Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 368: Promise Star Palace

There is no great world, nearby, in the infinite sky.

Many planets revolve like satellites around a world without greatness.

At a certain moment, suddenly another meteor flashed and shaken the stars.

Looking closely, what a meteor is there is clearly an airship.

This thing is called Xingkong Shuo, which is the existence of a unique treasure. It is made from space treasures such as nether spar. It is usually used to travel back and forth between the stars.

The only pity is that this thing is a luxury item. Each move will consume one hundred pure Yangdan, which is costly, and the star shuttle will collapse and be completely destroyed after being moved a thousand times. Can no longer be used.

A short while later, the Starry Shuttle stopped near a planet called the Dragon Star.

The hatches opened and powerful men and women walked down.

Everyone is wearing the robes of Zhou Tianxing's stars, all pearly and precious, stable breath, starry overhead, as if connected to the infinite sky, infinite stars, at first glance they are disciples of famous schools.

There are hundreds of people in the dark, and there are nearly 100 people with Jin Dan Xiuwei.

It is incredible in the Xuanhuang world.

You must know that before the rise of Fang Qingshan and others, it was only the five true disciples of East, West, South, North, and Middle School that were just Jindan.

These disciples stars and moons generally surround a man.

Although this person is still inferior to Wan Lianshan, Jiao Fei, who is on the supplementary list of the Xuanhuang Great World after his lifetime, has also reached the ninth level. The foundation of heaven and earth is very solid and majestic. The stars flickered in the next circle, and among the stars, there was a faint star king floating.

This person is named Wang Fulong, a disciple of the Beidou Palace of the Promise Star Palace.

The Promise Star Palace, without the greatest strength in the world, is a big family, and all other forces must breathe their breath.

Compared with Tai Yimen's position in the Xuanhuang Great World, the Promise Star Palace is more than high, it is simply whoever follows me, and whoever goes against me dies.

And the hidden strength is not to say, the surface strength alone is enough to crush Taiyi.

Tai Yimen can overpower the Xuanhuang world, the most important thing is that there is an eternal fairy furnace.

There is also the Promise Star Palace, which is called Hunyuan Promise.

The Promise Star Palace is arranged by the number of stars in Zhou Tian. There are 360 ​​halls, and the hall masters of each hall are at least the immortal masters.

His disciples are not Jin Dan, they are not true stories, they do n’t enter heaven, they do n’t enter the inner door, they do n’t have magical powers, and they do n’t even include the disciples outside.

"According to the information I have received, the Soul Eater is in this star. Everyone should be on guard and set up the formation. Others run away."

Wang Fulong looked down at the planet in front of him, but saw densely packed virgin forests, mountains, rivers, lakes and land, with cities, red dust, population, and roads. Although not as good as those empires in the Great Yellow Dynasty in the Xuanhuang World, But there are tens of millions.

Soul Eater, as its name implies, is a beast that likes to devour souls. The more souls he devours, the faster his strength will increase, and the stronger he will become.


As Wang Fulong's words fell, the surrounding Jindan disciples responded in unison.

Followed by, they saw the crowds scattered, according to the location, their own nodes, and in an instant, a large array was successfully arranged with Wang Fulong as the array.

This array method is called the Promise Star Array, which requires at least sixty-four Jindan disciples. Once the arrangement is successful, the eternal giants will also be trapped.

Of course, this eternal giant generally refers to the realm of Wanshou.

But even so it's amazing.

You should know that even Huatiandu and Jiaofei, like Tian Fei, can only compete with the ancient giants before they can break through the secret of longevity, and they can only retreat in their hands.

Now it's just dozens of Jindan disciples who can trap the eternal giants. The formation method is indeed the best way to use weak to strong.

Just when Wang Fulong and others arranged the array, guarded the rabbits, and waited for the Soul Eater to fall into the trap.

They didn't know it was just above them, there was a bright mirror hanging in the hidden space, no clue, and a pair of eyes stared at them quietly.

This person is of course Fang Qingshan. He came to the Wuji World, and after a little inquiries, he knew that the Wuji Star Palace sent out a task to find and arrest the soul-stealing beast. Almost everyone in the Wuji world swarmed and moved. Dan, France, and even the giants of eternity.

Fang Qingshan knew from his original memory that the Soul-Eating Holy Beast appeared to be in the vicinity of the Dragon Star, so he rushed over and met the disciples of the Promise Star Palace.

The disciples of Wuji Xing Palace are more domineering than Tai Yi's disciples in the Xuanhuang World. After Wang Fulong and others came, the first thing was to expel all non-Wuji Xing Palace disciples, and then arrange the matrix to relieve them.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan naturally looks in his eyes and rejoices in his heart.

He knows that the Soul Eater is not so easy to grasp. Although this thing is a fierce beast, it also has wisdom.

Don't look at the peacefulness now on the Dragon Star, but in fact it has long been in ruins.

Throughout the country, millions and millions of beings were devoured by the Soul Eater.

However, this time the Soul Eater was not the same as before. After one hit, it was far away.

Instead, a large array was laid out, quietly waiting for the people of the Promise Star Palace to fall into the trance.

Govern his body in his own way!

Two dogs fight, play off!

When the Soul Eater and the Promise Star Palace calculated each other ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ they knew that there were third parties sitting on the mountain watching tigers fighting, letting the people of the Promise Star Palace and the Soul Eater Fight for the idea of ​​losing both, and then come forward to clean up the mess.

The Hao Tianbao Mirror is a space treasure, not worse than the Emperor Mirror in the hands of Feng Baiyu, Fang Qingshan sacrificed it, hid in it, hidden in the void, quietly waiting for the opportunity, even if it was the master of the heaven , Can't find out.

Time passed by bit by bit, both sides were patient and no one moved first.

The soul-stealing beast is old and strong, showing insidiousness and cunning, and most patience, otherwise, he will not escape for so many years, can not bear loneliness, he has long been caught by others.

The disciples of Promise Star Palace do not have such a mindset, seriously, in fact, they have long been impatient.

However, although the formation method can trap the Soul Eater, but once separated, it will be easily broken by each of them. The loss is small. Once the Soul Eater escapes, it is a sin.

If it is really because of them, there will be a leak, and then everyone, including Wang Fulong, will be unable to eat and walk around. ()

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