xuefeng

Fang Qingshan was instantly happy when he heard the words of Bliss.

In Shushan, the most troublesome place is that there are too many causes and effects. Good things are basically causal entanglements, and everyone will know when they move.

Although Fang Qingshan is not afraid, he should never be soft-hearted when he should start, but it can reduce the trouble and can be held in the hand with great light, which is naturally the best.

Now, with the amulet of the Bliss Reality, it is equivalent to his identity token. If he wants to come to his status, as long as he is not the treasure of the purple and blue double swords, do n’t look at the monk ’s face and look at the Buddha ’s face. How would you take yourself.

Waiting for Fang Qingshan to be happy, Bliss paused and continued,

"This thing was made by me using nine days of clear air, and a seal of Dutian, Minghe Jianqi was sealed in the inside. If someone is too much in the future, you can just sacrifice this thing. There is no defense treasure under heaven. It will also be severely damaged, but it must be used with caution! "

The Bliss lively reminded solemnly.

Fang Qingshan was surprised for a while, but then he was totally excited.

If the previous amulet was just an identity token, Fang Qingshan was just a bit happy. After all, although Bliss' real face is great, what if people don't give it?

And when I heard that this thing can cut below the Celestial Immortal, then I became completely excited, which was completely different.

With this thing, it is equivalent to one more life-saving hole card, and it is the kind of hole card that can go sideways, even if you return to the eternal life, as long as you do n’t die, with this thing, the world is big, where is it? Can't go?

As for the cautious use of bliss real people, in fact, he does not need to remind him, Fang Qingshan will do the same.

Less than necessary, will not be used lightly.

Although the Five Elements Treasure is important, it can't be found here, and you can also collect them from other places. There is only one rune of this amulet, and it will be gone when used. On a Five Elements Treasure, it is a bit violent.

"Thank you real person!"

Although Fang Qingshan knew that bliss was more about breaking the cause and effect, it was obvious that others had used their heart and were grateful again.

"Well, you guys should take care of yourself, ancestors will go too."

The bliss real person waved his hand and stepped out of the next step, and there was no trace immediately.


Just after the blissful real person left, both the Devourer Emperor and Fan Qingying could not help but spit out a long suffocation. On closer inspection, they seemed to be steaming in the sauna and sweating. It was just paler.

Although the bliss real person did not let out the momentum, but the two devouring Heaven Demon Emperor and Fan Qingying, especially the feeling of Devouring Emperor Emperor Taishan, were breathless.

"Aoyama Friends, who is this person?"

The devouring emperor couldn't wait to ask.

Anyway, he is also the master who dominates the world. He is also the pinnacle of the year. He is a peerless figure who decides everything in the world. However, he has been shocked by the characters he has faced since he converted to Fang Qingshan.

That green robe that has been destroyed will not be said, and the final burst of strength, even when he is at its peak, I am afraid that it will not be able to support a few tricks.

The blissful real man behind is even more scary. Facing him, he didn't even have the courage to do it.

I don't know where this place is, there are so many masters.

"This man's name is Li Jingxu, and he is a real person who is extremely happy. He is the originator of Qingcheng. He has a tremendous strength. Once he soars, the immortal golden immortal is just around the corner."

Fang Qingshan chuckled and explained to the two.

"Immortal Golden Immortal?"

The devouring emperor and Fan Qingying exclaimed at the same time.

Good guy, this Xiuwei Demon Emperor has only seen a few words in the legend, and Fan Qingying knows that it is placed in the protoss, and it is also the existence of a giant.

The two could not help but swallowed at the same time, staring at each other with astonishment in their eyes.

"Well, in this world, masters are like clouds, but as long as we don't commit them, they will not shoot at us." Fang Qingshan comforted, then squeezed the Fuyu in his hands, said confidently, "And Now, I have the jade charm of blissful real person in my hand. It can't be in his face or for my own safety. As long as we don't make people angry, basically no one wants to enemies with us. "

After listening to Fang Qingshan's words, the two men remembered that Fu Lu, who had been handed over to Fang Qingshan by a real person, had a smile on his face.

"That friend, where are we going next?"

"Go to Daxue Mountain!"

Fang Qingshan's eyes flashed. With a wave of his hand, the two devouring emperors were included in the space of the world tree, turned into a rainbow, and flew towards Daxue Mountain.

Originally, Fang Qingshan's own plan was to go to Mangshan Mountain to plan Wannian Wenyu after getting Xuan Zangzhu.

It's just not easy to get Wanyu Wenyu than Xuan Zangzhu.

Where Gein Wannian Wen Yu is located, there is also a demon head that is not weaker than the green robe, the corpse Guchen.

This man was killed by a real man with a long eyebrow who killed him with seven excalibur swords. However, because he practiced a Taoist book by a strange predecessor, San Xianke, he could change the ghost and wait for him to die.

At that time, the real man with a long eyebrow was soaring, and before he could wipe out his Yuanshen, he locked it in the earth with a chain of fire and clouds, and refined him with the temperament of Yang Yu's yanghe.

But he didn't want to, this person is not only destined, but also quite lucky.

In the end, Wan Yu not only did not suppress it in the end, he also followed Wen Yu's Yang He Qi to restore his physical body, and warmed back to Yang.

If only the demon corpse Guchen was the only one, after all, he even died of overcast in the green robe, and he wouldn't care about facing a Tianyin leader.

The problem is that Wen Yu and Xuanzang Zhu are different. This object is also very important to Emei, and there are also purple and green swords nearby. Emei factions have senior guards nearby. Once there is movement, they must attract them.

Nowadays, although there are blissful real people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I am not afraid of their interference, but with more and easier choices, Fang Qingshan naturally has more things than less.

Compared to the need to get 10,000 years of Wen Yu, to face two masters of the demon's right path, Nanming in this snowy mountain is different from the fire sword.

I just need to face a mischievous woman Mi Mingniang who admires the right path.

Moreover, her purpose is to seal the Western **** mud of Nanming Lihuo Sword, not Nanming Lihuo Sword, which does not conflict with her purpose, and can also help her to take out the sword, each having its own place. It is safer and much easier.

As for saying that to dissolve the Western Divine Mud, you need to use the Tianyi Zhenshui in the Ziyun Palace. Fang Qingshan felt that it was not necessary. First, he went to use Huangquan forgotten water to try it. It is not too late to plan the Ziyun Palace.

With Fang Qingshan's luminosity, he soon came to Daxue Mountain.

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