Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 355: Jinxiandian

Feather Fairy Palace!

At the deepest level, there is a void, immortality, and the spar mountains are cascades of mountains, soaring into the clouds.

The most shocking thing is that these mountains are all formed by pure sun air, or void crystals, or celestial stones.

The entire space is bright. This is not because of pure yang qi, but it is suspended in the sun.

Over the entire space, there are three rounds of big Japanese sun shining in all directions.

Each round of the Sun, although not as large as the world's Sun Star, is also the core of the stars that are about to evolve into stars.

This star core is much more powerful than the Dragon Jupiter and the Dragon Jupiter.

Jinwu fluttered his wings, Tianhuo Yuanyuan, and the blazing flames melted the void. Ordinary masters in the realm of Wanshou are likely to be hit hard when they approach.

These flames converged into three big characters in the sky, Jinxian Temple.

This is where the elders of Yuhua Gate practiced, and it is also the biggest wave of Yuhua Gate.

Any elder who cultivates to break through the immortal body and achieve the realm of cave heaven can come here to retreat and practice hard.

After Feng Baiyu abdicates, he will also enter this place to practice.

Fang Qingshan followed Feng Baiyu to the depths of time and space. With a small induction, his heart was extremely shaken.

Not to mention the three rounds of big sun floating in mid-air, not inferior to the breath of the heavens.

Hundreds of mountains, Shantou, filled with hundreds of breath beyond the immortal body.

"It's a feathered gate. No wonder it can rank among the top ten schools of Xiandao, second only to Taiyimen."

Although Fang Qingshan did not show his complexion, he felt secretly in his heart.

"Just the feathered gate has such a strong background, so what is it?"

Fang Qingshan's heart was a little heavy, but there was a fairy in Tai Yimen, and he was able to have a connection with the fairy world. Compared with Yuhuamen, I am afraid that it is better than that. He has a long way to go, and he has a heavy responsibility. Far away!


Just when Feng Baiyu and Fang Qingshan had just entered the Jinxian Temple, when they looked at the surrounding environment, the elders buried in many mountains rose up, looking at Fang Qingshan with their eyes like a torch.

Most of these elder elders are masters in the realm of caves and heavens, a few of them are in the realm of light, and even a few people have repaired to reach the realm of creation and the realm of heaven.

Hundreds of people, who are at least masters who are also in the realm of cave heaven, stare with scorching eyes. Although they have not let go of the momentum, the coercive pressure emitted by them is not something that ordinary people can compete with.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan has conquered even the poor and the odd. Jinxian like Bliss has also been seen, and top-level earth gods like the Green Robe have been destroyed, so this coercion is nothing but a breeze for him. .

In the eyes of the elders of the Supreme Court, Fang Qingshan's clouds were light and light, and he was not affected at all.

"What a Fang Qingshan, it really works."

Whether they are optimistic about Fang Qingshan, neutral, or even those who do not deal with Fang Qingshan, at this moment everyone can't help raising such thoughts.

"I've seen you too old elders."

Feng Baiyu did not squeak when everyone tried Fang Qingshan, but at this moment she smiled at the ceremony.

"I've seen you too old elders."

Fang Qingshan followed suit.

"I've seen the head."

Feng Baiyu is the head of Yuhua Gate, and Xiuwei has reached the state of creation and even the state of heaven. Naturally, everyone dared not accept his full courtesy, let him pass by, and reciprocated.

Feng Baiyu nodded, and Jingguang flickered, and took Fang Qingshan's trail to fly to the big sun.

Among them were the three holy men of Yuhuamen, Wang Kunlun, Zhao Shenyang, and Wu Mingkong. It is a level master who is too mixed with Tailong. Even if it is not as good as Taihuangtian, it is at least the ancient master who cultivated into his own world.

"With this disciple, I deserved to be a big fan of Yuhuamen!"

"Yes, who can think of Fang Qingshan's young age, he has already been built into a half-step cave, and his future is limitless."

"It was the style of Feng's boss that year, and he didn't have the same style. I thought it was the second to Linglong Fairy."

After Fang Qingshan followed Feng Baiyu to see Yuhua Sansheng, the other elders began to talk about it.

However, most of them are marveling at Fang Qingshan's cultivation and lamenting that there are people who succeed Yuhuamen.

Without waiting to see a group of Fang Qingshan, this time did not speak.

Fang Qingshan is different from Fang Han, and his strength has put pressure on the elders.

Although Fang Qingshan is only a half-step cave realm, many elders on the stage are just a cave realm. With Fang Qingshan's speed of breakthrough, who knows when he broke through, paralleled the crowd, or even better.

Moreover, even if Fang Qingshan has not yet made a breakthrough, just now everyone has tried it out. Many elders in the cave realm have felt a strong threat from Fang Qingshan.

Therefore, even if Fang Qingshan suppressed Huatiandu and Fang Han killed Ruyizi, the demon slaughter Deng Ao, Xihua's descendants Xihua and others did not openly target him ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ We must know Ruyizi However, Sun Xihua's disciples, Hua Tian are all his apprentices, and Deng Ao is Sun Xihua's brother.

Therefore, strength is the key to everything.

With the strength, I dare not say that there are no taboos, at least it can run rampant. Even if someone else sees you displeasingly and hates you, they dare to secretly plan and follow the plan.

Without strength, even if you are a human with your tail in your hands, it is a disaster from heaven.

"The head of Yuhua Gate is Feng Baiyu with the deputy head. The true disciple Fang Qingshan begged to see the three elders."

Feng Baiyu took Fang Qingshan to step into the three star cores, then received the emperor's mirror, shouted respectfully.

Although he is the head of Yuhuamen, Xiuwei is a bit far from the realm of the king. The practice world speaks with strength, and the reason why Yuhuamen is able to resist Taiyimen is so important that Feng Baiyu came here. , Also honestly see you.

"The head doesn't have to be polite."

Yuhua Sansheng first greeted Feng Baiyu, and then God's thoughts swept over Fang Qingshan's body, and he exclaimed from time to time.

It's better to see it than to hear it. It's better to meet.

At this age, even Feng Baiyu couldn't compare, the peak of the immortal body, half-step hole heaven.

If they grow up, the next exquisite fairy statue is also very likely.

At that time, if Taiyimen did not force against the exquisite Lingxian Zun, at this moment, Taiyimen's strength would be ten times and hundred times stronger, and it would truly be a big one and suppress the Quartet.

Past experience guide for the future.

Because of the Taiyi example, other schools now take extra care when dealing with talented disciples.

Yuhuamen came out of a disciple like Fang Qingshan, especially Fang Qingxue beside him, and the presence of Fang Han, who is not weak in Huatiandu, needs even more caution.

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