Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 624: Reworked

Although the Confucian Taoist tactics have been deduced by Fang Qingshan, at present, at most, he can only practice Jinxian, and the skills after the earth immortal are also very rough.

After all, his highest state of mind is only half a step away.

The most stable thing is the previous exercises of Dixian, which is not too much to obey than Taiqingxian.

This is not to say that Fang Qingshan is more powerful than Lao Tzu.

It is because Lao Tzu and others are innate great gods. Once transformed, there is the cultivation of Da Luo Jinxian.

Although Gao Wujian built a great mystery, the mortal realm under the earth immortal obviously did not enter their eyes and did not use much thought. Although equally powerful, it was not grounded.

Another aspect is that the world does not have the strongest and best magical powers, only the magical powers that are most suitable for you.

And the heavenly tactics of Taoism is Fang Qingshan's painstaking solitude, the most suitable stunt for himself.

The heavens and the worlds have different spiritual realms.

The eternal life is from the physical body, to the magical power, to the eternal life, and then to the wonderland.

The tomb world is divided into mortal realm, blood sea realm, Kaiqiao realm, legal realm, and real spiritual realm ...

There are other eternal worlds: Shenhai, Mingqiao, Mingtu, Law ...

But in general, they have the same goal.

Fang Qingshan's secret biography of the Zixiao Palace, which he learned from the Taiqing Immortal Law and the exchange of Dinghaishenzhu with the burning lamp, was the reason of Huang Tingjing's famine.

Refining and refining gas, refining gas and refining gods, refining gods against imagination, refining imagination, and then arranging imagination, then there are scattered immortals and earth immortals ...

According to Fang Qingshan's Taoist Taoist ethics, because he cultivates the Five Elements, the five realms under the earth immortal are to go on a five-element road, and then the five elements are unified, which is a breakthrough ground. Immortal time.

Refine refined gas, repair wood mana, and appreciate the mystery of wood property.

Because the wood is mild and dynamic, it is most suitable for laying the foundation and repairing the beginning.

The next step is to follow the principles of the five elements.

The refining gasification **** ignites the wood attributes, reverts to the fire attribute mana, comprehends the fire attribute mystery, refining the **** to fight against imagination, and then extinguishes the fire to create the earth. Sexuality, Sanxian uses Jinsheng water to repair water.

Of course, if you have special physiques, spiritual veins, root bones, such as Jiuyang's body, you can also follow this and you can repair the fire first, as well as other high attributes.

As for Dixian, in fact, the process is still repeated, and the understanding of the five elements is deepened, but at this time, the practice of the five elements is not the five elements.

Earth immortal, heaven immortal, true immortal, xuanxian, each with a vein, when the golden immortal, it is the Five Qi Chaoyuan, golden immortal.

As for how to practice Jinxian in the future, it will only be deduced when Fang Qingshan practices this step.

Now, even if it is a push, it is just a tower in the air. It is completely useless and flawless. After all, his realm is here.

Next, what Fang Qingshan has to do is rebuild.

This will be a very dangerous moment.

Sangong and being abolished are actually the same, except that one is subjective behavior and the other is external force.

But no matter what, if you are not careful, you will be in danger.

The most prone thing for San Gong is that the body is accustomed to Zhenqi and Reiki, and it is not suitable for San Gong to happen by accident. And cause death.

Fortunately, San Gong is different from being abolished.

In order to spread the work, Fang Qingshan specially deduced a method.

Can slowly escape, rather than flooding, the river is going down.

What's more, these escaped mana were not dissipated in the air, but Fang Qingshan used the method of locking elements to keep them all in his body.

It's just that these mana do not pass through the meridian points, but are injected into the physical membrane.

Refining, still practicing qi, spirituality, or meat ...

Many times, fish and bear's paw are not available at the same time.

But after reaching a certain level, walking on one foot will become slower and slower.

And if you start walking on both feet, although the foundation is more solid, the time spent is not worth the loss for some people.

So this is a question of trade-offs.

However, for Fang Qingshan, this is obviously not a problem.

He has reworked and rebuilt, for what? It is not necessary to lay the foundation more firmly, naturally, one will not walk on one foot.

Refining and training are both correct, and both hands must be grasped, both hands must be hard.

Among the heavenly doctrines, it is not just the method of practicing qi, the method of refining the body, the magical power, the magic, the secret method, and even the supporting magic, the formation method, and the elixir are all inclusive. encyclopedia.

This is the foundation of Fang Qingshan's standing, but also Bodhi, Bodhi, wisdom aura, and Hui Jian. It also reverses time and space, dreams, and has spent so much time, busy for so long. If it is just a single door practice Qi Qi Jue, why even have to comprehend other magical spells and practice a lot of magic.

"The next ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is to rebuild!"

Fang Qingshan didn't immediately rebuild after he created the tactics of the heavens. Instead, he rested for a period of time and restored everything to the best state. His heart was as calm as water, and after Yingyue month, he started to prepare for rebuild.

When Fang Qingshan moved, he first cast out Suo Yuanjue and turned his whole body up and down. Then, run away.

Although it wasn't instantaneously abolished, it was after all a casual effort.

For a while, I saw a mana, as if it had evaporated, slowly emanating from Dantian and the meridians. The momentum on the body became weaker and weaker, and at the end his face was pale, and a few sweat beads were like eave The water under the water is strung together.

Even the extensive meridians, the vast Dantian, are slowly shrinking, as if barren.

The flesh that was originally full of life, at this moment, looks like the mountains and the sun at dusk, breathless.

Fortunately, the practice of San Gong is carried out slowly, otherwise, the sudden outbreak may not be said to be rebuilt. The moment of San Gong is the time of death and death.

Fortunately, at the last trace of mana dissipated, although Fang Qingshan was weak and aging as a whole, he finally persevered, exactly as he deduced, without any errors.

"Next, refine your body first, then practice your qi!"

Fang Qingshan took a long breath and took a drop of Sanguang Shenshui to restore his soul and body. Then it started to rebuild.

He first operated the method of refining the body in the heavenly tactics, and constantly tempered the body with the mana that had just escaped in the body.

It wasn't until it was fully utilized and turned into physical power that it began to refine refined gas, run Ogi's longevity formula, and start practicing gas.

Refining and refining gas, practicing gasification of God, refining God against emptiness, refining emptiness ...

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