Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 613: Universal printer

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"Well, all our business will be traded with Tongshen money. Daoyou has no opinion."

Fang Qingshan asked.

"no problem!"

Tong nodded and nodded without objection.

"Well, does Daoyou first calculate the value of these treasures, or will I pick out the more precious treasures and let me pick them up and settle them together?"

Fang Qingshan asked.

"Of course, after you have selected them, settle them together."

Tong Wubu said without hesitation.

"Daoyou wait a moment."

Talking, Tong Wu bull turned to the attic, and for a moment worked hard and walked down again with a Xumi bag.

"Look at my friends."

Talking, Tong Wufei showed the first treasure.

This seems to be a technological product, with a white box on the outside, which emits science fiction colors. Flashing with a dreamy metallic luster, it looks like a peculiar whole, no gap can be found, it is natural.

"This thing falls into the hands of ordinary people but is a violent heavenly thing, but it falls into the hands of the master of forces such as Dao You, but it is nothing!"

Tong Wuxi said with a smile.

"Oh? What is this treasure?"

Fang Qingshan looked at it for a while, but still didn't recognize it. He didn't pay much attention to it. The integration of all realms, most of them are strange treasures. Only you can't think of them. He was too lazy to guess and asked directly.

"Universal printer!"

Tong Wufei spit out five words lightly.

Fang Qingshan heard the words but was shocked.

Before this kind of thing was used by Xuanhuang City and Yi Tianxing, no one found any effect at all, just treated it as an ordinary treasure.

But with the rise of Yi Tianxing and the Da Yi dynasty, especially their continuous flow of weapons and equipment, and although the quality is not absolute, they have all reached above the level, and more importantly, almost a mold is carved out.

This situation naturally fell into the eyes of many caring people.

Unfortunately, few people know the specific situation, except for the travel merchant who bought the printer for Yi Tianxing.

In this regard, he naturally repented.

Although this universal printer is not much for high-end combat power, it has an extremely blessing effect on the strength below the middle level.

For others, there is no disclosure of travel business, but they have communicated.

Unfortunately, I don't know if it is the limit of heaven, it is almost rare.

Tong Wubu also had good luck. He got this thing in a village, and was treasured by him.

As he himself said, falling into the hands of people who do n’t know the market is like dross, but it does n’t reflect his value at all, but in the hands of a caring person, it ’s really valuable.

Looking at Fang Qingshan's appearance, he is obviously a person who knows the goods. Although he doesn't know how he knows it, he also loses some of his own lips. Looking at Fang Qingshan in good time.

"Quote it!"

Fang Qingshan shook his head when he saw the situation. Although he knew it would be unavoidable, he could not do anything about it.

Sure enough, Tong Wufei directly reported a sky-high price, which was more than a thousand times that of the original Yitianxing transaction. Fang Qingshan could not help but hate his itchy teeth, but could only accept it by holding his nose.

"Calm, calm, Daoyou, fat people have a lot of good things here, don't get excited, don't get excited."

The child fat man soothed Fang Qingshan, while laughing, he couldn't see his eyes.

In order to calm down Fang Qingshan's anger and divert his attention, Tong Fatty took out the second treasure with a thunderbolt.

But this thing is seen, the size is like a square cuff, not gold or jade, I don't know what material weave.

But like a signal tower, it emits a strange wave at all times.

Upon seeing this object, Fang Qingshan seemed to feel that the sky net was sparse and not leaking.

Seeing Fang Qingshan was distracted, Tong Fat was relieved, and then proudly explained to Fang Qingshan,

"Don't look at it inconspicuously. It doesn't have any attack and defense capabilities, but it can make you discerning."

"This thing is called Skynet, which means that Skynet is full and unobtrusive. When integrated into the Qiyun Tianchi, you can cover all the places covered by Qiyun and help you to monitor everything. This thing can really make a real Skynet. "

Fang Qingshan heard the words, and immediately thought of Xuanhuangcheng's crystal ball.

Only compared with him, Skynet has a single function.

However, if you can cooperate with some other things to give birth to the true spirit, you can't really transform it into the intellectual brain of the entire Lingxiao town.

However, this time, Fang Qingshan didn't show any strange look again, and it made him feel dumbfounded to let him observe him in the dark.

Looking at Fang Qingshan's expressionless expression, the fat boy couldn't help but smile, and took out the third treasure.

This is a palace named Afang Palace, which is one of the four major projects with the Great Wall of China, the Tomb of Qin Shihuang, and Qin Zhidao.

Overwhelmed by more than 300 miles, isolated every day. Erchuan melted into the palace wall. Five steps and one floor, ten steps and one pavilion; the back of the porch is turned back, the eaves are pecked high; Panpan 囷 囷 焉, 囷 囷 焉, hive water vortex, 矗 I do not know about tens of millions of drops! Long bridge lying waves, Weiyun He Long? Back to the road, don't hesitate He Hong? High and low obsessed with west east. The song stage is warm and the spring is mellow; the dance hall is cold sleeves and wind and rain. Within a day, the climate is uneven.

This is a real portrayal of the Afang Palace. It is now clearly in front of Fang Qingshan. Although it is a reduced version, it is more perfect and amazing than the Afang Palace built by the original emperor.

"This thing is pretty good, it can be used as the imperial garden of the future king city!"

Fang Qingshan nodded his head ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Followed by, Tong Fat again took out several rare treasures.

There is Donglai Pavilion, there are building wood fragments, there are zodiac statues, there is a treasure mountain, and there is even the body of a chaos demon.

The so-called Donglai Pavilion takes the meaning of Ziqi Donglai.

This loft can gather Chaoyang Ziqi.

The role of purple gas will not be mentioned. Basically, everyone who practices Taoism is accustomed to handling the sunrise purple gas at sunrise every day, but generally they can only guide one purple gas. It cannot be compared with Donglai Loft at all. .

The building wood fragments are not mentioned. Although this piece is not large, the quality is still higher than the quality of the flooded building wood and the immortal world tree.

The original body of this piece of wood has been repaired to the point where it may be half a step away.

If it is devoured by Fang Qingshan's world tree, I am afraid that the world tree itself and Fang Qingshan will get great benefits without mentioning the world tree itself. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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