Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 383: Epiphany

Promise Star Palace!

At this moment, it seems like a natural disaster.

Inside and out, almost all are fighting.

Jin Ge iron horse, suffocating to death, demons run rampant, the stars are bright, murderous like mountains, evil spirit like the sea.

Disciples died all the time, and thousands of demons were also killed.

A good place for spiritual practice, at this moment it has become a Shura dojo.

But at this moment, the upper floors of the Promise Star Palace can't afford to care so much.

Although the younger disciples are important, to be honest, that's just the potential. It's just the successor. The foundation of a true sect is still the giant.

At this moment, the giants of the Promise Star Palace are basically all converging in the hybrid Yuan Promise chart, urging this fundamental treasure to jointly compete with the ancient Abyss, the eight demon saints, the demon old man, and the exquisite fairy. Respect others.

As long as they can repel them, the raging thousands of demons are easily destroyed for them. If they cannot be repelled, or even the hybrid Yuan Wuji diagram is broken and snatched, even if the disciples are not dead, the Promise Star Palace Can it be considered the Promise Star Palace?

Militant will perish, forgetting it will be dangerous!

In fact, the reason why the Promise Star Palace appears today is not only because of a problem with the hybrid Yuan Promise, but also a mentality problem.

The Promise Star Palace has no great world, and the world has common respect. It can be said that the wind must be strong, the rain must be rainy, and a Jindan disciple should go out. The elders of all ages must treat each other with courtesy. Only they have cleverly seized the bulls and bullied others When all disciples suffer a little grievance, they will thunder.

Under such circumstances, one year, two years, or even ten years, there are no problems for a hundred years, but for millennia, ten thousand years?

Time is the most powerful thing. He can change you silently and silently, so that he can't find the slightest clue.

In such an environment, after so many years, the Promise Star Palace had no vigilance that year, and was ambushed by the Abyss Demon. Until it broke through the altar, it hurriedly mobilized all the elders, and the master of the palace jointly urged the hybrid Yuan Promise.

That is, the Promise Star Palace, with profound background, masters like clouds, and fairy suppression, otherwise, it would have been broken long ago.

Of course, if they didn't have this knowledge, they would not lose their vigilance proudly.

Therefore, there is a fixed number of pecks and drinks!

Fortunately, none of these things are related to Fang Qingshan.

And it was a golden opportunity for him.

If the Promise Star Palace wasn't out of order, there would be a hole in him, not to mention stealing the holy water of Jiuyang, or the pure Yang Hall could not enter.

The harvest of the Chunyang Sea can be said to be Fang Qingshan's biggest harvest ever, in addition to Haotian Baojing and Jiu Su Ding. Compared to the original harvest in the ancient temple, it is even better.

After all, even if the ancient Tiangong was in its heyday, the details could not be compared with the pure sun on this side, let alone the ancient Tiangong after the desertion.

At this moment, while Fang Qingshan was devouring the power of Chunyang, he gradually began to fall into the stage of enlightenment.

But seeing Fang Qingshan standing upright, floating on the sea of ​​pure sun, his eyes seemed to be open and closed, the voice of golden jade spit out in the mouth, the response of the void, the fire tree silver flowers, the flying clouds, and the oblivion.

The ground is full of fragrance.

The most important thing is that Haotianbao Mirror, which was still in the hands of the devouring emperor, seems to have got something called, and flew over from it, floating above Fang Qingshan's head.

When a brilliance bloomed, I saw a ripple of water in the void, spreading in all directions, faintly, there seemed to be a sound from the sky, Fan Qingying, Luo Shuibei and others were a little confused because they couldn't understand It is unpredictable, no matter how hard they try, they are unable to grasp it, and they have a feeling of listening with their left ears and with their right ears.

However, they fell into the ears of Fang Qingshan, even the son of Chu Nan, but they sounded like the sound of a avenue. They were spreading the law in heaven. Both of them were immersed in it.

Only Poor Qi and Devourer knew that this was the law of space. Without that realm, it is impossible to comprehend, let alone the top law of space.

The reason why Fang Qingshan suddenly realized was that his realm had already arrived. Half-way through the sky, refining Haotianbao Mirror, as long as the Yuhuamen Gate could actually break through, just because the breakthrough was too fast, some shake the foundation, Fang Qingshan didn't rush to make a breakthrough, but came out looking for opportunities.

Dragon Jupiter, fight with Su Xiuyi.

Cross the barriers of space between the Xuanhuang Great World and the Great World.

More importantly, entering the sea of ​​pure sun, the power of boundless pure sun engulfed by the infinite holy water of Jiuyang.

Breaking ten thousand methods, dropping ten sessions.

With this surging force, Fang Qingshan broke through the barriers of the cave realm.

And it's not just Fang Qingshan who benefits alone.

World Tree, Haotianbao Mirror, Jiu Sui Ding, Zhutian Sword, Taiyi Wuyan Luo and other superb treasures are also like hot springs in the winter, all pores are spread out, overflowing the power of the world, let Fang Qingshan A clearer understanding of the laws of space.

Coupled with the power of luck in the operation of the chess board.

So Fang Qingshan fell into a once-in-a-lifetime realization.

And the son of Chu Nan just happened to be at the meeting, soaked in the light of Fang Qingshan.

For a time, Fang Qingshan just felt that Ling Taizhong seemed to sound the golden drum, and the mysterious and mysterious thoughts emerged, and unrivalled light bloomed.

Looking from a distance, Fang Qingshan's body was full of mysterious and mysterious, wonderful and wonderful breath, no physical body, no spiritual spirit, only one fluorescent rune hung in the void, octagonal draped, shining in the thousands.

Every time the rune turns, a cool breath spreads throughout, and Fang Qingshan's understanding of the laws of space becomes more profound.

Looking at the flowers in the fog, watching the moon in the water, although the green mountains from the front are half-steps, they have cultivated a lot of space magical powers, and refined a space such as Haotianbao Mirror ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but after all, it is separated by a layer. See nothing real. It's like the fish in the water watching the people on the shore, blurred and distorted.

However, at this moment, it is not the same. Tao Dao Rune, rules and regulations, the layers of space are clearly displayed in Fang Qingshan's eyes, and there is no obstacle.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan really understands what is called the closeness of the earth, what is called the collapse of the void, and what is called the self-made cave sky ...

"The law of space is indeed the top rule."

At a certain moment, Fang Qingshan opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of space runes, with a long emotion.

However, Fang Qingshan came back quickly. He knew that this place was not a place of sighing. Time was urgent, so let ’s break through the repair first. Otherwise, once the people of the Promise Star Palace found something wrong, it would be troublesome.

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