Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 605: development of

As for other people, although they are not historical celebrities, they are not as good as Fang Xuanling, Lin Ruhai and Wang Wu, but in this case, they can still maintain their nature. By virtue of this alone, they will not be weaker than others.

And there are only a few that can be recorded in history. I don't know how many heroes and heroes are overwhelmed by history. These people may not be really inferior to Fang Xuanling and others.

As long as they are given time, experience, and broaden their horizons, success is only a matter of time.

"Brother, wait a minute, you will choose the strong man, go down and cut down trees and build houses."


"Liu Hai, wait a minute, you choose the literate person and start registering, especially the special one should be specified."


"Fang Lao, wait a while and you need to coordinate and check for defects."


"Zhang Lei, wait a minute, you ..."

"Lingfeng ..."


After arranging the people, Fang Qingshan brought the mosquitoes into the building that was built by Bai Jinjian's order.

Entering it, Fang Qingshan quickly sensed a special place.

This is a mysterious heterosexual space, with nothing but a pond in it.

Fang Qingshan is too familiar with the things in this pond.

After all, whether it is through, or the promotion of the heavens board, it is him.


It's just that the amount of luck in this is not just the amount of luck compared to the amount of luck in the chessboard of the heavens, let alone the quality.

The luck in the chessboard of the heavens has begun to spread toward the gold, but the luck here is all gray.

But this is also because the village has just been established. When it reaches the point of Xuanhuang City, it will naturally turn into gold, or even purple.

Qiyun Tianchi is not large, it is nine feet high, and there is only a thin layer of bedding on the bottom of the pond.

Inside was a malnourished little golden carp wandering back and forth.

It seemed to feel the arrival of Fang Qingshan, and he jumped out of the water from time to time, staring at Fang Qingshan, with joy in his eyes and admiration.

This is the spirit of luck, just like the peacock of the Five Elements Gate.

Fang Qingshan looked at him, and left the space for luck.

Stepping out of the mansion, he saw that everything in Lingxiao Village was proceeding in an orderly manner.

Take Fang Xuanling as the core and control everything, with Lin Ruhai, Wang Wu and others to assist.

Either cut down trees to build a house, or collect food, or set fire to cook, or weaving clothes, or ...

No matter whether they are men or women, regardless of their age, we are all working enthusiastically and not shouting at all. Compared to the days when we could not be alive, we are now too happy. The days are full of happiness, and everyone's faces are filled with happy smiles. .

Everyone is doing his job well.

"Not bad!"

Seeing this scene, Fang Qingshan showed joy.

"village head."

Although Fang Qingshan let the mosquitoes clean up the aliens who are thousands of miles away, the number of people they got was calculated by 100,000.

But in the hands of Fang Xuanling, Lin Ruhai, and others, governing a great country is like cooking a small dish, let alone this person.

Therefore, they soon found Fang Qingshan, of course, this is Fang Qingshan and did not hide his body.

"Okay, with the help of everyone, no worries are over."

Fang Qingshan first praised, then said,

"Follow me, please, and let us discuss what to do next."

Fang Qingshan asked Fang Xuanling to leave the rest to other people to handle, and took them to the mansion.

"You, Wanjie integration has been a long time, we have fallen a lot behind, and if we do not catch up, we will really be eliminated. In order to develop Lingxiao Village better and faster, I do n’t know if you have any good suggestions. ? "

Fang Qingshan went all out to ask everyone. Then added a sentence,

"Don't worry about resource issues. I have wiped out aliens with a long history. In a short time, I only need to consider development issues."

At first, everyone heard that Fang Qingshan said that the development of Lingxiao Village has lagged behind others. When it is not accelerated, it will be eliminated.

But when I heard Fang Qingshan said that he didn't have to worry about resource issues, he suddenly came one by one.

Money is not everything, but no money is absolutely impossible.

For a country to develop rapidly, it is inevitable that resources will be needed.

In the Han Dynasty, why could the Emperor Wu pursue chasing to the north and seal the wolf?

It is not because the last two generations of emperors laid a solid foundation for him, and the treasury is full.

"Village chief, I think we can ..."

So, after knowing that you don't have to worry about resources, everyone started talking and giving advice.

In particular, Fang Xuanling, known as Fang Mou, naturally has the most ideas in her heart. Although Lin Ruhai is not as good as Fang Xuanling, after all, he is a person who is in the complicated officialdom of Jiangnan and has many ideas.

Others, including Wang Wu, are good, but in terms of the overall situation, compared to the two of them, they are not at the same level. Of course, this is not a question of qualifications. It is a matter of experience and vision. I believe that after a period of practice, Will progress like flying.

After listening to the suggestions of Fang Xuanling and others, Fang Qingshan summed up four words, that is, clear rewards and punishments.

As long as the rewards and penalties can be clearly defined, other infrastructure construction, food and clothing issues, army building, etc. can work well. After all, governance depends on people, a team, and a country. Enough.

Combined with the practice of Xuanhuang City and Yi Tianxing, Fang Qingshan made the first decision, which was to establish a meritorious system.

But before that, we must first improve the strength of everyone.

This is the eternal continent. It is a place where thousands of people compete and where there are thousands of people. Everything else is empty. Only strength is fundamental.

Although Fang Qingshan is powerful, it is impossible for him to go up on his own whenever things happen.

If you want to improve your strength, you first need a method.

Most of the people inside were arrested by the aliens, so they had no roots on their bodies. Even if they were there, they were taken away by the aliens. Of course, they now fall into the hands of Fang Qingshan.

Although Fang Qingshan would not return them to them, he could imitate the practice of Yi Tianxing and set up a Tibetan sutra.

Put all the collected exercises in the book.

Everyone in Lingxiao Village ~ www.wuxiaspot.com can receive a basic training method and a basic martial arts method for free.

Of course, although it is only basic skills and martial arts, it is also the most advanced foundation building method, and there will be no problems in rebuilding.

If you want to go further in the future, or you want to practice other more powerful exercises, martial arts, magical powers, etc., then you need to contribute to Lingxiao Village yourself, and use the contribution points in exchange.

Even so, after knowing this news, everyone including Fang Xuanling was boiling.

It is true that over the years, they have eaten too much and have lost strength.

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