Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 617: Eternal

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The various departments have been established and the functions have been clearly differentiated. The entire town of Lingxiao instantly seems to have opened up the Eight Classics and runs more smoothly. It seems that the speed of development has also improved.

But the problem is not without.

As in the beginning, few people.

The growing population of Lingxiao Town is much slower than his development rate, which has also slowed down the process. Although Fang Qingshan has already tried everything, clever women can't make rice.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan thought more than once that if he went to the West World, he would have to go to his daughter's country and intercept the river of that daughter's country for a while and cast it into Lingxiao Town. It will be possible to breed offspring, and population growth is not a problem, although it will take time for these children to truly grow up.

Another problem, although it is human, is not ordinary people, but talents.

Lingxiao Town is not only short of people, it is also short of talent.

Haven't you found the right person for the Bounty Hall and Zhaoxian Hall Fang Qingshan?

In this regard, Fang Qingshan was helpless.

Talent and people are very different.

People can plunder, and perhaps none of the hundreds of people.

Therefore, he set up a recruitment hall, hoping to get some surprises.

In addition, except for luck, you have to train yourself.

Ten years of trees, one hundred years of trees!

Fang Qingshan paid particular attention to this point.

So when Lingxiao Town was still Lingxiao Village, he set up the academy and drove all the school-age children into it.

But this is also uncontrollable.

Whether they can become talents, how many people can become talents, and when they can become talents is a question.

Fortunately, although the town of Lingxiao is developing at a high speed and is waiting for prosperity, Fang Xuanling and others can work harder. Although it is a bit hard, there is still no problem in general.

Lingxiao Town can come to an end. There are various departments, division of functions, Fang Xuanling and others. Fang Qingshan believes that there will generally be no problems.

Then, he should consider the opening of the market.

The development of Lingxiao Town is increasingly restricted.

The main thing is people, talents, and resources.

Although Fang Qingshan ransacked the two parties, he exchanged some money from Tong Fat.

However, compared to a force and a country, the construction of a country is really unreasonable. I don't know Chai Migui, that resource is flowing out like a stream of water every day. Fang Qingshan and the mosquitoes saw blood ache for a while.

In the end, the mosquitoes left Lingxiao Town directly. On the one hand, they went out to earn their living and scraped resources. On the other hand, they did not want to be tortured. Seeing the massive resources flowing through their eyes, it was as if they were cutting mosquitoes The meat is average.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan has dealt with the problem of the market, and can be opened at any time.

"Lei Di, immediately open the market, and issue a notice to the coordinate marks of the parties marked on the eternal world on the Zhoutian star map. We will officially open the five-element market." Fang Qingshan took a deep breath and communicated the chess board in his heart. The eternal sky boat stuck in the void tunnel said flatly.

"it is good!"

Lei Di heard that, even if there was a sound, although his voice still seemed to be unemotional, Fang Qingshan felt his excitement.

Lei Di, as the core spirit of the eternal sky boat, the better the sky boat develops, the more benefits he will get. It's no wonder that Leidi, who is usually cold and high, is inevitably excited.

Then, I saw a ship in the void that emits eternal light from the void.

Of course, in order not to stimulate the heaven, this sky boat is just a projection, but all functions are no problem, and it is no different from running on the body.

"It is reported that the eternal continent, starting today, the Five Elements Market will be officially opened near Lingxiao Town. For the first time, the gate of the market will be opened for free, and all monks in the entire Eternal Mainland will enter the market. Rare fairy, there are many treasures, delicious peerless spirit wine, rare elixir, here are the adventures that all beings dream of! ''

Lei Di uttered a word directly, and his voice spread quickly along the star map of Zhou Tian to the entire eternal continent.

The market was opened for the first time, and you can use the power of the eternal spirit, the sky boat, and so on to spread the sound throughout the world.

Because it was used as a pilot on the eternal continent, it did not tell the heavens and the world.

And these landmarks on the eternal continent were naturally acquired by Fang Qingshan from the fat boy.

They traveled business, traveled the world, and visited countless places. And basically it is the human strength, and the forces that favor the human race.

As for the aliens who hate and even regard human race as food, Fang Qingshan will certainly not open the gate of the market there.

Although he wanted to obtain resources, he did not want to strengthen the strength of aliens.

Of course, if there is a leaking fish, there is no way out.

However, a small number of aliens cannot control the overall situation.

However, Fang Qingshan also carried private work in it, hitting the name of Lingxiao Town.

For a time, the entire eternal continent, the forces of all ethnic groups, and other places, all sounded Leidi's voice.

Eternal continent, do not know how far away.

In a mountain range, there is a waterfall, which flows down, and a city stands near the waterfall. The word Luoyang was written at the gate.

This is the re-established Han by Gao Zu ancestor Liu Bang.

One of the city's main men was wearing a gray robe, tall and tall, with a long and beautiful face, and a beautiful beard, with seventy-two sunspots on the left. It seems that he is dignified, aged twenty-six, and has a kind of suffocation, but the man with the emperor's expression could not help but frown slightly.

"Lingxiao Town, Wuxingxu City, what is this place? It is still just a town. This Lingxiao town has not been heard before, but the voice can spread throughout the eternal continent. Tiandao is famous for it. Obviously, the Wuxing Market The city is not simple, but why are these five elements market opened near Lingxiao Town? "

For a while ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Liu Bang couldn't help it.

It's not just him, many people are mindless.

Zhao Kuangyin in Kaifeng City, Zhangjiao in Taiping City, the male tyrant in the male dominance city, Zhao Kuangyi in Jinling Village, and so on.

The forces of all sides felt a little inexplicable about the sudden emergence of Lingxiao Town and Wuxingxu City.

Although I think there is something wrong with this town, there isn't a single person who despises it. Everyone thinks about it. You have to wait and see.

However, one and a half of them have a clear understanding of this.

A clear person, naturally, is a child fat man. He was given an order from Fang Qingshan's Wuxingxu market, and he knew this.

And that half of the people is naturally Yi Tianxing, who is now the town, but can be known by the sky. Yi Tianxing thought of Fang Qingshan as soon as possible. I have to say that the protagonist's intuition is still very sharp. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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