Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 607: Fairy town

Because Fang Qingshan had no shortage of resources at all, Lingxiao Village did not go through the big pot rice period from the beginning, but went directly to private ownership.

Distribution according to work, more work.

And after going through those dark days, they all cherish the hard-won life, and no one is lazy.

The most important thing is contribution. In the short term, if you want to get good things, you can only rely on contribution points.

Although Fang Qingshan has launched a currency, it is common with the Eternal Tianzhou.

But obviously, money can buy a lot of things, but in addition to bartering really good things, it only depends on contribution points.

And if you want to earn points, you need to contribute to Lingxiao Village, no matter how big or small, you can only do your best.

You can open up wasteland, you can farm, you can weave, you can join the army, you can teach, unfortunately you can show your skills and even offer suggestions ...

No matter what you do, as long as it is beneficial to Lingxiao Village, you can get points for contribution.

Of course, the amount of contribution points is also allocated according to the size of your contribution.

There are only two ways to get lasting contribution points. One is to join the army. As a professional soldier, military soldiers have contribution points in addition to the necessary living supplies and money.

Because of this, there is an endless stream of people joining the army. If Fang Qingshan had not let Wang Wu raise the selection criteria, I am afraid that almost all adult men would join the military camp.

The other is a civil servant, such as Fang Xuanling, such as Lin Ruhai, such as Wang Wu, such as Huang Daopo, and so on.

Although everyone has selfishness, at this time, almost everyone is as simple as the ancient ancestors.

It's not that their state has been sublimated, it's only part of it, but because they know that only Lingxiao Village can be better if they are better.

In the public and private, these people go all out to make a concerted effort, and they are all in one.

The so-called is the same, Taishan moved.

Although human races are weak, they are the easiest to create miracles.

Coupled with the continuous supply of resources above Qingshan.

Although Lingxiao Village was only established within a few months, it has reached the edge of breakthrough.

The first is the mental outlook of the people. Most people have been reduced to walking dead before. Now everyone is full of hope for life.

Like Xuanhuang City, Lingxiao Village is a soldier for all, hiding soldiers from the people, everyone practicing, everyone like a dragon.

They ate beast blood rice transplanted from Daoxiang Village by Fang Qingshan, drank the medicine well water, swallowed the heaven and earth aura, received the essence of the sun and the moon, repaired the magical powers, and killed the alien beast.

In just a few months, Lingxiao Village has no masters other than two Fang Qingshan mosquitoes. Until now, three-year-old children have been sculpted, just like Fang Xuanling, Lin Ruhai's popularity has reached To the pinnacle of life tactics, half-step life chart.

What's more important is that the water in the Tianchi Lake in the mansion granted by the Heavenly Road of Lingxiao Village is full of water.

The lucky gold carp is not half dead, but it has reached the edge of transformation.

On this day, Fang Qingshan summoned all the people from Lingxiao Village and spread the army to defend him, but he was preparing to advance to the village.

The way of luck, the way of the dynasty of dynasty, every promotion, there will be natural disasters and man-made disasters.

Go through, rob, fly Huang Tengda.

However, the vicissitudes of life are gone, and thousands of years of hard work have been put into practice.

Raise soldiers for thousands of days, use soldiers for a while.

It is also to better let the people rely on Ling Xiaocun and integrate them. This time, Fang Qingshan was not going to take the shot, but let go of it, and let them start the training.

"The heaven is on the road. Today, there is Qingshan, the master of Lingxiao Village, and Cangtian on the sky. Since the establishment of Lingxiao Village, although not long ago, but with the concerted efforts of everyone, the air transport has reached its limit, and the village cannot tolerate it. I beg the heaven and earth for permission, Lingxiao Village will be promoted to Xianzhen. Heaven protects! "

After everything was ready, Fang Qingshan began to be promoted to Xianzhen.

As soon as the voice fell, the world felt, and immediately ripples began.

Rumble! !!

It was exactly the same as when Xuanhuang City was promoted to Wangcheng.

The will of thousands of rules will converge, condensing into a vertical eye, covering the entire Lingxiao Village.

It seems to be verifying whether the requirements have actually been met.

After Xu Xi, a dragon gate appeared, ancient, mysterious, and magnificent shore, and the dragon roaring faintly.


At the same time, the spirit of luck in Lingxiao Village, Jinli seems to sense the breath of Longmen, and can't wait to get out.

The carp leaps into the dragon gate!

Once crossed, it is metamorphosis, evolution, and the world is no longer the same.

Of course, Liyu Yuelongmen is like a thousand bridges across a single wooden bridge, but it is not that easy.

With the eyes of the sky, there is boundless aggression in the dragon gate. The dark clouds are rolling, the evil spirit is soaring into the sky, and a deep malicious attack is coming.

At the same time, on the ground, ghosts and skeletons attacked Lingxiao Village in groups.

"The time has come to test you, for Lingxiao Village, for your homeland, everyone kills!"

Wang Wuzhen shouted his arms and formed various formations, what a long snake array, Erlong out of the water array, Tiandi Sancai array, four-door Doudou array, five tigers sheep array, Liuyulian square array, Qixing Beidou array , Eight-door golden lock array, and so on, directly faced up.

It's not just the army. Everyone who has the strength, either directly melees, or attacks from a distance, kills the enemy bravely, and forgets his life.

The spirit of Qi Yun was originally eager to try because of the call of Dragon Gate, but later discouraged because of robbery. At this time, it seemed to be inspired by the war effort of everyone, and he jumped out, went up against the current, and moved towards Dragon Gate.

For a time, the earth was shaking, death was roaring, murderous, and blood was flowing into the river.

At all times, undead and skeletons were killed by the army and masters of Lingxiao Village.

Of course, people in Lingxiao Village also fell every moment.

In this regard, neither side has compromised. The undead side has no idea of ​​failure at all, what is the matter of death. One side of Lingxiao Village, from frugality to luxury, from luxury to frugality, has experienced the happy life of Lingxiao Village for several months, but it is no longer willing to experience the dark days. Whoever wants to destroy, then desperately.

For a while ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The people on both sides had red eyes.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Taoist looked at everything in front of them indifferently.

It's not that he is cold-blooded, but it's just that the jade doesn't work, and it is impossible to realize that if the people in Lingxiao Village did not experience iron blood and die, it would be impossible to really grow up.

This is still the simplest thing. For the more powerful aliens and even the Yeongyue in the future, the challenges they will face will be more difficult and dangerous. This step is all in the past, how can we talk about the future?

Although Fang Qingshan would be soft-hearted for a while, he would not always be a nanny. What's more, he needs them to nurture themselves. If it is cumbersome, what is it for him?

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