Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 323: Tianchanling

Chapter 323 Tianchanling

Thousands of people compete for the flow, thousands of cliffs compete for the show.

For thousands of miles, the clouds were deep and misty, but the birds and beasts roared, and no pedestrians were seen.

The trees are sky, the sky is covered by the sun, the poisonous snake is suffocated, and the beast mountain spirit is present.


As the only mountain in Shushan, there is no treasure house, but the treasure is in no way inferior to any treasure house.

Not to mention the Wannian Wenyu in the mountainous land, the ice silkworm in the mountainous land, and the most famous and top purple and green double swords in that mountain, the Wanzai Qingqing on the Tianchan Ridge, and Taiyi Yuanjing , Wenzhu's Nei Dan, Zhu Guo and so on are all first-class treasures.

Of course, those who can know these are people with a certain status in the right way.

Therefore, although Mangshan has a lot of treasures, it is still unknown, and few people come here to try their luck.

On this day, a colorful stream of light flew from Mangshan, and it was Fang Qingshan who dropped a young man in his twenties.

Obtained Xuan Zang Zhu, found the Western Divine Mud, and the rest was only gold and fire.

The metallic treasure Qingshan has not thought of which one to go, but the fire properties have long been thought about.

That was the Nei Dan of the Chinese Pearl of the Silkworm Ridge that day.

And in addition to the dried Heavenly Fire Lingzhu, there are two treasures in this celestial ridge. One of them is the 10,000-year-old empty green. This thing is the foundation of the treasure. Although the other side has no role in Qingshan, as long as it is a treasure No one is too few, do n’t use it yourself, it ’s good to give it away.

In addition, there is the Taiyi Yuanjing with Wanzai Qingqing, which is a top treasure. The ancient ancient treasure broken jade hook was made from Wanzai cold iron. Unfortunately, This thing scores in water.

These two treasures, in fact, when Fang Qingshan came to Shushan for the first time, he was ready to pick them up, but the time was too late and the road was not smooth. In addition, compared with other precious treasures, these two treasures were weaker, so Abandoned by Fang Qingshan.

This time at Tianchanling to plan Wenzhu Nedan, Fang Qingshan was going to look for it. If he had not been taken away, he would have it in his pocket.

In ancient times, these mountains and rivers were named, and they like to borrow allusions or pictographs. Tianchanling is no exception.

Therefore, it was easy for Fang Qingshan to find the right place.

But when you see far, you can see a winding mountain with winding lines on it. It really looks like a huge silkworm pupa there.

Fang Qingshan used the connection between the five elements to easily find Wen Zhu's foothold.

This wen spider is born from the intersection of a thousand-year-old scorpion with a huge fire spider. It is called "wen spider" and lays a total of 491 pieces each time. As soon as the spider eggs fell to the ground, they burrowed into the soil. Every time he heard a thunder, he went into the ground an inch.

After about 365 years, the places where the spider eggs are dormant must be extremely dark and dark, and the atmosphere of poisonous and humid heat in the heavens and the earth can finally hatch.

First kill the same kind of each other in the ground, each one eats a kind, also grows an inch. It doesn't limit where you are. You eat your feet and your feet. Until the last one is left, even if the climate is complete.

This is the same as the Miao Xinjiang generation's refining pupa, but it is only artificial and natural.

After the strongest cricket was trained, only one Wenzhu was left, and started to climb upwards with the sound of Tianlei.

Every time you hear thunder, you rise a foot until you are born.

Although Wenzhu is a spider-scorpion hybrid, it is a mutant variety, which is very different from her parents.

The body is like a toad, with full short legs under the belly and no tail. There are two long tongs on the front and back, and each barrow is lined with many barb thorns with green light. Pointed mouth and pointed head, red eyes, fire and five-color fog in his mouth.

This thing is fierce and evil.

The fierce thing is that once this thing has become a climate, the color mist sprayed in the mouth is not much more than the thousands of years of tritium accumulation in Rotten Taoshan, and although the spider is a mutant species, it still inherits the function of spiders to make silk. It was just that he was not spitting silk, but poisonous mist.

The evil thing is that this thing will also produce a kind of evil sound. Within a certain range, when you hear its cry, if you don't pay attention, it seems that your relatives are calling their names.

If you do n’t agree, there ’s nothing. Once you agree, you will suffer. It ’s almost like the golden gourd of Taishang Laojun.

The most frightening thing is that Wen Zhu is not a otaku. Once he moves, it is like a drought, which is a natural disaster.

It's just that the drought has gone thousands of miles away, but Wenzhu has gone thousands of miles without chickens.

Of course, Wenzhu is not without its benefits.

His only advantage is that once the Nei Dan in the abdominal cavity is baptized by the thunder, it will be transformed into a Qianyuan fire spirit bead, a pure sun treasure, and can be transformed into the second yuan god.

Fang Qingshan was here for him. Of course, by the way, Wen Wen was removed, and it was also a virtue.

The place where Wenzhu is located is in a mountain stream in Tianchanling. The colorful mists floating in the wind are beautiful. Just looking at the bareness and vitality nearby, you can see that although it is beautiful, it is extremely dangerous.

Before I got close to the mountain stream, I heard the call of a loved one ringing in my ears. Fang Qingshan knew that this was Wen Tian's talent and supernatural power. He didn't care about him, and looked carefully. It's been a while since birth.

If it had been before, Fang Qingshan would not be able to use other means to urge the spider to be born early.

Only in this way, Miao Miao's encouragement will definitely weaken the power of the Qianyuan Fire Spirit Pearl.

It was just a matter of no help, after all, Fang Qingshan remembered, it seemed that the object was also eyeed by the Emei people.

Once he waits for the day of his birth, he will inevitably face the Emei.

He knew that the people who came were like laughing monks, and this was not taken into account by him. The problem was that he did not know whether there were seniors who were about to rise to escort. If so, it's troublesome.

But now, with the real bliss of Fu Lei, they are faced with seniors who are afraid of their identity and dare not take action against themselves.

For the time being, letting down the spider, Fang Qingshan looked around for the whereabouts of Wanzai Kongqing and Taiyi Yuanjing.

Fang Qingshan knew that this thing seemed to be in a cave ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Shang Fengzi seemed to have lived in it.

Along this line of thought, Fang Qingshan first found a small village near Tianchanling, and then searched for Tianchanling around the small village.

In this way, after two days of work, Fang Qingshan finally found the cave.


As soon as Fang Qingshan approached, he heard a beast-like warning from the cave.

Looked up, but saw a black dwarf man, looks ugly. Looking at Fang Qingshan with a look of vigilance.

"This person should be Shang Fengzi."

Fang Qingshan secret road.

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