Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 610: Travel business

Since Lingxiao Village was promoted to Lingxiao Town, the development speed has been faster.

Everyone is motivated, striving to reach the top, and how fast and cost-effectively they are working hard to build the city of Ling Xiao.

Although Fang Qingshan's resources are available, although Fangyuanli has been cleaned again, there is not much danger.

But growing is not easy.

Most importantly, no one.

The situation in Lingxiao is similar to that in the Industrial Revolution.

It was originally a place of alien races, and there was no human race in the world for thousands of miles.

Although it is more conducive to the gathering and development of Fang Qingshan.

But now it seems to be a puppet again.

Because this is an alien territory, many people have landed here, and many have not been able to survive.

Terrans will not come to this area.

The tiger is deadly and mighty. Although the aliens who have been around for thousands of miles have been cleansed, many people don't know it at all. Even with the guidance of the enlightenment lamp, few people come to Lingxiao Town.

Fortunately, this has begun to ease.

There are conditions to go up, no conditions, to create conditions.

Since there is a lack of population, the heads of villages have racked their brains and exerted various means to attract people for the village.

Some even want to dig a foot from Lingxiao Town. The result of this behavior is not only futile. After all, except for a small number of people, who can live in the capital, who wants to run to the corner of the corner.

At the same time, this behavior was also hit by Fang Xuanling.

These people saw that this was not the way to go, so they began to stop.

These villages almost started fighting for the exiles who came daily.

Later, there was really no way. Fang Xuanling advised Fang Qingshan that we ca n’t wait for the pie to fall from the sky, we ca n’t wait for others to take refuge, we can go out, while preaching the reputation of Lingxiao Town, and gathering refugees, after all, the wilderness is still very dangerous Yes, many refugees died before they reached Lingxiao Township, and some were trapped in the wilderness.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan naturally followed the good, allowing Wang Wu to scatter all the troops except the necessary defense forces.

In this way, although it still cannot keep up with the development speed of Lingxiao Town, it has also eased a little.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan was also very helpless, he knew that all of this was because Lingxiao Town had no reputation.

Finally, I realized that why so many people hate Yi Tianxing's first promotion to the King City, the founding system.

This is the way to go, and let others go!

"It seems the market is about to open soon."

Fang Qingshan murmured to himself.

He originally wanted to wait for Lingxiao Town to be promoted to the city, and not far from the promotion of King City, to expand his reputation through the market.

But now it seems that it needs to be advanced.

Travel! !!

This day, a weird cry came suddenly from the sky above Lingxiao Town.

At first, the sound was still like a mosquito, but after being shivered, it sounded like a thunder.

"Bird !! Great bird."

The crowd looked around, but they looked like a dark cloud cover.

A big bird with wings spread out, as big as four or five miles, and the sound of wandering in its mouth was constantly made.

Although this bird is large, it is not as violent as a beast. On the contrary, it is like a dove of peace. At the first sight, it can not help but develop a closeness.


Even so, don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, the garrison general of Lingxiao Town sounded the alarm bell.

"Flying birds is a business traveler."

Others didn't know it, but Fang Qingshan recognized it at a glance.

Bird travelling is a very special race between heaven and earth. Since its birth, it has been traveling far and wide. It likes to appreciate different scenery and different things in different places. Some creature races feel close and will not become hostile, except in some forbidden areas, distant birds can be unimpeded. Is the messenger of peace. Bring the Gospel from afar. Based on distant birds, a unique profession has emerged-travel merchants. Travel far and wide with the help of far-off birds.

This is a reduced version of the market.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan could not help but shine his eyes.

People who can become businessmen are not simple characters. Although they are not as good as the eternal sky boat owner who opened the market, they are also a group of people with eyes and hands. And not to mention the strength of the world, at least not everyone can make an idea.

After all, you are a businessman traveling the world.

The world is so big that natural disasters and man-made disasters have never been cut off.

In particular, you have many treasures. If you don't have the strength, how can you guard the treasures?

After all, a man is guilty and guilty, and has no strength, just like a three-year-old child holding gold and walking on the street.

These aside, there is a sentence called Modao Youshangwubao.

Those who can become businessmen have more or less rare treasures in their hands.

Therefore, when Fang Qingshan saw the tourist business, his eyes brightened.

Whether it is to develop Lingxiao Town, the eternal sky boat, or enhance your own strength, all kinds of natural treasures, Yibao Dan medicine are indispensable.

If you can get a few pieces from the tourist business, you can integrate them into the town of Lingxiao, or the eternal sky boat, improve their quality, the underlying content, or enhance his own realm to treasure, but it can reduce Fang Qingshan's time.

"Well, let's break up. This is a tourist business. Don't worry."

Fang Qingshan's voice sounded, and the alarm was lifted.

brush! !!

At the same time, distant birds slowly landed in an open area outside Lingxiao Town.

But there is an extraordinary loft on the far bird.

"It's a stranger to be alone in a foreign country, and you are hometown everywhere."

"Fathers and gentlemen from afar, the distant travellers take the liberty to come and bother, but please bear with me and bear with me."

At the moment the distant bird fell, the attic opened, but a round figure was squeezed out, wearing a big red robe, with a face like the moon of Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone laughed, and when they laughed, their eyes were quilted into a line. But at that time, the fine light that flickered from time to time was a laughing Maitreya who did not dare to underestimate.

At this moment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ this business traveler is also secretly muttering.

Here, he has been here before, but because of alien origin, he left without landing.

After all, he is a human race, and the alien race is not friendly to the human race. Not to mention the deal, it is not bad to be able to rob.

And although the tourist business is neutral, just as music has no national boundaries, musicians have national boundaries. Travel merchants are also people, so they basically refuse to deal with foreigners.

Unexpectedly, this time passing, this place has actually become the territory of the human race, and there are no traces of aliens in the whole circle, how can he not be shocked.

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