"Fate communication, fate is coming, empty the line, and guide the lost!"

Fang Qingshan shook his head, ignoring the prohibition in front of him, but changed his direction and directly performed the little fatalism.

Wu Hua's father and son could accidentally open the palace and open the inner bed leading to the tomb of the Holy Emperor. Fang Qingshan was not sure if he had this good luck.

If you make a mistake and trigger other matrix bans, you will be in bad shape.

You should know that in the tomb of the Holy Emperor, it is not only the suppression of the four evils in the world like Qiongqi, nor the blockade of the nine magical charms of the Holy Emperor, and the true immortal magical charms of the sixteen predecessors of Fuling.

There are forty-nine congenital and immortal crossbombs. This is the time when the original book Zhong Jin took the treasure, and it took a blissful real person to spend 49 days of hard work to form a big Yan Rune to be safe.

Although Fang Qingshan had Taiyi Wuyan Luo, Wuyun Peach Blossom, and the Five Elements Aura, he didn't want to try this crossbow attack.

There are also guards with helmets and bows guarding the tomb of the Holy Emperor like terracotta warriors.

If in the wrong direction and startled them, it would be troublesome.

Regardless of whether or not you can cope, it will definitely alarm Wu Hua's father and son, and even bliss, Fenduo and others. Then, their own plans may be Shan Jiuyi, and they will fail.

Therefore, in order to be safe and secure, Fang Qingshan still decided to perform a little fatalism to find the right way by using the first method.

She did not believe that Wu Hua's father and son could accidentally hit by accident, and that she could not find the right position by virtue of the power of destiny and the method of unity.

Sure enough, Fate Ching Shan wasn't disappointed by Xiao Fate and the Yiyi Method.

Fate, Fate, Fate ...

Fifty Avenue, Tianyan forty-nine, I go for one ...

As Fang Qingshan displayed his magical powers, two completely different, but the same supreme and noble breath suddenly came.

One is the power of destiny for destiny communication, and the other is the first method that is comparable to heaven.

The two forces are entangled with each other, blessing, inclusion, spread, unclear, unknown, supreme, and mysterious.


At a certain moment, the two forces suddenly merged together and turned into an arrow pointing in one direction. Fang Qingshan suddenly brightened in front of his eyes.

"found it!"

As soon as the words came down, Fang Qingshan was ready to once again sacrifice the complete needle and go in the specified direction.

"Taoyou, stay here!"

Just at this moment, Fang Qingshan suddenly heard a soft whisper coming from his ear, and a cricket almost fell to the ground.

It is true that the effect of this sentence is too amazing.

At the beginning, when the battle of the gods was sealed, Shen Gongbao used this sentence to enlighten those who would have wanted to avoid robberies.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan knew that this was Shushan, not Fengshen, set his mind and looked at the sound, but found that the source of the sound was actually the secret palace of the seal.

It turned out that when Fang Qingshan opened the passage and came to the front of the palace forbidden, he was already shocked.

After being sealed by the Holy Emperor for so many years, seeing that there was still some day for him, the poor and strange heart suddenly became hot.

However, at this moment, Fang Qingshan actually stopped the pace of progress and changed direction, which made the poor Qi almost spit out old blood.

Seeing that the duck in the mouth is about to fly away, and this is about whether he can sleep the dragon and rise to the sky, how poor can be willing.

Fortunately, in these years, he has been sealed here, and he has dealt too much with these banned formations. Every inch of space here can be understood, especially in recent years, somehow, the ban on the tomb of the Holy Emperor It began to weaken. Although Poor Qi could not break through the matrix method and left on his own, he also found some flaws and could pass some messages to go out. So when Fang Qingshan was about to leave, Po Qiqidang stopped even following the flaws of the restricted matrix method. Fang Qingshan.

"His name is me?"

Fang Qingshan didn't plan to bother, but after thinking about it, he finally stopped and spoke to the poor behind the ban.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Poor Qi Wenyan nodded again and again and said three yes, which shows his inner excitement.

Although spiritualists do not remember years of practice, retreat once may be hundreds or thousands of years.

But from ancient times to today, we don't know how many thousands of years have passed.

In particular, this is not a retreat, it is suppressed, and I'm afraid I'm going crazy because of another person.

So Qiongqi saw Fang Qingshan and saw the hope of getting out of difficulties, which was so urgent.

"Unfortunately, I made a big mistake and was suppressed. It was a life-threatening situation. Fortunately, the Holy Emperor forgives the good virtues of heaven and lives around me."

Poorly half-truly said,

"Just suppressed me in the tomb of the Holy Emperor, and said that someone would open the channel from the ground and rescue me in the future. I also asked Daoyou to help me. Thank you, Dade, memorable."

"You're poor?"

Seeing people talking, seeing ghosts talking about ghosts, if Fang Qingshan didn't know what was going on, there might be some doubts, but he was a prophet and foresee ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I do n’t know the truth of the poor words there. Mixed, but not revealing him, but speaking according to his words,

"This time, I had to be instructed by seniors to come to the Holy Emperor's Mausoleum to take treasure, and said that one of them was poor and asked me to bring it out together. It turned out to be you!"

"It's me! It's me!"

Although Qiong Qi was surprised by the words of the other side, Qing Qi knew that it was good for himself and could not think about it. He nodded again and again.

"Then you give up a ray of destiny!"

Fang Qingshan heard the words and said directly.

"Born Primordial?"

Poor Qi's excitement suddenly seemed to be poured into a basin of cold water. If he gave up his destiny, he would not have become a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Daoyou joked." Poor Qi's voice sank, with a slight anger.

"Joke? I don't have time to joke with you."

Fang Qingshan said lightly,

"The predecessor told me that rivers and mountains are easy to change, and their nature is difficult to change. Especially Qiongqi, as one of the four great beasts of antiquity, can't be controlled. Once he escapes, it will be a disaster."

"No, no,"

Hearing Fang Qingshan's words, Qi Qiqi repeatedly retorted,

"He was suppressed in the tomb of the emperor, and he was nurtured by the emperor day and night, and he has long been converted to evil."

"is it?"

Fang Qingshan said undeniably, and then said,

"Unfortunately, I only believe in myself, and my predecessor said that if you do not want to escape deliberately, you will directly use the forbidden matrix in the Holy Emperor's Mausoleum to kill you, so as not to get rid of life after getting out of trouble."

Speaking of this, Fang Qingshan's voice was cold, with a strong intention of killing. Without saying a word, he first spilled Taiyiwuyanluo to isolate the passage, then raised his hand and slashed into the palace forbidden. ) !!

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