Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 379: Pure Sun Hall

Just as Fang Qingshan spent time with the son of Chu Nan, preparing to plunder at the Promise Star Palace, the whole world outside the great world was also in full swing.

Countless demons gathered from all directions, as well as Fang Han's backing, the ancient giant Achimon Demon, the first exquisite fairy deity in the past three thousand years, and the strange old man of the demon heart, etc., all came to the infinite world.

These people are united together for one purpose: to rob the ultimate treasure of the Promise Star Palace, the Promise of Promiscuous Yuan.

This is the same immortal vessel as Taiyi Eternal Immortal Furnace. It has tremendous power, and coupled with the immortals in the Promise Star Palace, it can be said that it is solid.

However, there is nothing absolute in the world.

All of Akamon Demon, Heart Demon Elder, and Linglong Xianzun are repressive parties, overwhelming characters of an era, and working together, the Promise Star Palace must also be treated carefully, otherwise there is a suspicion of overturning the ditch.

Moreover, the township immortal figure of the hybrid Yuan Promise of the Promise Star Palace has gone wrong.

This matter also talks about the previous generation of the maiden of the Promise Star Palace, and the head of the white feather of Yuhuamen.

I do n’t know how the two got together. Later, the maiden used a method to consume a lot of energy of the hybrid Yuan Wudi map, so that the hybrid Yuan Wudi map has not recovered yet, and the reason why Feng Baiyu can rise quickly With a strong push, he took Yuhuamen to chase Taiyimen. In addition to the Emperor's Mirror, the assistance of the hybrid Yuan Promise is also indispensable.

For the time being, it is precisely because the previous generation of sages consumed a lot of vitality in the hybrid Yuan Promise, which gave the Akamon deity the opportunity to convene the demon of the heavens, and united the old man of the demon, the exquisite fairy deity, etc. Strongman, ready to kill into the Promise Star Palace, capture the fairy.

Now Abyss is in the underground world of the Promise Star Palace.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan was hesitating in the Beidou Hall where he should rob.

Although the Beidoudian is nominally the site of the Promise Star Palace, it has long been a tribute to the son of Chu Nan. All the treasures are in his private storehouse, and there is no need for Fang Qingshan to seize it.

The Promise Star Palace, in addition to the hybrid Yuan Promise map, has three of the most important places. One is the inheritance hall.

Disciples of the Promise Star Palace, step by step promotion, are all here to contribute contributions ... Also, the use of contributions in exchange for supernatural methods of practice, equivalent to the role of the elders of the pass of Yuhuamen, but more extensive.

The second is the Duobao Hall, where various magical treasures of the Promise Star Palace are stored. There are everything from the lowest treasure to the highest Taoism. Of course, the most powerful thing is only the upper one. As for everything, everything is earth-shattering. Either in the hands of the elders of the Supreme Court, or in the secret vault, but the kind of place that even the son of Chu Nan did not know.

The third is Chunyang Hall, which is actually equivalent to Fang Qingshan's Tianchi.

It's just that the pure sun hall of other people, as the name suggests, is all built of pure yang, and the elixir is pure yangdan, which is better than Fang Qingshan's Tianchi.

If Fang Qingshan wants to grab a hand, he only needs to choose one of these three places to start.

As for why not all the robbery, but it is too late, too much greed will be lost.

Fang Qingshan thought for a while and thought that he could exclude the inheritance hall first.

The most precious thing in the inheritance hall is nothing but some supernatural powers, and the most powerful star Wuji is certainly not in it.

Just like the Yuhuamen, the inheritance hall is the same as the elders. The enlightened inheritance is only similar to the eight supernatural powers of the Yuhuamen. The true basic Taoism such as the big yin and yang technique is definitely not in it, and there should be a similar one. Ascension is in the hands of the elder Taishang through the general existence.

And the magical power of Chu Nan's son alone can be comparable to the inheritance hall. Why does Fang Qingshan have to do this? After all, Chu Nan's son has not only the big star technique, but also the big swallowing technique, the big body protection technique, the big winding technique, The Great Freeze Technique and so on are simply a moving inheritance hall.

Therefore, the inheritance hall is a chicken rib for Qingshan, and it is a pity to abandon the tasteless taste. Of course, it must be ruled out first.

Now Fang Qingshan is hesitant to go to Chunyang Hall or Duobao Hall.

These two places are precious places for him to come to the capital.

The Pure Yang Temple can get endless pure Yang energy, which can not only speed up the recovery of the poor and strange, but also do not have to worry about the lack of spiritual power if you break through in the future.

And Duobao Hall, although Fang Qingshan already has two offenses, Zhu Tianjian and Taiyi Wuyanluo, one defense, two treasures, no longer need the highest magic weapon.

However, the magic weapon itself doesn't look down on it, but those materials are good, and they can be smelted. After returning to the original state, they are used for worship, blessing of magic weapon and magical power.

"Forget it, go to Chunyang Temple!"

Fang Qingshan did not struggle for a long time, so he made up his mind to go to Chunyang Hall.

The main reason for this is that the pure Yangxian Qi of the Pure Yang Temple is a golden oil. Dan used to exchange what he wanted.

As for the Duobaodian, it takes trouble to return to the original return to the heavens and earth treasures, but it is troublesome.

If both can be obtained, naturally there is nothing to say, if only one of them can be selected, then Fang Qingshan's choice of Chunyang Temple is reasonable.

"Let's go!"

Fang Qingshan Haotianbao Mirror swept away all the people who swallowed up the Heaven Demon Emperor and others, and then drilled in himself, followed by Haotianbao Mirror, which was embedded in the eyebrow of the son of Chu Nan as the same eyeball.

The son of Chu Nan pushed open the door of Beidou Dian, and flew straight towards Chunyang Dian.

The Chunyang Hall is one of the most important places in the Promise Star Palace ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is shrouded by a twisted space, and there are some number of matrix laws forbidden, if it is hard to break, not to mention it The master who will not alarm the Promise Star Palace is Dongtian, the master of the realm of Zhou Guang, I am afraid that there is only no return.

Fortunately, the son of Chu Nan, the master of the Beidou Palace, and his own people, naturally, these forbidden formations will not stop him, all the way to the gate of Chunyang Hall unimpeded.

"You've seen Chu Nan, you came to the other side of Chunyang Dan."

Seeing the arrival of the son of Chu Nan, all the people in front of the Chunyang Hall gave way, and the people in the Chunyang Hall also looked charming and wanted to come and serve in person.

After all, not only is the master of the immortal body, but also the owner of the Beidou Temple, and an old man of the Star Emperor. Although I do n’t know why a person like him would come to the Chunyang Temple in person, there is absolutely no problem in entertaining him. With this thick leg, Fei Huang Tengda is just around the corner.

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